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Interviewee: In one coil with those specifications, you can get 1.36. So if the coil’s width is .215, you can get 0.494.

Interviewer: So it’s predetermined upon the arrival of the raw material?

Interviewee: Yes, it is predetermined but the specifications are given by the buyer.

Interviewer: So there is no standard size of the coil given upon arrival if you determine how many-

Interviewee: Of course there is a standard though I don’t know what the standard is.

Interviewer: About this one, there are empty notes and columns here. The database doesn’t allow any-

Interviewee: No. Because the derivation of the total stack is equals to the ending… This is November right? Ending plus incoming…(writing the derivation of total stack)

Interviewer: So the empty notes are not yet computed.

Interviewee: No it does not have a beginning balance that’s why.

Interviewer: Yeah. That’s why it’s not yet computed. About this one, remarks-

Interviewee: The remarks are dependent.

Interviwer: The remarks are dependent.

Interviewee: What else,(4:41-4:42)? So A B C D A plus C minus… Total pieces are… No, sorry. That should be stock. This one is derived from this.

Interviewer: Is that total kilograms from this.

Interviewee: Yes, because it is a sheet right derivation of the sheet kilogram. So the resultant of this formula is this one is equal to this one.

Interviewer: What about the categories. What’s-

Interviewee: Category is material specs depending on aluminum, brass, copper etc.

Interviewer: What else. What is this green portion?

Interviewee: Common, meaning to say as you notice these materials are the same. Meaning this kind of material is used by different items. This material is common through this item. So in your program there should be a qualification(classification?) whether this item is common or something else.

Interviewer: What do you mean common?

Interviewee: Yes. Alternately we can use two other stocks(stacks?)

Interviewer: Same specs?

Interviewee: Same material but not the same specs. That material is used by different items, which means the material is common.

Interviewer: Same material with the same size.

Interviewee: Yes same material the same size.

Interviewer: Different output.

Interviewee: The material is the same but can be used in different…

Interviewer: So is there anything else you want to tell us.

Interviewee: Let’s start with raw materials.
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