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An annotated checklist of the insectivorous mammals (order Eulipotyphla) of Laos is presented for the first time. The checklist is based on an extensive literature review and an examination of available museum specimens from world collections. Confirmed fauna of eulipotyphlans includes 11 species from 7 genera and 3 families. Additionally, several species which are known from neighbouring countries and could potentially occur in Laos are included in this checklist. According to these data, the Laotian fauna can include at least 23 species in 11 genera.The five species of Epeolus tarsalis species group are reviewed. One new species, Epeolus mikhailovi sp. nov. (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), is described and illustrated. Epeolus melectiformis Yasumatsu, 1938 is newly recorded from China, and E. tarsalisMorawitz, 1874 is newly recorded from Kazakhstan. The distribution data for other species are supplemented. selleck products An identification key for both sexes of this species group is presented.The present study is based on oribatid mite materials collected from Mozambique in 2019. A list of identified taxa, including 53 species/subspecies from 44 genera and 28 families is provided. Of these, six species are new to science, all other taxa are recorded for the first time in the Mozambican fauna. One new species, Galumnella mikhailovi Ermilov sp. nov., is described herein it is similar to G. csavasorum in the presence of setiform, unilaterally spinose bothridial setae and rugose notogaster, but differs in smaller body size, the presence of monodactylous legs and rounded rostrum, as well as in the absence of sublamellar line and rugose sculpturing in the anogenital region.Glebych minutissimus gen. et sp. n., (♂♀), a minute six-eyed and apparently lungless theridiid spider, inhabiting epiphytes in foggy-forest belt at Peruvian Andes is described, representing the smallest (total length varies from 0.79 to 0.92 mm, carapace length ca. 0.36 mm) member of the family. Glebych gen. n. is related to the Neotropic genus Styposis Simon, 1894, which is small-sized and six-eyed as well.Following Graham et al. (2019), the recently described desert species Olivierus gorelovi (Fet et al., 2018) from Central Asia is herein restricted to Turkmenistan and southern Uzbekistan. In this contribution, we described other populations formerly included in O. gorelovi as three new species O. mikhailovi sp. n. (southern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), O. tarabaevi sp. n. (Kazakhstan) and O. voldemari sp. n. (Uzbekistan Ferghana Valley).A new species, Dysdera mikhailovi sp. nov. (♀), is described from Tajikistan (nr. Dushanbe). A poorly known species Dysdera subcylindrica Charitonov, 1956 from Central Asia is redescribed based on newly collected material. Dysdera dushengi Lin, Chang et Li, 2020, known from western Xinjiang (China) is reported from Kazakhstan for the first time. (Re)descriptions, figures, diagnoses and distribution maps of all the studied species are provided.A new species of the genus Probles Frster, P. mikhailovi sp. nov., is described from Central Madagascar. The new species possesses unique venation of the fore wing previously unknown in the subfamily Tersilochinae. The genus Probles is recorded from Madagascar for the first time.A new species, Dorytomus mikhailovi sp. n., from late Eocene Rovno amber is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to D. groehni Bukejs et Legalov, 2019 from Baltic amber but differs in the shorter rostrum, dorsum covered with denser decumbent hairs and erect to semierect scale-like setae, and smaller body sizes. It is distinguished from D. bukejsi Legalov, 2020 from Baltic amber by the densely punctate pronotum, longer rostrum and wide elytral interstriae. The new species differs from D. vlaskini Legalov et al., 2019 from Rovno amber by the elytral interstriae covered with decumbent hairs and erect to semierect scale-like setae, shorter rostrum and coarsely punctuate pronotum. It is the first named curculionid beetle from the Olevsk amber locality, and the eleventh amber species reported from the Zhitomyr region. The presence of seven species of Dorytomus suggests a rather high diversity of Salicaceae in the late Eocene amber forests of Europe. It corresponds well with other principal Holarctic species in European amber biotas.Petersenidia mikhailovi sp. nov. (♀, Indonesia Sulawesi) is described and illustrated. The new species is related to P. macassarica (Zavattati, 1914) by having a median longitudinal carina on the basal half of metasomal tergum 2, but differs by the carina being shorter and lower, by the lack of a posterior interrupted pale fringe on metasomal tergum 2 and by a smooth pygidium. The lectotype of Mutilla macassarica Zavattari, 1914 is designated.A new caddisfly species Plectrocnemia kirmikhia sp. nov. (Polycentropodidae) is described from Priabonian Rovno amber (Upper Eocene, 33.937.8 million years old). Now the family Polycentropodidae is represented in Rovno amber by 16 named species, and the genus Plectrocnemia includes 5 described species in this locality.A new speciesChinattus mikhailovi sp. nov. (♂♀, from Pakistan, Peshawar)is diagnosed, described and illustrated. New records of Chinattus validus (Xie, Peng et Kim, 1993) from Nepal, India (Himachal Pradesh) and Vietnam, and C. chichila Logunov, 2003 from Nepal are presented. The collecting localities of all three species are mapped. A brief discussion of the state of knowledge of the genus Chinattus Logunov, 1999 is provided as well.The Australasian spider wasp genus Austrosalius Turner, 1917 is reviewed for the first time. The genus comprises three species, of them Austrosalius mikhailovi Loktionov, sp. nov. is described and illustrated, based on female specimens from West Papua Province of Indonesia. The genus Austrosalius is newly reported from the island of New Guinea. The generic diagnosis and a key to the species are given.Four new species of the Palaearctic crangonyctid amphipod genus Lyurella Derzhavin, 1939 (Crustacea Amphipoda Crangonyctidae), L. mikhailovi sp. n., L. fanagorica sp. n., L. fontinalis sp. n. and L. asheensis sp. n., are described based on an integrative approach from the subterranean habitats of the southwestern foothills of the Greater Caucasian Ridge (the north-eastern Black Sea coast). Despite the relative proximity of the habitats, the interspecific genetic divergence (by COI mtDNA gene marker) between the newly outlined Caucasian species of the genus varied from 11 to 21%, demonstrating a long-term isolation and lack of gene flow for at least 37Mya, starting from the Pliocene. The lowest genetic divergence between L. shepsiensis Sidorov, 2015 and L. asheensis sp. n., estimated as 4%, is also considered species-specific due to the presence of distinct morphological differences. We discuss the phylogeny, morphology, and distribution and provide a key for all known species of Lyurella. DNA barcoding data for all species, including the type species of the genus, Lyurella hyrcana Derzhavin, 1939, are presented for the first time.Gorytes mikhailovi sp. nov. is described and illustrated from southeastern Kazakhstan (Zhambyl and Almaty Regions). The species groups of the Palaearctic Gorytes Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Crabronidae) are reviewed and an updated key to the Palaearctic species is provided.The species composition of the genus Epitettix (Tetrigidae Cladonotinae) is discussed. The differential diagnosis of the genus is given. New synonymies are proposed Epitettix Hancock, 1907 = Vaotettix Podgornaja, 1986, syn. nov., = Pseudepitettix Zheng, 1995, syn. nov. Two new taxa are described, namely Epitettix mikhailovi sp. nov. from Vietnam (Gia Lai Province) and Epitettix punctatus montanus subsp. nov. from Malaysia (Sabah, North Borneo). Seven new combinations are established Epitettix guibeiensis (Zheng et Jiang, 1995), comb. nov., E. hainanensis (Deng, 2020), comb. nov., E. linaoshanensis (Liang et Jiang, 2004), comb. nov., E. nigritibis (Zheng et Jiang, 2000), comb. nov., E. pimkarnae (Storozhenko et Dawwrueng, 2014), comb. nov., E. strictivertex (Deng, 2020), comb. nov., and E. parallelus (Podgornaja, 1986), comb. nov. The unknown male of the latter species is also described and illustrated.A new species of malachite beetles, Protomauroania mikhailovi Tshernyshev Perkovsky, sp. n. link2 is described from late Eocene Rovno amber. The new beetle is the second species of the Eocene fossil genus Protomauroania Tshernyshev, 2021 that was first recorded in Rovno amber and shows fauna similarity of dasytids in Baltic and Rovno amber. The new species is typical owing to the following characters antennae with 5-segmented wide club, surface covered with dark-brown long semi-erect thin setae, and the ultimate ventrite (apical sternite) simple, narrow, not depressed. Digital high resolution pictures of the beetle are provided.The monotypic genus Bucliona Benoit, 1977 (type Clubiona dubia O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1870 from Saint Helena Island), previously considered a junior synonym of Clubiona Latreille, 1804, is resurrected. Three species are assigned to the genus Bucliona B. dubia comb. reval., B. kirilli sp. n. (♂, Kenya), and B. jucunda (Karsch, 1879) comb. n., ex Clubiona (♂♀, Far East Asia).An illustrated description of Raveniola mikhailovi sp. n. from Chatkal Mt. Ridge is provided. The new taxon resembles R. virgata (Simon, 1891); it differs from the latter species in having a somewhat more compact eye group, combined with a narrower tegulum and a relatively longer embolus, and with noticeably longer inner stalks of the spermathecae.A morphological revision of the Meloe (Meloe) species from the Palaearctic Region, including the Transitional Chinese area is published. Groups and subgroups of species from the Palaearctic Region are defined for the first time and relationships with Afrotropical and Nearctic groups of species are discussed. Twenty-five species are considered, mostly after the examination of the types, with brief descriptions and figures of diagnostic characters. Ten species, from China and the Himalayan region, are described Meloe chinensis n. sp., M. distincticornis n. sp., M. himalayensis n. sp., M. kashmirensis n. sp., M. kaszabi n. sp., M. lateantennatus n. sp., M. orientalis n. sp., M. poggii n. sp., M. shapovalovi n. sp., and M. xuhaoi n. sp. Both Meloe aegyptius and M. rathjensi are referred to M. proscarabaeus as subspecies. Four new synonymies are pointed out M. sapporensis Kno, 1936 and M. tenuipes Jakowlew, 1897 = M. proscarabaeus exaratus Faldermann, 1832; M. medogensis Tan, 1981 = M. arunachalae Saha, 1979; M. patellicornis Fairmaire, 1887 = M. lobatus Gebler, 1832. Lectotype of M. subcordicollis is designated. M. formosensis is tentatively maintained as distinct species, with the suggestion that it could be a subspecies of M. gracilior. Meloe menoko is tentatively included in the intraspecific variability of M. auriculatus, a formal synonymy will be made by other authors. Meloe poteli is not considered in this revision, being the type is unavailable; other species (M. modestus, M. link3 longipennis, M. elegantulus), previously considered in the nominate subgenus are excluded. A key to both sexes of the species is carried out and a catalogue of localities is recorded as Appendix 1. Ecological information about phenology, elevation range, host plants, is summarized in a table, and some biogeographical remarks are proposed.
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