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Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage and also Fatality rate Among Treatment Recipients Put in the hospital for Serious Myocardial Infarction, Coronary heart Malfunction, as well as Pneumonia.
AbstractThe social environment can affect development and fitness. However, we do not know how selection acts on individuals that cue developmental pathways using features of the social environment. Socially cued anticipatory plasticity (SCAP) is a hypothetical strategy whereby juveniles use social cues to alter development to match their adult phenotype to the social environment that they expect to encounter. While intuitively appealing, the evolution of such plasticity is a puzzle, because the cue changes when individuals use it. Can socially cued plasticity evolve when such a feedback occurs? We use individual-based simulations to model evolution of SCAP in an environment that fluctuates between favoring each of two discrete phenotypes. We found that socially cued plasticity evolved, but only when strong selection acted on survival rather than on fecundity differences between adult phenotypes. In this case, the social cue reliably predicted which phenotype would be favored on maturation. Surprisingly, costs to plasticity increased the range of conditions under which it was adaptive. In the absence of costs, evolution led to a state where SCAP individuals could not effectively respond to environmental changes. Costs to plasticity lowered the proportion of the population that used SCAP, which in turn increased the reliability of the social cue and allowed individuals that used socially cued plasticity to switch between the favored phenotypes more consistently. Our results suggest that the evolution of adaptive plasticity in response to social cues may represent a larger class of problems in which evolution is hard to predict because of feedbacks among critical processes.AbstractDirect species interactions are commonly included in individual fitness models used for coexistence and local diversity modeling. Though widely considered important for such models, direct interactions alone are often insufficient for accurately predicting fitness, coexistence, or diversity outcomes. Incorporating higher-order interactions (HOIs) can lead to more accurate individual fitness models but also adds many model terms, which can quickly result in model overfitting. We explore approaches for balancing the trade-off between tractability and model accuracy that occurs when HOIs are added to individual fitness models. To do this, we compare models parameterized with data from annual plant communities in Australia and Spain, varying in the extent of information included about the focal and neighbor species. The best-performing models for both data sets were those that grouped neighbors based on origin status and life form, a grouping approach that reduced the number of model parameters substantially while retaining important ecological information about direct interactions and HOIs. Results suggest that the specific identity of focal or neighbor species is not necessary for building well-performing fitness models that include HOIs. In fact, grouping neighbors by even basic functional information seems sufficient to maximize model accuracy, an important outcome for the practical use of HOI-inclusive fitness models.AbstractA typical monkey of the subfamily Callitrichinae has two or more cell lineages occupying its tissues one from "itself," and one from its co-twin(s). Chimerism originates in utero when the twin placentae fuse, vascular anastomoses form between them, and cells are exchanged between conceptuses through their shared circulation. Previously it was thought that chimerism was limited to tissues of the hematopoietic cell lineage and that the germline was clonal, but subsequent empirical work has shown that chimerism may extend to many tissues, including the germline. To explore how natural selection on chimeric organisms should shape their social behavior, I construct an inclusive fitness model of sibling interactions that permits differing degrees of chimerism in the soma and germline. The model predicts that somatic chimerism should diminish sibling rivalry but that germline chimerism should typically intensify it. A further implication of the model is the possibility for intraorganismal conflict over developing phenotypes; as tissues may differ in their extent of chimerism-for example, placenta versus brain-their respective inclusive fitness may be maximized by different phenotypes. CRCD2 Communication between tissues in chimeric organisms might therefore be noisy, rapidly evolving, and fraught, as is common in systems with internal evolutionary conflicts of interest.AbstractMultilevel selection on offspring size occurs when offspring fitness depends on both absolute size (hard selection) and size relative to neighbors (soft selection). We examined multilevel selection on egg size at two biological scales-within clutches and among clutches from different females-using an external fertilizing tube worm. We exposed clutches of eggs to two sperm environments (limiting and saturating) and measured their fertilization success. We then modeled environmental (sperm-dependent) differences in hard and soft selection on individual eggs as well as selection on clutch-level traits (means and variances). Hard and soft selection differed in strength and form depending on sperm availability-hard selection was consistently stabilizing; soft selection was directional and favored eggs relatively larger (sperm limitation) or smaller (sperm saturation) than the clutch mean. At the clutch level, selection on mean egg size was largely concave, while selection on within-clutch variance was weak but generally negative-although some correlational selection occurred between these two traits. Importantly, we found that the optimal clutch mean egg size differed for mothers and offspring, suggesting some antagonism between the levels of selection. We thus identify several pathways that may maintain offspring size variation environmentally (sperm-) dependent soft selection, antagonistic multilevel selection, and correlational selection on clutch means and variances. Multilevel approaches are powerful but seldom-used tools for studies of offspring size, and we encourage their future use.AbstractEnvironmental fluctuations can mediate coexistence between competing species via the storage effect. This fluctuation-dependent coexistence mechanism requires three conditions (i) there is a positive covariance between species responses to environmental conditions and the strength of competition, (ii) there are species-specific environmental responses, and (iii) species are less sensitive to competition in environmentally unfavorable years. In serially uncorrelated environments, condition (i) occurs only if favorable environmental conditions immediately and directly increase the strength of competition. For many demographic parameters, this direct link between favorable years and competition may not exist. Moreover, many environmental variables are temporal autocorrelated, but theory has largely focused on serially uncorrelated environments. To address this gap, a model of competing species in autocorrelated environments is analyzed. This analysis shows that positive autocorrelations in demographic raes.AbstractAn individual's lifetime fitness and patterns of mating between individuals are interdependent features of sexual organisms. Mating systems (outcrossing vs. selfing or mating between close relatives) can affect the distribution of offspring fitness, which generally declines with inbreeding, which in turn is related to a population's genetically effective size (Ne). Fitness and mating patterns are also expected to vary with proximity of mates (i.e., population density). Consequently, density and Ne may influence demographic and genetic changes over generations and interact in their effects. Here, we report an experiment designed to assess the influence of these two population-level properties on mating system and lifetime fitness. link2 In experimental arrays under quasi-natural conditions, we varied the density and Ne of the hermaphroditic annual legume Chamaecrista fasciculata. We recorded components of fitness for each individual and employed microsatellite markers to estimate outcrossing and assign paternity. We used aster analyses to estimate lifetime fitness for genetic families using female (seeds set) and male (seeds sired) reproduction as fitness measures. With estimates from these analyses, we assessed the evidence for a trade-off between fitness attained through female versus male function, but we found none. Lifetime fitness increased with density, especially under high Ne. Outcrossing rates increased with density under high Ne but declined modestly with density under low Ne. Our results show that density and Ne have strong direct effects on fitness and mating systems, with negative fitness effects of low Ne limiting the positive effects of increasing density. These findings highlight the importance of the interactive effects of density and Ne on lifetime fitness.AbstractLife-history theory predicts that investment in reproduction should increase as future reproductive potential (i.e., residual reproductive value [RRV]) decreases. Researchers have thus intuitively used age as a proxy for RRV and assume that RRV decreases with age when interpreting age-specific investment. Yet age is an imperfect proxy for RRV and may even be a poor correlate in some systems. We used a 31-year study of the nesting ecology of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) to assess how age and RRV compare in explaining variation in a risky investment behavior. We predicted that RRV would be a better predictor of risky investment than age because RRV accounts for variation in future reproductive potential across life. We found that RRV was high in early life, slowly decreased until midlife, and then steadily decreased to terminal reproduction. However, age predicted risky behavior better than RRV. This finding suggests that stronger correlates of age (e.g., size) may be more responsible for this behavior in turtles. This study highlights that researchers should not assume that age-specific investment is driven by RRV and that future work should quantify RRV to more directly test this key element of life-history theory.The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to produce significant emotional consequences at the individual, community, societal, and global levels. This study describes the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in Peruvian medical students. Data were collected by a convenience sampling method, resulting in a total of 1238 medical students from different medical schools in Peru. Our analyses suggest that a two-factor model explains the underlying two-dimensional structure of the FCV-19S. The results indicated that the Spanish version of the FCV-19S scale was found to have adequate psychometric properties.
Neurofibromatosis, Von Hippel Lindau disease, and tuberous sclerosis complex are classified under the term phakomatoses. They are characterized by ocular vascular abnormalities such as vascular tortuosity, corkscrew retinal vessel configuration, moyamoya-like aspect, microaneurysms, hemangioblastomas, and focal sheathing of retinal arteries, possibly due to abnormal formation, migration, and differentiation of neural crest cells. link3 These alterations can be the first sign or the hallmark of disease and can be related to vasoproliferative tumors.

Novel imaging technologies in ophthalmology, such as near-infrared reflectances and spectral domain optical coherence tomography, have improved our knowledge in the diagnosis of these pathologies. Previously undetected macular vascular alterations have been reported in phakomatoses using optical coherence tomography angiography. This review will summarize the ophthalmic vascular abnormalities and novel imaging methods in the phakomatoses.

Active research is being led into the ophthalmic management of these conditions and their complications, and owing to elevated vascular endothelial growth factor production from hemangioblastoma, hamartoma, and retinal vascular proliferative tumors, increasing interest in this line of therapy has been conducted although research is still ongoing in this area.
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