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Portrayal of Thermoresponsive Poly-N-Vinylcaprolactam Polymers pertaining to Natural Apps.
The goal of the optimal treatment regime is maximizing treatment benefits via personalized treatment assignments based on the observed patient and treatment characteristics. Parametric regression-based outcome learning approaches require exploring complex interplay between the outcome and treatment assignments adjusting for the patient and treatment covariates, yet correctly specifying such relationships is challenging. Thus, a robust method against misspecified models is desirable in practice. Parsimonious models are also desired to pursue a concise interpretation and to avoid including spurious predictors of the outcome or treatment benefits. These issues have not been comprehensively addressed in the presence of competing risks. Recognizing that competing risks and group variables are frequently present, we propose a doubly robust estimation with adaptive L 1 penalties to select important variables at both group and within-group levels for competing risks data. The proposed method is applied to hematopoietic cell transplantation data to personalize the graft source choice for treatment-related mortality (TRM). While the existing medical literature attempts to find a uniform solution ignoring the heterogeneity of the graft source effects on TRM, the analysis results show the effect of the graft source on TRM could be different depending on the patient-specific characteristics.This study investigated the possibility of inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 virus using the compounds alpha-Boswellic acid (ABA) and beta-Boswellic acid (BBA) which are active components in the well-known natural product Boswellia carterii (BC). The SARS-CoV-2 virus reproduces in the body by linking its spike with the cell receptor. At the same time, a pH range (4.5-6) of the cell's lysosomes is considered as a perfect environment to release RNA in the cell cytoplasm. In view of these, docking studies were employed to study the interaction between the spikes of the virus and ABA or BBA using Molecular Graphic Laboratory (MGL) tools and AutoDock Vina application. The binding of the ABA and BBA with the spike of the virus could inhibit its reproduction or provide sufficient time for the immune system to recognize the virus and hence, produce suitable antibodies. In addition, the pKa of ABA, BBA and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were calculated using HF/6-311G (d,p) method and then they were compared with the experimental pKa of HCQ. The Lethal Concentrations (LC50) of ABA and BBA were also calculated. In addition, molecular electrostatic potential is reported which indicates the active sites of ABA and BBA.Face coverings have been shown to slow the spread of COVID-19, yet their use is not universal and remains controversial in the United States. Designing effective nudges for widespread adoption is important when federal mandates are politically or legally infeasible. We report the results from a survey experiment in which subjects were exposed to one of three video messages from President Trump, and then indicated their preference for wearing a mask. In the first video, the President simply recited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. In the second, the President additionally emphasized that wearing a mask is optional. In the third video, the President added that he will not personally wear a mask. We find that exposure to presidential messages can increase the stated likelihood of wearing a mask-particularly among the President's supporters. We also explore experiential effects of COVID-19, and find that people (especially supporters of the President) are more likely to support wearing a mask if they know someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. These results offer guidance to policy makers and practitioners interested in understanding the factors that influence viral risk mitigation strategies.This article reviews the many and varied mass spectrometry based responses to the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus amidst a continuing global healthcare crisis. Although RT-PCR is the most prevalent molecular based surveillance approach, improvements in the detection sensitivities with mass spectrometry coupled to the rapid nature of analysis, the high molecular precision of measurements, opportunities for high sample throughput, and the potential for in-field testing, offer advantages for characterising the virus and studying the molecular pathways by which it infects host cells. The detection of biomarkers by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, studies of viral peptides using proteotyping strategies, targeted LC-MS analyses to identify abundant peptides in clinical specimens, the analysis of viral protein glycoforms, proteomics approaches to understand impacts of infection on host cells, and examinations of point-of-care breath analysis have all been explored. This review organises and illustrates these applications with reference to the many studies that have appeared in the literature since the outbreak. In this respect, those studies in which mass spectrometry has a major role are the focus, and only those which have peer-reviewed have been cited.There is a fast-growing literature on estimating optimal treatment regimes based on randomized trials or observational studies under a key identifying condition of no unmeasured confounding. Because confounding by unmeasured factors cannot generally be ruled out with certainty in observational studies or randomized trials subject to noncompliance, we propose a general instrumental variable approach to learning optimal treatment regimes under endogeneity. Specifically, we establish identification of both value function E [ Y D ( L ) ] for a given regime D and optimal regimes arg max D E [ Y D ( L ) ] with the aid of a binary instrumental variable, when no unmeasured confounding fails to hold. We also construct novel multiply robust classification-based estimators. Furthermore, we propose to identify and estimate optimal treatment regimes among those who would comply to the assigned treatment under a monotonicity assumption. In this latter case, we establish the somewhat surprising result that complier optimal regimes can be consistently estimated without directly collecting compliance information and therefore without the complier average treatment effect itself being identified. Our approach is illustrated via extensive simulation studies and a data application on the effect of child rearing on labor participation.Faith-based organizations are entities recommended to promote and provide health-related physical activity to youth. Meanwhile, religious institutions-including synagogues-typically use diverse media, including websites, bulletins/newsletters, and calendars to inform current and potential members about both general (e.g., theological) and specific practical messages (e.g., about the occurrence of services, meetings, and programs). Given the historical role synagogue centers played in the early- to mid-twentieth century in providing members recreational and sport programming, we were interested to know what physical activities synagogues currently advertise through the aforementioned media. From January through May 2019, we completed a line-by-line analysis of the public websites of a large nationally representative sample of synagogues (n = 1383 sites from 337 U.S. cities in 39 states) to assess content (including links to bulletins/newsletters and calendars) related to child and adolescent physical activity./providing and accommodating their physical activity needs and preferences.Logically, and by most common standards, academics would be pleased to be cited, considering it a form of recognition of their intellect. In return, especially those with high citation counts, such as Clarivate Analytics' Highly Cited Researchers, can benefit through peer recognition, rewards, funding, securing a better position, or expanding a collaborative network. Despite known and untold benefits, one issue has not been discussed the right to refuse to be cited or the right to refuse a citation. Academics might not want to be cited by papers published in truly predatory journals, papers with false authors, or sting papers with falsified elements that employ underhanded ethical tactics. Currently, academics generally have the freedom to select where they publish their findings and choose studies they cite, so it is highly probable that requests to remove citations or refuse citations might never become formal publishing policy. Nonetheless, this academic discussion is worth having as valid and invalid literature increasingly gets mixed through citations, and as the grey zone between predatory/non-predatory and scholarly/unscholarly becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish.The Covid-19 pandemic has been the highest disruptive event in the world recent history. Worldwide academic research on this topic has led to an explosion of scientific literature, never seen before. Bibliometrics provide methods to illustrate this exceptional phenomenon in academic publications. The objective of this paper is to analyze the Covid-19 research from a bibliometric perspective and to study the impact of the publication explosion on bibliometric indicators. The present study shows how an exceptional phenomenon has a disruptive impact on bibliometric indicators, such as the h-index and the Journal Impact Factor. The higher the specialization, the higher the possible impact of a disruptive phenomenon. In applied sciences, more important than the research or the discipline, the specific theme of the research is crucial for citations of articles and for their impact. The salience of the topic, the magnitude of the problem at study and the urgency to find solutions are drivers for citations. The study of the Covid-19 research illustrates the relativity of indicators and the need for context. The present study also confirms the plead for responsible metrics of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).Pandemics have been an unfortunate but consistent facet of human existence over centuries, threatening lives as well as livelihoods globally. Disconcertingly, their frequency persists, with four "major" pandemics disrupting the planet in the last 65 years and more expected in the future. While many of the economic and health consequences of pandemics are well-documented, their marketing implications are less understood. Addressing this gap, we develop a broad, conceptual framework to highlight the characteristics and impacts of pandemics as they relate to marketing. We first identify four macro-level forces that characterize pandemics and highlight their marketing implications. Next, using the 7P marketing mix model as the organizing structure, we discuss these implications at a micro-level and identify a set of research questions to stimulate further inquiry, not only to generate deeper insights pertaining to pandemics' marketing implications but also to envision new developments in these areas. Finally, we identify pandemics' disproportionate impacts on and implications for some industry sectors, including healthcare, retail, education, hospitality, and tourism.This study identifies the basin scale factors and potential remedies to restore the severely polluted Hindon River in India, by comparing with another basin with high population density the River Thames in the UK. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and dissolved oxygen (DO) in the Thames River are usually around 8 mg/l and 7.5 mg/l respectively, while phosphorus and ammonium range between 0.1-0.6 mg/l and 0.1-0.4 mg/l respectively. The Thames has seen great improvements in water quality over the past decades, due to high levels of sewage treatment and regulation of industrial effluents which have improved water quality conditions. Conversely, the Hindon River suffers from extremely poor water quality and this is mainly attributed to the direct discharge of partially treated or untreated municipal and industrial wastewater into the river. BOD is in the range of 15-60 mg/l and DO is below 5 mg/l. Subasumstat nmr Phosphorus ranges around 2-6 mg/l at most of the monitoring stations and ammonia-nitrogen in the range of 10-40 mg /l in Galeta at Hindon.
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