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[The damaging COVID-19 clinical trials inside Peru].
81 AUC (Area Under the Curve). We used data from GC-TOF-MS to obtain a VOC profile for CRC, which identified 23 potential biomarker VOCs for CRC. Thus, the PEN3 and GC-TOF-MS were found to successfully separate the cancer group from the non-cancer group.Security is the main challenge of the Modbus IIoT protocol. The systems designed to provide security involve solutions that manage identity based on a centralized approach by introducing a single point of failure and with an ad hoc model for an organization, which handicaps the solution scalability. Our manuscript proposes a solution based on self-sovereign identity over hyperledger fabric blockchain, promoting a decentralized identity from which both authentication and authorization are performed on-chain. The implementation of the system promotes not only Modbus security, but also aims to ensure the simplicity, compatibility and interoperability claimed by Modbus.Gait is a core motor function and is impaired in numerous neurological diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD). Treatment changes in PD are frequently driven by gait assessments in the clinic, commonly rated as part of the Movement Disorder Society (MDS) Unified PD Rating Scale (UPDRS) assessment (item 3.10). We proposed and evaluated a novel approach for estimating severity of gait impairment in Parkinson's disease using a computer vision-based methodology. The system we developed can be used to obtain an estimate for a rating to catch potential errors, or to gain an initial rating in the absence of a trained clinician-for example, during remote home assessments. Videos (n=729) were collected as part of routine MDS-UPDRS gait assessments of Parkinson's patients, and a deep learning library was used to extract body key-point coordinates for each frame. Data were recorded at five clinical sites using commercially available mobile phones or tablets, and had an associated severity rating from a trained clind be used by clinicians to support their decision-making and provide insight into the model's objective UPDRS rating estimation. The severity of gait impairment in Parkinson's disease can be estimated using a single patient video, recorded using a consumer mobile device and within standard clinical settings; i.e., videos were recorded in various hospital hallways and offices rather than gait laboratories. This approach can support clinicians during routine assessments by providing an objective rating (or second opinion), and has the potential to be used for remote home assessments, which would allow for more frequent monitoring.Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) facilitate communication for people who cannot move their own body. A BCI system requires a lengthy calibration phase to produce a reasonable classifier. To reduce the duration of the calibration phase, it is natural to attempt to create a subject-independent classifier with all subject datasets that are available; however, electroencephalogram (EEG) data have notable inter-subject variability. Thus, it is very challenging to achieve subject-independent BCI performance comparable to subject-specific BCI performance. In this study, we investigate the potential for achieving better subject-independent motor imagery BCI performance by conducting comparative performance tests with several selective subject pooling strategies (i.e., choosing subjects who yield reasonable performance selectively and using them for training) rather than using all subjects available. We observed that the selective subject pooling strategy worked reasonably well with public MI BCI datasets. Finally, based upon the findings, criteria to select subjects for subject-independent BCIs are proposed here.Indoor navigation systems incorporating augmented reality allow users to locate places within buildings and acquire more knowledge about their environment. However, although diverse works have been introduced with varied technologies, infrastructure, and functionalities, a standardization of the procedures for elaborating these systems has not been reached. Moreover, while systems usually handle contextual information of places in proprietary formats, a platform-independent model is desirable, which would encourage its access, updating, and management. This paper proposes a methodology for developing indoor navigation systems based on the integration of Augmented Reality and Semantic Web technologies to present navigation instructions and contextual information about the environment. It comprises four modules to define a spatial model, data management (supported by an ontology), positioning and navigation, and content visualization. A mobile application system was developed for testing the proposal in academic environments, modeling the structure, routes, and places of two buildings from independent institutions. The experiments cover distinct navigation tasks by participants in both scenarios, recording data such as navigation time, position tracking, system functionality, feedback (answering a survey), and a navigation comparison when the system is not used. The results demonstrate the system's feasibility, where the participants show a positive interest in its functionalities.This paper proposes a fingerprint-based indoor localization method, named FPFE (fingerprint feature extraction), to locate a target device (TD) whose location is unknown. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacon nodes (BNs) are deployed in the localization area to emit beacon packets periodically. The received signal strength indication (RSSI) values of beacon packets sent by various BNs are measured at different reference points (RPs) and saved as RPs' fingerprints in a database. For the purpose of localization, the TD also obtains its fingerprint by measuring the beacon packet RSSI values for various BNs. Epacadostat IDO inhibitor FPFE then applies either the autoencoder (AE) or principal component analysis (PCA) to extract fingerprint features. It then measures the similarity between the features of PRs and the TD with the Minkowski distance. Afterwards, k RPs associated with the k smallest Minkowski distances are selected to estimate the TD's location. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the localization error of FPFE. The experimental results show that FPFE achieves an average error of 0.68 m, which is better than those of other related BLE fingerprint-based indoor localization methods.Road surface condition is vitally important for road safety and transportation efficiency. Conventionally, road surface monitoring relies on specialised vehicles equipped with professional devices, but such dedicated large-scale road surveying is usually costly, time-consuming, and prohibitively difficult for frequent pavement condition monitoring-for example, on an hourly or daily basis. Current advances in technologies such as smartphones, machine learning, big data, and cloud analytics have enabled the collection and analysis of a great amount of field data from numerous users (e.g., drivers) whilst driving on roads. In this regard, we envisage that a smartphone equipped with an accelerometer and GPS sensors could be used to collect road surface condition information much more frequently than specialised equipment. In this study, accelerometer data were collected at low rate from a smartphone via an Android-based application over multiple test-runs on a local road in Ireland. These data were successfully processed using power spectral density analysis, and defects were later identified using a k-means unsupervised machine learning algorithm, resulting in an average accuracy of 84%. Results demonstrated the potential of collecting crowdsourced data from a large population of road users for road surface defect detection on a quasi-real-time basis. This frequent reporting on a daily/hourly basis can be used to inform the relevant stakeholders for timely road maintenance, aiming to ensure the road's serviceability at a lower inspection and maintenance cost.In recent years, there has been a continuously growing interest in antioxidants by both customers and food industry. The beneficial health effects of antioxidants led to their widespread use in fortified functional foods, as dietary supplements and as preservatives. A variety of analytical methods are available to evaluate the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of food extracts and beverages. However, most of them are expensive, time-consuming, and require laboratory instrumentation. Therefore, simple, cheap, and fast portable sensors for point-of-need measurement of antioxidants in food samples are needed. Here, we describe a smartphone-based chemosensor for on-site assessment of TAC of aqueous matrices, relying on the antioxidant-induced formation of gold nanoparticles. The reaction takes place in ready-to-use analytical cartridges containing an hydrogel reaction medium preloaded with Au(III) and is monitored by using the smartphone's CMOS camera. An analytical device including an LED-based lighting system was developed to ensure uniform and reproducible illumination of the analytical cartridge. The chemosensor permitted rapid TAC measurements of aqueous samples, including teas, herbal infusions, beverages, and extra virgin olive oil extracts, providing results that correlated with those of the reference methods for TAC assessment, e.g., oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC).The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the normal life of people worldwide. One of the most noticeable impacts is the enforcement of social distancing to reduce the spread of the virus. The Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia implemented social distancing measures by enforcing distance learning at all educational stages. This measure brought about new experiences and challenges to students, parents, and teachers. This research measures the acceptance rate of this way of learning by analysing people's tweets regarding distance learning in Saudi Arabia. All the tweets analysed were written in Arabic and collected within the boundary of Saudi Arabia. They date back to the day that the distance learning announcement was made. The tweets were pre-processed, and labelled positive, or negative. Machine learning classifiers with different features and extraction techniques were then built to analyse the sentiment. The accuracy results for the different models were then compared. The best accuracy achieved (0.899) resulted from the Logistic regression classifier with unigram and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency as a feature extraction approach. This model was then applied on a new unlabelled dataset and classified to different educational stages; results demonstrated generally positive opinions regarding distance learning for general education stages (kindergarten, intermediate, and high schools), and negative opinions for the university stage. Further analysis was applied to identify the main topics related to the positive and negative sentiment. This result can be used by the Ministry of Education to further improve the distance learning educational system.Over the past years, numerous Internet of Things (IoT)-based healthcare systems have been developed to monitor patient health conditions, but these traditional systems do not adapt to constraints imposed by revolutionized IoT technology. IoT-based healthcare systems are considered mission-critical applications whose missing deadlines cause critical situations. For example, in patients with chronic diseases or other fatal diseases, a missed task could lead to fatalities. This study presents a smart patient health monitoring system (PHMS) based on an optimized scheduling mechanism using IoT-tasks orchestration architecture to monitor vital signs data of remote patients. The proposed smart PHMS consists of two core modules a healthcare task scheduling based on optimization and optimization of healthcare services using a real-time IoT-based task orchestration architecture. First, an optimized time-constraint-aware scheduling mechanism using a real-time IoT-based task orchestration architecture is developed to generate autonomous healthcare tasks and effectively handle the deployment of emergent healthcare tasks.
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