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Management of iodine-containing h2o through the UV/NH2Cl method: Blended organic and natural matters change, iodinated trihalomethane development along with accumulation alternative.
These findings suggest that the ITCs have a broader role in a range of amygdala functions and associated brain states that underpins the capacity to adapt to salient environmental demands.Neurons have recently emerged as essential cellular constituents of the tumour microenvironment, and their activity has been shown to increase the growth of a diverse number of solid tumours1. see more Although the role of neurons in tumour progression has previously been demonstrated2, the importance of neuronal activity to tumour initiation is less clear-particularly in the setting of cancer predisposition syndromes. Fifteen per cent of individuals with the neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) cancer predisposition syndrome (in which tumours arise in close association with nerves) develop low-grade neoplasms of the optic pathway (known as optic pathway gliomas (OPGs)) during early childhood3,4, raising the possibility that postnatal light-induced activity of the optic nerve drives tumour initiation. Here we use an authenticated mouse model of OPG driven by mutations in the neurofibromatosis 1 tumour suppressor gene (Nf1)5 to demonstrate that stimulation of optic nerve activity increases optic glioma growth, and that decreasing visual experience via light deprivation prevents tumour formation and maintenance. We show that the initiation of Nf1-driven OPGs (Nf1-OPGs) depends on visual experience during a developmental period in which Nf1-mutant mice are susceptible to tumorigenesis. Germline Nf1 mutation in retinal neurons results in aberrantly increased shedding of neuroligin 3 (NLGN3) within the optic nerve in response to retinal neuronal activity. Moreover, genetic Nlgn3 loss or pharmacological inhibition of NLGN3 shedding blocks the formation and progression of Nf1-OPGs. Collectively, our studies establish an obligate role for neuronal activity in the development of some types of brain tumours, elucidate a therapeutic strategy to reduce OPG incidence or mitigate tumour progression, and underscore the role of Nf1mutation-mediated dysregulation of neuronal signalling pathways in mouse models of the NF1 cancer predisposition syndrome.Trypanosomes are protozoan parasites that cause infectious diseases, including African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) in humans and nagana in economically important livestock1,2. An effective vaccine against trypanosomes would be an important control tool, but the parasite has evolved sophisticated immunoprotective mechanisms-including antigenic variation3-that present an apparently insurmountable barrier to vaccination. Here we show, using a systematic genome-led vaccinology approach and a mouse model of Trypanosoma vivax infection4, that protective invariant subunit vaccine antigens can be identified. Vaccination with a single recombinant protein comprising the extracellular region of a conserved cell-surface protein that is localized to the flagellum membrane (which we term 'invariant flagellum antigen from T. vivax') induced long-lasting protection. Immunity was passively transferred with immune serum, and recombinant monoclonal antibodies to this protein could induce sterile protection and revealed several mechanisms of antibody-mediated immunity, including a major role for complement. Our discovery identifies a vaccine candidate for an important parasitic disease that has constrained socioeconomic development in countries in sub-Saharan Africa5, and provides evidence that highly protective vaccines against trypanosome infections can be achieved.Folates (also known as vitamin B9) have a critical role in cellular metabolism as the starting point in the synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids and the universal methylating agent S-adenylsmethionine1,2. Folate deficiency is associated with a number of developmental, immune and neurological disorders3-5. Mammals cannot synthesize folates de novo; several systems have therefore evolved to take up folates from the diet and distribute them within the body3,6. The proton-coupled folate transporter (PCFT) (also known as SLC46A1) mediates folate uptake across the intestinal brush border membrane and the choroid plexus4,7, and is an important route for the delivery of antifolate drugs in cancer chemotherapy8-10. How PCFT recognizes folates or antifolate agents is currently unclear. Here we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of PCFT in a substrate-free state and in complex with a new-generation antifolate drug (pemetrexed). Our results provide a structural basis for understanding antifolate recognition and provide insights into the pH-regulated mechanism of folate transport mediated by PCFT.Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) has emerged as a central paradigm for understanding how membraneless organelles compartmentalize diverse cellular activities in eukaryotes1-3. Here we identify a superfamily of plant guanylate-binding protein (GBP)-like GTPases (GBPLs) that assemble LLPS-driven condensates within the nucleus to protect against infection and autoimmunity. In Arabidopsis thaliana, two members of this family-GBPL1 and GBPL3-undergo phase-transition behaviour to control transcriptional responses as part of an allosteric switch that is triggered by exposure to biotic stress. GBPL1, a pseudo-GTPase, sequesters catalytically active GBPL3 under basal conditions but is displaced by GBPL3 LLPS when it enters the nucleus following immune cues to drive the formation of unique membraneless organelles termed GBPL defence-activated condensates (GDACs) that we visualized by in situ cryo-electron tomography. Within these mesoscale GDAC structures, native GBPL3 directly bound defence-gene promoters and recruited specific transcriptional coactivators of the Mediator complex and RNA polymerase II machinery to massively reprogram host gene expression for disease resistance. Together, our study identifies a GBPL circuit that reinforces the biological importance of phase-separated condensates, in this case, as indispensable players in plant defence.The functional engagement between an enhancer and its target promoter ensures precise gene transcription1. Understanding the basis of promoter choice by enhancers has important implications for health and disease. Here we report that functional loss of a preferred promoter can release its partner enhancer to loop to and activate an alternative promoter (or alternative promoters) in the neighbourhood. We refer to this target-switching process as 'enhancer release and retargeting'. Genetic deletion, motif perturbation or mutation, and dCas9-mediated CTCF tethering reveal that promoter choice by an enhancer can be determined by the binding of CTCF at promoters, in a cohesin-dependent manner-consistent with a model of 'enhancer scanning' inside the contact domain. Promoter-associated CTCF shows a lower affinity than that at chromatin domain boundaries and often lacks a preferred motif orientation or a partnering CTCF at the cognate enhancer, suggesting properties distinct from boundary CTCF. Analyses of cancer mutations, data from the GTEx project and risk loci from genome-wide association studies, together with a focused CRISPR interference screen, reveal that enhancer release and retargeting represents an overlooked mechanism that underlies the activation of disease-susceptibility genes, as exemplified by a risk locus for Parkinson's disease (NUCKS1-RAB7L1) and three loci associated with cancer (CLPTM1L-TERT, ZCCHC7-PAX5 and PVT1-MYC).Myocardial infarction is a major cause of premature death in adults. Compromised cardiac function after myocardial infarction leads to chronic heart failure with systemic health complications and a high mortality rate1. Effective therapeutic strategies are needed to improve the recovery of cardiac function after myocardial infarction. More specifically, there is a major unmet need for a new class of drugs that can improve cardiomyocyte contractility, because inotropic therapies that are currently available have been associated with high morbidity and mortality in patients with systolic heart failure2,3 or have shown a very modest reduction of risk of heart failure4. Microtubule detyrosination is emerging as an important mechanism for the regulation of cardiomyocyte contractility5. Here we show that deficiency of microtubule-affinity regulating kinase 4 (MARK4) substantially limits the reduction in the left ventricular ejection fraction after acute myocardial infarction in mice, without affecting infarct size or cardiac remodelling. Mechanistically, we provide evidence that MARK4 regulates cardiomyocyte contractility by promoting phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP4), which facilitates the access of vasohibin 2 (VASH2)-a tubulin carboxypeptidase-to microtubules for the detyrosination of α-tubulin. Our results show how the detyrosination of microtubules in cardiomyocytes is finely tuned by MARK4 to regulate cardiac inotropy, and identify MARK4 as a promising therapeutic target for improving cardiac function after myocardial infarction.Migraine is a complex genetic brain disorder with an intricate pathogenesis and polymorphous clinical presentations, particularly in children. In this Perspective, we describe the different phenotypes of migraine in children, including conditions that have been referred to in the International Classification of Headache Disorders as "syndromes that may be related to migraine''. Evidence is presented for the integration of abdominal migraine, cyclical vomiting syndrome, benign paroxysmal vertigo, benign paroxysmal torticollis and infantile colic into the unified diagnosis of 'childhood migraine syndrome' on the basis of clinical and epidemiological characteristics, and shared inheritance. In our opinion, such integration will guide clinicians from specialities other than neurology to consider migraine in the assessment of children with these disorders, as well as stimulate research into the genetics, pathophysiology and clinical features of all disorders within the syndrome. A diagnosis of childhood migraine syndrome would also enable patients to benefit from inclusion in clinical trials of old and new migraine treatments, thus potentially increasing the number of treatment options available.Type VII secretion systems (T7SSs) have a key role in the secretion of effector proteins in non-pathogenic mycobacteria and pathogenic mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the main causative agent of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis-causing mycobacteria, still accounting for 1.4 million deaths annually, rely on paralogous T7SSs to survive in the host and efficiently evade its immune response. Although it is still unknown how effector proteins of T7SSs cross the outer membrane of the diderm mycobacterial cell envelope, recent advances in the structural characterization of these secretion systems have revealed the intricate network of interactions of conserved components in the plasma membrane. This structural information, added to recent advances in the molecular biology and regulation of mycobacterial T7SSs as well as progress in our understanding of their secreted effector proteins, is shedding light on the inner working of the T7SS machinery. In this Review, we highlight the implications of these studies and the derived transport models, which provide new scenarios for targeting the deathly human pathogen M.
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