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Nano-hydroxyapatite coated TiO2 nanotubes on Ti-19Zr-10Nb-1Fe combination helps bring about osteogenesis in vitro.
Climbing plants are being increasingly viewed as models for bioinspired growing robots capable of spanning voids and attaching to diverse substrates. We explore the functional traits of the climbing cactus Selenicereus setaceus (Cactaceae) from the Atlantic forest of Brazil and discuss the potential of these traits for robotics applications. The plant is capable of growing through highly unstructured habitats and attaching to variable substrates including soil, leaf litter, tree surfaces, rocks, and fine branches of tree canopies in wind-blown conditions. Stems develop highly variable cross-sectional geometries at different stages of growth. They include cylindrical basal stems, triangular climbing stems and apical star-shaped stems searching for supports. Searcher stems develop relatively rigid properties for a given cross-sectional area and are capable of spanning voids of up to 1 m. Optimization of rigidity in searcher stems provide some potential design ideas for additive engineering technologies where climbing robotic artifacts must limit materials and mass for curbing bending moments and buckling while climbing and searching. A two-step attachment mechanism involves deployment of recurved, multi-angled spines that grapple on to wide ranging surfaces holding the stem in place for more solid attachment via root growth from the stem. The cactus is an instructive example of how light mass searchers with a winged profile and two step attachment strategies can facilitate traversing voids and making reliable attachment to a wide range of supports and surfaces.It has been proposed that machine learning techniques can benefit from symbolic representations and reasoning systems. We describe a method in which the two can be combined in a natural and direct way by use of hyperdimensional vectors and hyperdimensional computing. By using hashing neural networks to produce binary vector representations of images, we show how hyperdimensional vectors can be constructed such that vector-symbolic inference arises naturally out of their output. We design the Hyperdimensional Inference Layer (HIL) to facilitate this process and evaluate its performance compared to baseline hashing networks. In addition to this, we show that separate network outputs can directly be fused at the vector symbolic level within HILs to improve performance and robustness of the overall model. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first instance in which meaningful hyperdimensional representations of images are created on real data, while still maintaining hyperdimensionality.Media influence people's perceptions of reality broadly and of technology in particular. Robot villains and heroes-from Ultron to Wall-E-have been shown to serve a specific cultivation function, shaping people's perceptions of those embodied social technologies, especially when individuals do not have direct experience with them. To date, however, little is understood about the nature of the conceptions people hold for what robots are, how they work, and how they may function in society, as well as the media antecedents and relational effects of those cognitive structures. This study takes a step toward bridging that gap by exploring relationships among individuals' recall of robot characters from popular media, their mental models for actual robots, and social evaluations of an actual robot. Findings indicate that mental models consist of a small set of common and tightly linked components (beyond which there is a good deal of individual difference), but robot character recall and evaluation have little association with whether people hold any of those components. Instead, data are interpreted to suggest that cumulative sympathetic evaluations of robot media characters may form heuristics that are primed by and engaged in social evaluations of actual robots, while technical content in mental models is associated with a more utilitarian approach to actual robots.Producing feasible motions for highly redundant robots, such as humanoids, is a complicated and high-dimensional problem. Model-based whole-body control of such robots can generate complex dynamic behaviors through the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks. Unfortunately, tasks are generally planned without close consideration for the underlying controller being used, or the other tasks being executed, and are often infeasible when executed on the robot. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the motion will be accomplished. In this work, we develop a proof-of-concept optimization loop which automatically improves task feasibility using model-free policy search in conjunction with model-based whole-body control. This combination allows problems to be solved, which would be otherwise intractable using simply one or the other. Through experiments on both the simulated and real iCub humanoid robot, we show that by optimizing task feasibility, initially infeasible complex dynamic motions can be realized-specifically, a sit-to-stand transition. These experiments can be viewed in the accompanying Video S1.Programming by demonstration has received much attention as it offers a general framework which allows robots to efficiently acquire novel motor skills from a human teacher. While traditional imitation learning that only focuses on either Cartesian or joint space might become inappropriate in situations where both spaces are equally important (e.g., writing or striking task), hybrid imitation learning of skills in both Cartesian and joint spaces simultaneously has been studied recently. However, an important issue which often arises in dynamical or unstructured environments is overlooked, namely how can a robot avoid obstacles? In this paper, we aim to address the problem of avoiding obstacles in the context of hybrid imitation learning. Specifically, we propose to tackle three subproblems (i) designing a proper potential field so as to bypass obstacles, (ii) guaranteeing joint limits are respected when adjusting trajectories in the process of avoiding obstacles, and (iii) determining proper control commands for robots such that potential human-robot interaction is safe. By solving the aforementioned subproblems, the robot is capable of generalizing observed skills to new situations featuring obstacles in a feasible and safe manner. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through a toy example as well as a real transportation experiment on the iCub humanoid robot.Laparoscopic surgery is a representative operative method of minimally invasive surgery. EGFR-IN-7 chemical structure However, most laparoscopic hand instruments consist of rigid and straight structures, which have serious limitations such as interference by the instruments and limited field of view of the endoscope. To improve the flexibility and dexterity of these instruments, we propose a new concept of a multijoint manipulator using a variable stiffness mechanism. The manipulator uses a magneto-rheological compound (MRC) whose rheological properties can be tuned by an external magnetic field. In this study, we changed the shape of the electromagnet and MRC to improve the performance of the variable stiffness joint we previously fabricated; further, we fabricated a prototype and performed basic evaluation of the joint using this prototype. The MRC was fabricated by mixing carbonyl iron particles and glycerol. The prototype single joint was assembled by combining MRC and electromagnets. The configuration of the joint indicates that it has a closed magnetic circuit. To examine the basic properties of the joint, we conducted preliminary experiments such as elastic modulus measurement and rigidity evaluation. We confirmed that the elastic modulus increased when a magnetic field was applied. The rigidity of the joint was also verified under bending conditions. Our results confirmed that the stiffness of the new joint changed significantly compared with the old joint depending on the presence or absence of a magnetic field, and the performance of the new joint also improved.Research related to regulatory focus theory has shown that the way in which a message is conveyed can increase the effectiveness of the message. While different research fields have used this theory, in human-robot interaction (HRI), no real attention has been given to this theory. In this paper, we investigate it in an in the wild scenario. More specifically, we are interested in how individuals react when a robot suddenly appears at their office doors. Will they interact with it or will they ignore it? We report the results from our experimental study in which the robot approaches 42 individuals. Twenty-nine of them interacted with the robot, while the others either ignored it or avoided any interaction with it. The robot displayed two types of behavior (i.e., promotion or prevention). Our results show that individuals that interacted with a robot that matched their regulatory focus type interacted with it significantly longer than individuals that did not experience regulatory fit. Other qualitative results are also reported, together with some reactions from the participants.Online social networks (OSN) are prime examples of socio-technical systems in which individuals interact via a technical platform. OSN are very volatile because users enter and exit and frequently change their interactions. This makes the robustness of such systems difficult to measure and to control. To quantify robustness, we propose a coreness value obtained from the directed interaction network. We study the emergence of large drop-out cascades of users leaving the OSN by means of an agent-based model. For agents, we define a utility function that depends on their relative reputation and their costs for interactions. The decision of agents to leave the OSN depends on this utility. Our aim is to prevent drop-out cascades by influencing specific agents with low utility. We identify strategies to control agents in the core and the periphery of the OSN such that drop-out cascades are significantly reduced, and the robustness of the OSN is increased.Consensus achievement is a crucial capability for robot swarms, for example, for path selection, spatial aggregation, or collective sensing. However, the presence of malfunctioning and malicious robots (Byzantine robots) can make it impossible to achieve consensus using classical consensus protocols. In this work, we show how a swarm of robots can achieve consensus even in the presence of Byzantine robots by exploiting blockchain technology. Bitcoin and later blockchain frameworks, such as Ethereum, have revolutionized financial transactions. These frameworks are based on decentralized databases (blockchains) that can achieve secure consensus in peer-to-peer networks. We illustrate our approach in a collective sensing scenario where robots in a swarm are controlled via blockchain-based smart contracts (decentralized protocols executed via blockchain technology) that serve as "meta-controllers" and we compare it to state-of-the-art consensus protocols using a robot swarm simulator. Additionally, we show that our blockchain-based approach can prevent attacks where robots forge a large number of identities (Sybil attacks). The developed robot-blockchain interface is released as open-source software in order to facilitate future research in blockchain-controlled robot swarms. Besides increasing security, we expect the presented approach to be important for data analysis, digital forensics, and robot-to-robot financial transactions in robot swarms.
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