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YhjC is often a novel transcriptional regulator essential for Shigella flexneri virulence.
Drosophila melanogaster has been used to test drugs of abuse, substances with potential benefits for medical purposes, as well as contaminants and hazardous volatile compounds. This model has also been used for the characterization of behavioral changes, physiopathological consequences, and subcellular mechanisms of the use of cocaine, methamphetamines, ethanol, nicotine, cannabinoids, toluene, and other airborne volatile organic compounds. When testing these substances, routes of administration are important to define. Admixing the test compounds with water or food is one suitable option in many cases, but the inhalation route is especially suitable when the administration of one or more volatile compounds is desired. One advantage of the administration of substances via the inhalation route is its rapid exchange and distribution throughout the cuticle and the tracheal system. In addition, this route allows treating a large group of individuals simultaneously. Moreover, the inhalation route is frequently useul for inhalation pathway assays in Drosophila melanogaster.In vivo erythropoiesis occurs in the erythroblast island niche (EBI), comprising of a central macrophage that attaches to and aids the maturation of erythroid progenitors into mature reticulocytes. Macrophages in hematopoietic tissue such as embryonic fetal liver are heterogeneous and express the cell surface protein F4/80. Earlier methods of isolating F4/80+ macrophages from hematopoietic tissue relied on FACS sorting, but the relatively low numbers of F4/80+ cells obtained after FACS sometimes led to poor RNA quality. Additionally, since EBI macrophages are attached to erythroblasts, care must be taken to avoid contamination with bound erythroblasts. We have developed a novel method for isolating F4/80+ cells from E13.5 mouse fetal liver using magnetic nanoparticles, which can be performed on the lab bench. During cell suspension and homogenization, we also add a peptide that disrupts erythroid macrophage interactions and generates F4/80+ single cells free of erythroid contamination. Thus, our protocol generates a population enriched in F4/80+ cells that are healthy and ready for sensitive techniques such as single cell sequencing.Pneumococcal (PN) meningitis is a life-threatening disease with high mortality rates that leads to permanent neurological sequelae. Studies of the process of bacterial crossing of the blood brain barrier (BBB) are hampered by the lack of relevant in vitro and in vivo models of meningitis that recapitulate the human disease. PN meningitis involves bacterial access to the bloodstream preceding translocation across the BBB. A large number of PN meningitis models have been developed in mice, with intravenous administration via the lateral tail vein representing the main way to study BBB crossing by PN. While in humans, meningitis is not always associated with bacteremia, PN meningitis after intravenous injection in mice usually develops following sustained and very high bacteremic titers. High grade bacteremia, however, is known to favor inflammation and BBB permeabilization, thereby increasing PN translocation across the BBB and associated damages. Therefore, specific processes associated with early events of PN translocation may be blurred by overall changes in the inflammatory environment and potentially systemic dysfunction in the case of severe sepsis. Here, we report a mouse meningitis model induced by PN injection in the retro-orbital (RO) sinus. We show that, in this model, mice appear to control bacteremic levels during the first 13 h post-infection, while PN crossing of the BBB can be clearly detected by fluorescence confocal microscopy analysis of brain slices as early as 6 h post-infection. Because of the low frequency of events, however, PN translocation across brain parenchymal vessels at early time points requires a rigorous and systematic examination of the brain volume.Regulation of microtubule stability is crucial for diverse biological processes, including cell division, morphogenesis, and signaling. Various in vitro assays for microtubule stability have been developed to identify and characterize proteins involved in controlling microtubule stability. Here, we introduce a simple ex-vivo assay for identifying potential microtubule regulators in the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila melanogaster. This assay utilizes silicon rhodamine-tubulin (SiR-Tub) as a cell-permeable fluorogenic dye for labeling microtubules. In an attempt to increase the sensitivity of the screen, we designed an assay using a sensitized microtubule condition. Wing discs are treated with SiR-Tub followed by demecolcine, a microtubule inhibitor, to partially label impaired microtubules. Under this sensitized condition, we can test whether overexpression or downregulation of a gene can enhance or suppress the weakened SiR-Tub labeling. This assay allows highly sensitive detection of microtubules in developing larval tissues. Hence, it provides a useful tool for identifying new microtubule regulators in both unfixed and fixed imaginal discs in Drosophila. This strategy may also be applied to characterize microtubule regulators in tissues from other model organisms. Graphic abstract Graphical summary of Ex-vivo microtubule stability assay using Drosophila wing disc.Gene expression depends on the binding of transcription factors with DNA regulatory sequences. The level of accessibility for these sequences varies between cells and cell types. Until recently, using the Tn5 assay for transposase-accessible chromatin for sequencing (ATAC-seq) technology allowed assessing the profiles of chromatin from an entire organ or, when coupled with the isolation of nuclei tagged in specific cell types (INTACT) method, from a cell-type. Recently, ATAC-seq experiments were conducted at the level of individual plant nuclei. Applying single nuclei ATAC-seq (sNucATAC-seq) technology to thousands of individual cells revealed more finely tuned profiles of chromatin accessibility. In this manuscript, we describe a method to isolate nuclei fom plant roots and green tissues, permeabilize the nuclear membrane using detergent to allow the penetration of the Tn5 transposase, and re-suspend them in a nuclei resuspension buffer compatible with the construction of sNucATAC-seq libraries using the 10× Genomic's Chromium technology. This protocol was successfully applied on Arabidopsis thaliana and Glycine max root nuclei.High-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has extraordinarily advanced our understanding of gene expression and disease etiology, and is a powerful tool for the identification of biomarkers in a wide range of organisms. However, most RNA-seq methods rely on retroviral reverse transcriptases (RTs), enzymes that have inherently low fidelity and processivity, to convert RNAs into cDNAs for sequencing. Here, we describe an RNA-seq protocol using Thermostable Group II Intron Reverse Transcriptases (TGIRTs), which have high fidelity, processivity, and strand-displacement activity, as well as a proficient template-switching activity that enables efficient and seamless RNA-seq adapter addition. By combining these activities, TGIRT-seq enables the simultaneous profiling of all RNA biotypes from small amounts of starting material, with superior RNA-seq metrics, and unprecedented ability to sequence structured RNAs. The TGIRT-seq protocol for Illumina sequencing consists of three steps (i) addition of a 3' RNA-seq adaptethetic R2 RNA/R2R DNA starter duplex with a 1-nt 3' DNA overhang (a mixture of A, C, G, and T residues, denoted N) that base pairs to the 3' nucleotide of a target RNA, and upon initiating reverse transcription by adding dNTPs, seamlessly links an R2R adapter to the 5' end of the resulting cDNA; (2) Ligation of an R1R adapter to the 3' end of the completed cDNA; and (3) Minimal PCR amplification with primers that add Illumina capture sites (P5 and P7) and barcode sequences (indices 5 and 7). The index 7 barcode is required, while the index 5 barcode is optional, to provide unique dual indices (UDIs).Satellite cells (SCs) are muscle stem cells capable of regenerating injured muscle. The study of their functional potential depends on the availability of methods for the isolation and expansion of pure SCs, which retain myogenic properties after serial passages in vitro. Here, we describe a protocol for the isolation and in vitro expansion of highly pure mouse and human SCs based on ice-cold treatment (ICT). The ICT is carried out by briefly incubating the dish containing a heterogeneous mix of adherent muscle mononuclear cells on ice for 15-30 min, which leads to the detachment only of the SCs, and gives rise to SC cultures with 95-100% purity. This approach can also be used to passage the cells, allowing SC expansion over extended periods of time without compromising their proliferation or differentiation potential. Overall, the ICT method is cost-effective, accessible, technically simple, reproducible, and highly efficient. Graphic abstract Figure 1.Satellite cell isolation using the ice-cold treatment method.The experimental identification of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) is critical to understand protein function. Thus, a plethora of sensitive and versatile approaches have been developed to detect PPIs in vitro or in vivo, such as protein pull-down, yeast two-hybrid (Y2H), co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP), and bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays. The recently established split-luciferase complementation (Split-LUC) imaging assay has several advantages compared to other approaches to detect PPIs in planta it is a relatively simple and fast method to detect PPIs in vivo; the results are quantitative, with high sensitivity and low background; it measures dynamic PPIs in real-time; and it requires limited experimental materials and instrumentation. In this assay, the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal halves of the luciferase enzyme are fused to two proteins of interest (POIs), respectively; the luciferase protein is reconstituted when two POIs interact with each other, giving rise to a measurable activity. Here, we describe a protocol for the Split-LUC imaging assay using a pair of modified gateway-compatible vectors upon Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. With this setup, we have successfully confirmed a series of interactions among virus-plant proteins, virus-virus proteins, plant-plant proteins, or bacteria-plant proteins in N. benthamiana.
Clinical diagnosis of atypical parkinsonisms may be challenging. The eye-of-the-tiger sign on brain MRI, typical of neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, has been anecdotally observed in cases clinically diagnosed as atypical parkinsonisms.

To show how clinical syndromes and even neuroimaging sometimes may lead the neurologist to a misunderstanding, just as to emphasize the important role of pathology to establish the final diagnosis in these cases.

Clinico-pathological case.

A 67-year-old-woman presented with progressive painful stiffness and allodynia in her left arm. Selleckchem Rolipram On examination, she presented parkinsonism without tremor with greater involvement of left limbs. She developed dystonia, with myoclonic tremor and hypoesthesia involving her left arm, as well as an impairment of balance with falls, a significant axial involvement with disabling rigidity, supranuclear gaze abnormalities, facial dystonia, dysphonia, severe dysphagia, and anarthria. There was no response to levodopa. Syndromic diagnosis and findings on neuroimaging are discussed.
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