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Immunometabolism Modulation in Treatments.
the performance of test scores also depended on whether standardized or unstandardized scores were used. Only PV and SEM performed well in all scenarios and emerged as the clearly superior options. We recommend that researchers use SEM, and preferably PV, in studies on the (incremental) predictive power of socio-emotional skills.Introduction The pandemics crisis had consequences in psychological adjustment of persons all over the world. The current study analyzes comparatively the topics of quality of life, and well-being, considering as predictors trait anxiety, feeling of threat, difficulty to relax, empathy and pro-social attitude, health care, sleep quality and optimism, in a population of German and Portuguese adults during the pandemics, in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the psychological reactions to crisis across countries and cultures. Methods A sample of 470 adults divided in three age groups - -young adults (18-34 years), middle-age adults (34-54 years) and old adults (55 years and older)- completed a self-report questionnaire assessing socio-demographic data, quality of life, well-being, quality of sleep, trait anxiety, Coronavirus threat, optimism regarding the pandemics, difficulty to relax, empathy, and pro-social attitude during the pandemics period. Results Portuguese participants expresses higher empathy and pro-social attitude and health care but in Germany people have higher quality of sleep. Young adults (a) rated their quality of life lower than middle-age adults and old adults, (b) showed also lower optimism than middle-age and old adults, and (c) showed lower well-being than middle-age,. Conclusions Young adults rated their quality of life, optimism and well-being during pandemics lower than middle-age and old adults, and experienced higher levels of trait anxiety and difficulty to relax. It seems that young adults show a lower psychological adjustment than other age groups during COVID-19 crisis. It is concluded that quality of life, optimism, and well-being during the pandemics are affected differently according to country and group of age, suggesting individual differences across cultures and ages, and consequently the need of specific interventions to cope with the psychological reactions to pandemics crisis.A central component of sentence understanding is verb-argument interpretation, determining how the referents in the sentence are related to the events or states expressed by the verb. Previous work has found that comprehenders change their argument interpretations incrementally as the sentence unfolds, based on morphosyntactic (e.g., case, agreement), lexico-semantic (e.g., animacy, verb-argument fit), and discourse cues (e.g., givenness). However, it is still unknown whether these cues have a privileged role in language processing, or whether their effects on argument interpretation originate in implicit expectations based on the joint distribution of these cues with argument assignments experienced in previous language input. We compare the former, linguistic account against the latter, expectation-based account, using data from production and comprehension of transitive clauses in Swedish. Based on a large corpus of Swedish, we develop a rational (Bayesian) model of incremental argument interpretation. This model predicts the processing difficulty experienced at different points in the sentence as a function of the Bayesian surprise associated with changes in expectations over possible argument interpretations. We then test the model against reading times from a self-paced reading experiment on Swedish. We find Bayesian surprise to be a significant predictor of reading times, complementing effects of word surprisal. Bayesian surprise also captures the qualitative effects of morpho-syntactic and lexico-semantic cues. Additional model comparisons find that it-with a single degree of freedom-captures much, if not all, of the effects associated with these cues. This suggests that the effects of form- and meaning-based cues to argument interpretation are mediated through expectation-based processing.Objective To strengthen future methodological choices regarding the measurement of cognition within the field of audiology, the current study aimed to examine the effect of, among other things, hearing sensitivity on the backward corsi tapping task (i.e., visual working memory and processing speed) and the letter-number sequencing task (i.e., verbal working memory and processing speed). Design and Study Sample The backward corsi tapping task and the letter-number sequencing task were administered to 184 participants, aged between 18 and 69 years. The effect of age, sex, educational level, awakeness, and hearing sensitivity on verbal and visual working memory and processing speed was assessed using stepwise multiple regression analyses. Results For all outcome variables, a decrease in performance was observed with increasing age. For visual and verbal working memory, males outperformed females, whereas no clear sex effect was observed for visual and verbal processing speed. Hearing sensitivity had only a significant impact on visual processing speed. Conclusion The importance to evaluate cognitive construct validity within audiological research was highlighted. Further research should focus on investigating the associations between speech understanding on the one hand and the backward corsi tapping task and letter-number sequencing task on the other hand.Non-human primates show an impressive behavioral diversity, both across and within species. However, the factors explaining intra-specific behavioral variation across groups and individuals are yet understudied. Here, we aimed to assess how group size and living conditions (i.e., captive, semi-free-ranging, wild) are linked to behavioral variation in 5 groups of Barbary macaques (N=137 individuals). In each group, we collected observational data on the time individuals spent in social interactions and on the group dominance style, along with experimental data on social tolerance over food and neophobia. Our results showed that differences in group size predicted differences in the time spent in social interactions, with smaller groups spending a higher proportion of time in close spatial proximity, but a lower proportion of time grooming. Moreover, group size predicted variation in dominance style, with smaller groups being more despotic. Social tolerance was affected by both group size and living conditions, being higher in smaller groups and in groups living in less natural conditions. Finally, individual characteristics also explained variation in social tolerance and neophobia, with socially integrated individuals having higher access to food sources, and higher-ranking ones being more neophobic. Overall, our results support the view that intra-specific variation is a crucial aspect in primate social behavior and call for more comparative studies to better understand the sources of within-species variation.Deficit in the management of time continues to be an important difficulty students are faced with. The present work aimed to test the hypothesis that self-regulation is the major predictor of academic performance and that this effect can be mediated both by the student's emotional regulation and his propensity for procrastination. Participants were 450 university students who were administered MPP and AIP. The procedures involved the administration of instruments and the collection of average exam grades as a measure of academic performance. mTOR inhibitor The effect of a specific component of self-regulation on academic performance, namely action orientation, was significant, while procrastination showed a limiting effect on the performative quality of the student. The model confirmed the mediation role of emotional balance on the effect that action orientation exerts on procrastination, and the mediation of procrastination in the relationship between action orientation and Academic Performance. Results of the study suggest focusing on student support and on prevention of procrastinating behavior through programs that enhance first of all student's proactive attitude, planning skills, self-monitoring and effective/efficient time management, and secondly, emotional awareness and regulation of emotional response in situations of stress and performance anxiety.The evaluation of the learning process is an effective way to realize personalized online learning. Real-time evaluation of learners' cognitive level during online learning helps to monitor learners' cognitive state and adjust learning strategies to improve the quality of online learning. However, most of the existing cognitive level evaluation methods use manual coding or traditional machine learning methods, which are time-consuming and laborious. They cannot fully mine the implicit cognitive semantic information in unstructured text data, making the cognitive level evaluation inefficient. Therefore, this study proposed the bidirectional gated recurrent convolutional neural network combined with an attention mechanism (AM-BiGRU-CNN) deep neural network cognitive level evaluation method, and based on Bloom's taxonomy of cognition objectives, taking the unstructured interactive text data released by 9167 learners in the massive open online course (MOOC) forum as an empirical study to support the method. The study found that the AM-BiGRU-CNN method has the best evaluation effect, with the overall accuracy of the evaluation of the six cognitive levels reaching 84.21%, of which the F1-Score at the creating level is 91.77%. The experimental results show that the deep neural network method can effectively identify the cognitive features implicit in the text and can be better applied to the automatic evaluation of the cognitive level of online learners. This study provides a technical reference for the evaluation of the cognitive level of the students in the online learning environment, and automatic evaluation in the realization of personalized learning strategies, teaching intervention, and resources recommended have higher application value.Uncertainty triggers negative psychological responses, while positive institutional evaluations elevate the sense of control in individuals and satisfy their need for structure and order. Data from the 2015 Chinese Social Survey (CSS) (N = 4,605) demonstrated that objective uncertainty negatively predicted the happiness of young people (aged 18-45 years). However, this negative relationship was attenuated among those who evaluated the institutional system (e.g., social security, local government effectiveness, and trust in government) positively; in other words, positive institutional evaluation may have protected people's happiness from the threat of uncertainty. In addition, participants from different age groups evaluated the institutional system differently. The first generation born after the Chinese economic reform, which includes young people born in the 1980s (aged 26-35 years), had unique experiences compared to the preceding (aged 36-45 years, born in the 1970s) and succeeding (aged 18-25 years, born in the 1990s) generations. Among the three age groups, young people born in the 1980s held the least positive evaluation of the institutional system. The institutional evaluation also showed the weakest moderating effect on this group's happiness.
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