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Perceptually Sharp the Highest Concern Security alarms Decreases Response Moment: A new Retrospective Pre-Post Study at Four Medical centers.
The paper is accompanied by a practical example.We study the q-voter model with flexibility, which allows for describing a broad spectrum of independence from zealots, inflexibility, or stubbornness through noisy voters to self-anticonformity. Analyzing the model within the pair approximation allows us to derive the analytical formula for the critical point, below which an ordered (agreement) phase is stable. We determine the role of flexibility, which can be understood as an amount of variability associated with an independent behavior, as well as the role of the average network degree in shaping the character of the phase transition. We check the existence of the scaling relation, which previously was derived for the Sznajd model. We show that the scaling is universal, in a sense that it does not depend neither on the size of the group of influence nor on the average network degree. Analyzing the model in terms of the rescaled parameter, we determine the critical point, the jump of the order parameter, as well as the width of the hysteresis as a function of the average network degree 〈 k 〉 and the size of the group of influence q.Event-based social networks (EBSNs) are widely used to create online social groups and organize offline events for users. Activeness and loyalty are crucial characteristics of these online social groups in terms of determining the growth or inactiveness of the social groups in a specific time frame. L-Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate sesquimagnesium However, there is less research on these concepts to clarify the existence of groups in event-based social networks. In this paper, we study the problem of group activeness and user loyalty to provide a novel insight into online social networks. First, we analyze the structure of EBSNs and generate features from the crawled datasets. Second, we define the concepts of group activeness and user loyalty based on a series of time windows, and propose a method to measure the group activeness. In this proposed method, we first compute a ratio of a number of events between two consecutive time windows. We then develop an association matrix to assign the activeness label for each group after several consecutive time windows. Similarly, we measure the user loyalty in terms of attended events gathered in time windows and treat loyalty as a contributive feature of the group activeness. Finally, three well-known machine learning techniques are used to verify the activeness label and to generate features for each group. As a consequence, we also find a small group of features that are highly correlated and result in higher accuracy as compared to the whole features.Image fusion is a very practical technology that can be applied in many fields, such as medicine, remote sensing and surveillance. An image fusion method using multi-scale decomposition and joint sparse representation is introduced in this paper. First, joint sparse representation is applied to decompose two source images into a common image and two innovation images. Second, two initial weight maps are generated by filtering the two source images separately. Final weight maps are obtained by joint bilateral filtering according to the initial weight maps. Then, the multi-scale decomposition of the innovation images is performed through the rolling guide filter. Finally, the final weight maps are used to generate the fused innovation image. The fused innovation image and the common image are combined to generate the ultimate fused image. The experimental results show that our method's average metrics are mutual information ( M I )-5.3377, feature mutual information ( F M I )-0.5600, normalized weighted edge preservation value ( Q A B / F )-0.6978 and nonlinear correlation information entropy ( N C I E )-0.8226. Our method can achieve better performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods in visual perception and objective quantification.Temperature influences the life of many organisms in various ways. A great number of organisms live under conditions where their ability to adapt to changes in temperature can be vital and largely determines their fitness. Understanding the mechanisms and principles underlying this ability to adapt can be of great advantage, for example, to improve growth conditions for crops and increase their yield. In times of imminent, increasing climate change, this becomes even more important in order to find strategies and help crops cope with these fundamental changes. There is intense research in the field of acclimation that comprises fluctuations of various environmental conditions, but most acclimation research focuses on regulatory effects and the observation of gene expression changes within the examined organism. As thermodynamic effects are a direct consequence of temperature changes, these should necessarily be considered in this field of research but are often neglected. Additionally, compensated effects migand effects, following established mathematical descriptions of biophysical properties.We present one of the first applications of Permutation Entropy (PE) and Statistical Complexity (SC) (measured as the product of PE and Jensen-Shanon Divergence) on Magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings of 46 subjects suffering from Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), 17 individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and 48 healthy controls. We studied the differences in PE and SC in broadband signals and their decomposition into frequency bands ( δ , θ , α and β ), considering two modalities (i) raw time series obtained from the magnetometers and (ii) a reconstruction into cortical sources or regions of interest (ROIs). We conducted our analyses at three levels (i) at the group level we compared SC in each frequency band and modality between groups; (ii) at the individual level we compared how the [PE, SC] plane differs in each modality; and (iii) at the local level we explored differences in scalp and cortical space. We recovered classical results that considered only broadband signals and found a nontrivial pattern of alterations in each frequency band, showing that SC does not necessarily decrease in AD or MCI.Linear heart rate variability (HRV) indices are dependent on the mean heart rate, which has been demonstrated in different models (from sinoatrial cells to humans). The association between nonlinear HRV indices, including those provided by recurrence plot quantitative analysis (RQA), and the mean heart rate (or the mean cardiac period, also called meanNN) has been scarcely studied. For this purpose, we analyzed RQA indices of five minute-long HRV time series obtained in the supine position and during active standing from 30 healthy subjects and 29 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients (before and after hemodialysis). In the supine position, ESRD patients showed shorter meanNN (i.e., faster heart rate) and decreased variability compared to healthy subjects. The healthy subjects responded to active standing by shortening the meanNN and decreasing HRV indices to reach similar values of ESRD patients. Bivariate correlations between all RQA indices and meanNN were significant in healthy subjects and ESRD after hemodialysis and for most RQA indices in ESRD patients before hemodialysis. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that RQA indices were also dependent on the position and the ESRD condition. Then, future studies should consider the association among RQA indices, meanNN, and these other factors for a correct interpretation of HRV.Data from a two-stage axial vapor cryogenic compressor on the dual-fuel diesel-electric (DFDE) liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier were measured and analyzed to investigate compressor energy and exergy efficiency in real exploitation conditions. The running parameters of the two-stage compressor were collected while changing the main propeller shafts rpm. As the compressor supply of vaporized gas to the main engines increases, so does the load and rpm in propulsion electric motors, and vice versa. The results show that when the main engine load varied from 46 to 56 rpm at main propulsion shafts increased mass flow rate of vaporized LNG at a two-stage compressor has an influence on compressor performance. Compressor average energy efficiency is around 50%, while the exergy efficiency of the compressor is significantly lower in all measured ranges and on average is around 34%. The change in the ambient temperature from 0 to 50 °C also influences the compressor's exergy efficiency. Higher exergy efficiency is achieved at lower ambient temperatures. As temperature increases, overall compressor exergy efficiency decreases by about 7% on average over the whole analyzed range. The proposed new concept of energy-saving and increasing the compressor efficiency based on pre-cooling of the compressor second stage is also analyzed. The temperature at the second stage was varied in the range from 0 to -50 °C, which results in power savings up to 26 kW for optimal running regimes.Driving safety in tunnels has always been an issue of great concern. Establishing delineators to improve drivers' instantaneous cognition of the surrounding environment in tunnels can effectively enhance driver safety. Through a simulation study, this paper explored how delineators affect drivers' gaze behavior (including fixation and scanpath) in tunnels. In addition to analyzing typical parameters, such as fixation position and fixation duration in areas of interest (AOIs), by modeling drivers' switching process as Markov chains and calculating Shannon's entropy of the fit Markov model, this paper quantified the complexity of individual switching patterns between AOIs under different delineator configurations and with different road alignments. A total of 25 subjects participated in this research. The results show that setting delineators in tunnels can attract drivers' attention and make them focus on the pavement. When driving in tunnels equipped with delineators, especially tunnels with both wall delineators and pavement delineators, the participants exhibited a smaller transition entropy H t and stationary entropy H s , which can greatly reduce drivers' visual fatigue. Compared with left curve and right curve, participants obtained higher H t and H s values in the straight section.We show that random oblivious transfer protocols that are statistically secure according to a definition based on a list of information-theoretical properties are also statistically universally composable. That is, they are simulatable secure with an unlimited adversary, an unlimited simulator, and an unlimited environment machine. Our result implies that several previous oblivious transfer protocols in the literature that were proven secure under weaker, non-composable definitions of security can actually be used in arbitrary statistically secure applications without lowering the security.Bit-level and pixel-level methods are two classifications for image encryption, which describe the smallest processing elements manipulated in diffusion and permutation respectively. Most pixel-level permutation methods merely alter the positions of pixels, resulting in similar histograms for the original and permuted images. Bit-level permutation methods, however, have the ability to change the histogram of the image, but are usually not preferred due to their time-consuming nature, which is owed to bit-level computation, unlike that of other permutation techniques. In this paper, we introduce a new image encryption algorithm which uses binary bit-plane scrambling and an SPD diffusion technique for the bit-planes of a plain image, based on a card game trick. Integer values of the hexadecimal key SHA-512 are also used, along with the adaptive block-based modular addition of pixels to encrypt the images. To prove the first-rate encryption performance of our proposed algorithm, security analyses are provided in this paper.
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