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Do mothers and fathers agree? Examining interparental ratings associated with junior externalizing actions between ethnically varied people.
This paper discusses some differences between SARS and COVID-19 in the potential impact of the masks and proposes to consider the most valid evidence available, avoiding prolonged/continuous use without valid needs for face masks, especially outdoors, waiting for others pragmatic RCTs that clarify conclusively a net balance between expected benefits and possible damages. KEYWORDS facemasks effectiveness; medical masks safety - side effects; medical masks and SARS-CoV-2.It is well known that the prevalence of respiratory allergies has increased over time. At the same time, climate change has become part of our everyday life. The resulting question is whether this 'allergic epidemic' is linked to this aspect. It is assumed that the causes of the increase of respiratory allergies are mainly related to environmental factors and lifestyle first, the improvement of social and health conditions and related hygiene hypothesis; secondly, lifestyle change and anthropogenic activities, which have caused an alteration in the balance normally existing between soil, water, and atmosphere, giving rise to the phenomena of climate change. In fact, it has been demonstrated that they can influence beginning, duration, and intensity of the pollen season, as well as the allergenicity of pollen. The consequence is both an increase in frequency and intensity of allergic symptomatology in subjects previously affected by allergy, and a promotion of the sensitization of the airways to allergens present in the atmosphere in predisposed subjects. Several intervention strategies aiming to mitigate climate change and reduce anthropogenic emissions and, consequently, respiratory allergies are possible and can be implemented on an individual and social level. It follows that the allergist cannot solve the problem of the progressive increase of respiratory allergies on his own. Anyway, his role can have both clinical and educational purposes with a special commitment to reduce health impact due to environmental risk factors. KEYWORDS respiratory allergies; allergenic potential of pollen; climate change; pollution.New findings and technical investigations carried out on the material called Martinite have found that, already at the end of the Nineteenth century, this material, with excellent insulating properties, free from asbestos and other substances harmful to human health, was available on the national and international markets. At the beginning of the Twentieth century, Martinite was used in warships of the Italian Royal Navy and, in 1950, the Italian national naval certification body (UNAV) authorized it to be used on all ships. It also had other uses, including the construction of civil power plants. If properly advertised and distributed, Martinite could have been used all over the world in place of asbestos in different applications, avoiding the catastrophic consequences on the health of thousands of people. The product did not receive the desired commercial development, because of the small size of the company, which could not compete with the large asbestos multinationals. KEYWORDS asbestos; Martinite; asbestos substitutes; insulation.
to produce a methodology for the risk ranking of farms located around proven or potential sources of contamination to prioritize the monitoring procedures in food production.

environmental factors that can favour the risk of contamination of products of animal origin (POAO) around a pollutant source were identified. A scale of standardized scores was produced for each risk factor (RF) in order to obtain a risk-based classification. Proteasome activity Subsequently, an algorithm was developed to obtain a relative risk assessment (RRA).

in order to validate the proposed methodology, data of 80 livestock farms in a polluted area, enrolled in a previous study, were subjected to the RRA. Results of RRA were compared with contamination data.

seven RFs were included in a mathematical formula used to classify each farm.

a scoring system was produced for each RFs and an algorithm was developed to obtain RRA which is an estimate of the farm probability of having POAO contamination in comparison to other farms located in the same area potentially affected by chemical pollution based exclusively on site-specific environmental characteristics. In the case study used for validation, a significant relationship between RRA and contamination data was found.

the proposed methodology is a useful tool to support the authorities responsible for the food safety in carrying out the monitoring of POAO in areas subject to environmental risks. It helps to rationalize resources and make controls more effective.
the proposed methodology is a useful tool to support the authorities responsible for the food safety in carrying out the monitoring of POAO in areas subject to environmental risks. It helps to rationalize resources and make controls more effective.
chronic diseases and multimorbidity are on the rise and have a great impact on health and services.

to assess the prevalence and patterns of chronic diseases.

cross-sectional population-based study on administrative data.

the study includes 3,234,276 Tuscany (Central Italy) inhabitants aged over 15, observed as at 01.01.2019.

subjects were classified as affected or not affected by one of the 17 chronic diseases considered, according to administrative data algorithms. Population prevalence was estimated overall and stratified by gender, age range, and socioeconomic level. A factor analysis was performed in order to evaluate multimorbidity.

in Tuscany, 444.8 per 1,000 inhabitants aged over 15 have a chronic disease. The prevalence is 463.5 per 1,000 among females and 424.5 per 1,000 among males, but the two age-adjusted prevalences are equal. The prevalence of chronic patients increases with the level of socioeconomic disadvantage. The most frequent disease is hypertension (308.7 per 1,000), followed by dyslipidaemia (251 per 1,000) and diabetes (75.7 per 1,000). Inflammatory rheumatic diseases and neurological diseases are more prevalent among females than males. The prevalence identified among males almost doubles in comparison to females for all other diseases, in particular for circulatory system diseases. Chronic patients suffer from at least two pathologies in 53.2% of cases. On average, males have more diseases than females. The cardiovascular factor (circulatory system diseases and related) and the neurological factor (neurological diseases and mental disorders) emerged from the factor analysis.

this study quantifies the burden of chronic diseases in the population, which is useful information in epidemiology, in clinical practice, and in services management.
this study quantifies the burden of chronic diseases in the population, which is useful information in epidemiology, in clinical practice, and in services management.
to assess the completeness and timeliness of Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme in Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) Region (Northern Italy), notably by monitoring 2-dose coverage among girls before they turn 15 years old (referred to as "at 15") in each year between 2009 and 2018 and making a preliminary evaluation of coverage among boys at 13 years in 2016-2018.

retrospective study.

for each vaccine recipient, demographic information and history of HPV vaccine uptake from the digital FVG Vaccination Registry updated as of 31.12.2018 were extracted. Numerator data comprised all doses allocated to FVG residents. Age-specific denominators were derived from the FVG census in each examined year. Coverage estimates for the year 2018 were also provided by number of doses.

coverage for a full course of HPV vaccine, defined as 2 doses in girls and boys younger than age 15 years but 3 doses in less young women.

In FVG 52,217 females had received >=1 dose since 2008 and 12,152 males since 2015. &gs of routine and catch-up HPV vaccination in FVG. While coverage in girls at 15 years of age peaked in 2015 and slightly diminished in subsequent years, the coverage in boys at 13 in 2018 had already approached the coverage in same-age girls (57%). On account of the signs of weakening in girls' coverage, campaigns in support to HPV vaccination must be repeated, especially in favour of the most cost-effective group, i.e., girls before 15 years of age. The heavy burden posed by the COVID-19 emergency on other prevention-related activities makes a better targeted use of HPV vaccination even more necessary.
to evaluate the health impact of the emissions of two waste incinerators located in the same area in Pietrasanta (Tuscany Region, Central Italy) at the border with the municipality of Camaiore, especially for diseases suggested in previous studies to be related to those emissions.

epidemiological geographic study.

the study population was defined on the basis of residence in the two municipalities and in the areas characterized by Particulate Matter with diameter equal or less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) and poli-chloro-dibenzo-dioxin / poli-chloro-dibenzo-furans (PCDD/F) pollution defined with a dispersion model. From the resident population, for each cancer case it was sampled a control, matched to case by gender and age at case's diagnosis, and for each premature and low-weight newborn a control matched was sampled by year of birth, gender, and mother's residence.

standardized (standard European population) mortality and hospitalization rates in the residents of the two municipalities were calculated for ln previous studies undertaken in areas characterized by dioxin pollution. There is a deficit of premature births in the area under study compared to the regional area, and no differences are observed among the different pollution areas.

it cannot be excluded that the emissions from the old incinerator had a health impact on the population living in the neighbourhood. Nevertheless, it is possible that other risk factors (occupations and life styles) could have had a role on the obtained results. Better estimates could be obtained also taking into consideration the residential histories of the subjects under study.
it cannot be excluded that the emissions from the old incinerator had a health impact on the population living in the neighbourhood. Nevertheless, it is possible that other risk factors (occupations and life styles) could have had a role on the obtained results. Better estimates could be obtained also taking into consideration the residential histories of the subjects under study.
to evaluate the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic on the access to the emergency services of the Lazio Region (Central Italy) for time-dependent pathologies, for suspected SARS-CoV-2 symptoms, and for potentially inappropriate conditions.

observational study.

accesses to the emergency departments (EDs) of Lazio Region hospitals in the first three months of 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

total number of accesses to the emergency room and number of specific accesses for cardio and cerebrovascular diseases, for severe trauma, for symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions, and for symptoms related to pneumonia.

in the first 3 months of 2019, there were 429,972 accesses to the EDs of Lazio Region; in the same period of 2020, accesses arise to 353,806, (reduction of 21.5%), with a 73% reduction in the last three weeks of march 2020 as compared with the corresponding period of 2019. Comparing the first 3 months of the 2017-2019 with 2020, the accesses for acute coronary syndrome and acute cerebrovascular disease decreased since the 10th week up to more than 57% and 50%, respectively.
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