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9 Things Your Parents Teach You About American Style Fridge Freezers
American Fridges Freezers

American fridges freezers can be a stylish accent piece for any kitchen. They're large, so you can stockpile and shop less.

They are also sleek and minimalist in design. Look out for a mini bar door on the fridge that folds down for ease of access to your cold drinks.


American fridge freezers are more spacious than their UK counterparts, and they look stunning in any kitchen. These fridges are usually freestanding and can be as large as 91cm. They can also range in size between 70cm and 91cm.

Usually, they come with two doors that are full length, giving access to both freezer and fridge. They also often feature shelves on the doors for easy-to-reach items. This classic design is popular with consumers due to the fact that it offers an ample amount of storage space and eye level access to contents without having to open the fridge or freezer multiple times. This saves energy.

These freezers are also bigger than their UK counterparts, allowing you to store more frozen items. This helps to reduce the amount of trips to the supermarket. The extra storage space makes them an ideal option for large family dinners and planning parties.

Some models are equipped with frost-free technologies that eliminate the need for manual defrosting and extend their lifespan. They also come with exciting features such as dispensers of water and ice for chilled drinks on demand.

Take measurements of your space prior to purchasing an American refrigerator freezer. You should also consider the height so that you can fit it into the space and that it doesn't impact any doors or cabinets during opening. If you are buying a model with a plumbed-in plumbing system, remember that you'll need to ensure it can be placed close to a water supply.


The term 'American-style refrigerator freezer is used to refer to big models that are loved by families. They typically have doors that are doubled and extend to the size of the size of a cupboard. This classic design permits the user to view food items at eye level without having to open the entire appliance. You can save energy by opening only one door at a time, and minimize cold air loss.

If you're cooking for a large number of people or want to cook in batches, look for models that offer more storage space and useful features like no-frost and multi-flow settings. Many of the American models we offer include an ice dispenser that is convenient to allow everyone to sip a chilled glass of water.

Some models feature an open-air zone that could be used as a second freezer compartment or fridge. This gives you the flexibility that you need to accommodate your expanding family and the contents of your weekly grocery shopping.

Most of our models are stand-alone, and can be placed as a stylish piece of furniture, or placed into a bank's kitchen units to give a sleeker appearance. Remember that these appliances tend to be deeper than traditional refrigerator freezers, so you'll want to be sure that you are able to incorporate them into your space.


If you have a big household to feed, look for American refrigerator freezers that can hold more than 500 litres of storage capacity. That's enough room to fit around 40 bags of shopping into!

Look out for models with glass panels which give you the view of your food without opening the door. This way, you can see what's inside before going out for a shopping spree - no more forgetting that crucial block of cheese! You can choose fridge-freezers equipped with mini bar doors that can be folded out, perfect to open your beer. Some models also have an ice dispenser, water dispenser dispenser, and crushed ice. This allows you to have chilled drinks at your fingertips, without the need for an additional container. They are also easy to clean.

Frost-free technology or no frost will extend the life of your appliance. It stops build-ups that could affect the functionality of your appliance. It also saves time and effort since you'll have to defrost less frequently than conventional refrigerator freezers.

A number of our models have a holiday setting that reduces how much energy your fridge-freezer consumes while you are away. Make sure to empty the freezer before you leave! We also have models that have energy efficiency ratings of A or higher. This is good for the environment and will help keep your electricity bills at a minimum.


Although American fridge freezers can take up plenty of space compared to UK models, this doesn't mean they're the same amount to run. Modern manufacturing techniques and energy efficiency demands from customers mean that these massive appliances use less electricity than you might think.

The bigger the fridge freezer, the greater the operating cost. This isn't always the case. The compressor is often located near a large vertical freezer compartment. This causes it to quickly heat up and to work harder to keep the food items cold.

But, this doesn't need to be the case. you can choose from a variety of American fridge freezers that are A+ energy rated with low noise levels as well. Look for features that cut down on your food expenses by allowing for full air flow to prevent condensation of frost, and fancy drawers that are 0@ in size for fruit and vegetables for maximum long-lasting freshness.

american style fridge freezer to note that these huge kitchen appliances can be quite heavy, so you'll need to confirm that they'll pass through the front and interior doors on delivery - especially in the event that you're getting it delivered up to the top of a flat. If you're concerned then you should inquire with the retailer if they are able to take off (and reconnect) the refrigerator freezer doors after they have delivered it or hire a handyman to do it for you.

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