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Invited evaluate: Tension opposition of Cronobacter spp. influencing control of its growth in the course of food manufacturing.
Based on previously published data, the Czech Republic is regarded an endemic country of the onchocercid nematodes Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856) and Dirofilaria repens Railliet et Henry, 1911. Nevertheless, while cases of D. repens are commonly reported from dogs in South Moravia, no recent records of D. immitis are available. Therefore, the present study was performed to clarify the occurrence of both species of Dirofilaria Railliet et Henry, 1910. Blood samples of 551 dogs sampled during 2015 and 2016 were analysed microscopically for presence of microfilariae and blood sera were examined by IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test (IDEXX, USA). DNA from blood of microscopically positive dogs was extracted and PCR protocol amplifying fragment of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene was performed; PCR products were then sequenced. All dogs from the Bohemian part of the Czech Republic were negative. Dactolisib nmr The prevalence of D. repens in the Moravian region was 5.7 % (27/476). BLAST analyses of obtained sequences confirmed the presence of D. repens (99-100% identical to KX265049). All sampled animals showed a negative result for D. immitis antigen in IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test. Our study confirmed the previously reported occurrence of D. repens in South Moravia and revealed its spreading from the epicentre to the north and west. PCR with subsequent sequencing together with negative results for D. immitis antigen in IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test revealed only D. repens infection. A previously published autochthonous infection of dogs with D. immitis in South Moravia was not confirmed.Intraosseous infusion provides a safe and effective access to the vascular system that allows for administration of urgent therapies in both adults and children. It has few contraindications and complications are rare. The needle is most commonly inserted in the proximal tibia or anterior humerus. Different devices are available but those with a traditional drill are the most widespread. The intraosseous infusion procedure is easy and the learning curve is short, making it the best alternative when traditional intravenous access is not possible or delayed.Hereditary neuropathies have been the subject of recent major therapeutic advances. Treatments based on antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) have been developed and are now commercially available to treat hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (hTTR) and porphyria. More recently, a CRISPR-Cas9 genomic editing treatment targeting the TTR gene has been developed and is being tested in patients with hTTR. Based on their success in hTTR and porphyria, innovative treatments targeting mRNA and DNA are being evaluated in other hereditary neuropathies, including Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) has been widely described during the last quarter of the twentieth century. The last 20 years have seen decisive progress in its understanding. The diagnostic criteria have been simplified and the steps of the diagnostic process have been clarified. The phenotypic contours of the disease are now well known, as are the diagnostic pitfalls. From a pathophysiological point of view, the discovery of autoantibodies directed against nodal and paranodal proteins has been a major advance, although it concerns only a minority of patients. These discoveries have a major impact on the therapeutic management of these patients, often suffering from a very active form of the disease. The next 20 years will surely see a further deepening of knowledge about this fascinating disease.Small fiber neuropathies affect small, poorly myelinated sensory Aδ and amyelinated C autonomic fibers. Neuropathic pain is often the main symptom. Positive diagnosis is based on the presence of deficient thermo-algesic sensory signs and/or dysautonomic signs with normal neurography. Several tests help to confirm the involvement of small fibers, ranging from simple tests such as the sympathetic skin response to skin biopsy, which measures the density of intraepidermal nerve fibers. The availability of these different tests varies greatly from one center to another. There are multiple etiologies, from rare genetic causes to the more frequent acquired dysimmune or metabolic causes. However, in more than half of the cases, no etiology is identified.Muscle diseases or myopathies have heterogeneous clinical presentations and etiologies. The principal sign is muscular weakness, whose distribution can help diagnostic orientation. Exercise intolerance, even without weakness at rest, can indicate an underlying myopathy. An isolated CK elevation can have multiple causes, but its persistence after a period of rest can point towards a subclinical myopathy. Isolated myalgia, especially at rest, are usually not associated with muscle disease. If the suspicion of myopathy is high, the patient will be assessed by a neurologist trained in muscle disorders, with correlation of clinical and neurophysiological findings, muscle imaging and, if indicated, muscle biopsy and genetic analysis. Cardiac and respiratory assessments are mandatory if a myopathy is suspected.Shoulder pain or paresis should be assessed carefully, as there are many possible causes, which can be osteoarticular, degenerative, inflammatory, or neurological. Weakness or pain can be related to cervicobrachialgia, plexitis, or focal mononeuropathy. The clinical picture should identify any muscular or mechanical origin of paresis responsible for pseudo-paretic functional limitation. Neurogenic scapulalgia with functional deficit implies the compression or entrapment of a nerve trunk including the axillary, long thoracic, accessory, suprascapular, or dorsal scapular nerves. Nerve conduction study and myography together with medical imaging help to identify the relevant etiology. Treatment mostly includes pain relief and physiotherapy, but surgery is rarely necessary.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common motor neuron disease of the adult age. It is an aggressive condition with a mean disease duration of only 3 to 5 years, characterized by progressive weakness and atrophy of limb, bulbar, and respiratory muscles. In general, death is caused by chronic hypoventilation due to respiratory insufficiency. No causal treatment is known today, but the two therapeutic agents authorized in Switzerland for the treatment of ALS can slow disease progression significantly. Other important therapeutic strategies include invasive/non-invasive ventilation, pain therapy, as well as physio-, ergo- and speech therapy on a regular basis.Muscle cramps are very common and can reduce quality of life. There are multiple causes, including some physiological conditions, metabolic, endocrine, vascular disorders or neuromuscular diseases. Adequate management first requires differentiating cramps from other muscular phenomena. In most cases, the investigations are limited to a comprehensive history and clinical examination, but a biological, radiological and/or electrophysiological work-up may be useful. Treatment, when needed, is most often symptomatic and is unfortunately based on little evidence.The topological interpretation of phonons provides a new platform for new concepts in phonon physics. While reports on topological electronic excitations are plenty, the number of reports on phonons is extremely limited. In this paper, we present some realistic materials as examples and demonstrate the appearance of ideal nodal-net, nodal-chain, and nodal-cage phonons in these materials based on first-principle calculations; Pna21 LiAlSe2 has a nodal-net phonon, which is composed of two nodal-chain phonons along the U-R and U-Z directions; Pnma NaMgH3 has a nodal-chain phonon in the extended Brillouin zone (BZ), which comprises two Weyl nodal-ring phonons in the kx-kz and kx-ky planes. Moreover, P42/ncm AuBr has a nodal-cage phonon, which is composed of nodal-line phonons in the kz = 0, kz = π, kx = 0, and ky = 0 planes. Because the presented phonon bands and phonon surface states in these materials are quite clean, they can be easily detected in experiments. Our research results provide an ideal platform for realising complex geometric shapes (formed by nodal lines) in the momentum space of phonons.Nitrogen fixation is essential for the maintenance of life and development of society, however, the large bond dissociation energy and nonpolarity of the triple bond constitute a considerable challenge. The transition metals, by virtue of their combination of empty and occupied d orbitals, are prevalent in the nitrogen fixation studies and are continuing to receive a significant focus. The main group metals have always been considered incapable in dinitrogen activation owing to the absence of energetically and symmetrically accessible orbitals. The past decades have witnessed significant breakthroughs in the dinitrogen activation with the main group elements and compounds via either matrix isolation, theoretical calculations or synthetic chemistry. The successful reactions of the low-valent species of the main group elements with inert dinitrogen have been reported via the π back-donation from either the d orbitals (Ca, Sr, Ba) or p orbitals (Be, B, C…). Herein, the significant achievements have been briefly summarized, along with predicting the future developments.A nickel-catalyzed C-H heteroarylation of arenes has been described using a removable oxazoline-aniline derived directing group. Utilization of an inexpensive nickel(II)-catalyst, substrate scope, functional group diversity and late-stage functionalization of xanthine-derived commercial drugs are the important practical features.Compared to crystalline carbon nitride, the performance of disordered carbon nitride (d-CN) as a hydrogen production photocatalyst is extremely poor. Owing to its disordered atomic orientation, it is prone to numerous defect states. These energy states are potential sites for trapping and recombination of photogenerated charge carriers. As a result, rapid recombination of photogenerated charge carriers places a fundamental photophysical challenge in charge separation and transport, which inhibits its photocatalytic activity. In the presence of reduced graphene oxide (rGO), d-CN shows enhanced photocatalytic production of hydrogen. However, photophysical insight into the tacit role of rGO is not well understood which limits the rational design of d-CN as a photocatalyst. Particularly, understanding of the early time-scale (in fs to ps) recombination mechanism and the charge transport kinetics has not yet been achieved. With the help of ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy, femtosecond time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy and transient photocurrent measurements, this article deciphers the ultrafast dynamics of the separation and transport of photogenerated charge carriers in d-CN facilitated by rGO. It is found that rGO substantially suppresses the bimolecular and trap-assisted recombination and enables a faster separation of charge carriers. As a result, it increases the lifetime of the charge carriers to be transported to the surface catalytic sites, and therefore, augments the rate of hydrogen production almost by an order of magnitude. Our findings therefore offer a proof-of-concept for overcoming the trap-mediated recombination problems in disordered carbon nitride.
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