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The mirror and also unhealthy weight: A deliberate evaluation about the outcomes of hand mirror exposure upon conduct along with fat men and women.
INTRODUCTION Abdominal emergencies occur in pregnant women with the rate of 1500635 pregnancies. Such conditions usually develop from full health and worsen rapidly. Symptoms are often similar to those in physiological pregnancy (abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation). The diagnostic process is thus difficult and both the mother and her child are at risk. Our aim was to evaluate the frequency of abdominal emergencies in the Department of Surgery, University Hospital in Pilsen and to consider their impact on pregnancy and on the newborn. METHODS We acquired a set of patients by retrograde collection of data. We searched for pregnant patients suspected of developing an abdominal emergency admitted to the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Pilsen between 2004 and 2015. We evaluated a number of clinical signs to statistically describe the set. RESULTS The set included 121 patients; 42 of the patients underwent a surgical procedure and 79 received conservative treatment. 38 patients underwent appendectomy; 6 appendixes were with no pathologies. McBurneys incision was an approach of choice in most cases. The most frequent symptom was pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant. The foetus has been lost in none of the cases. CONCLUSION Acute appendicitis was the most frequent abdominal emergency in our set and also the most frequent reason for surgical intervention. The most specific sign was pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant. No impact of appendicitis or appendectomy on the health of the newborn has been observed. Even though abdominal emergencies in pregnancy are relatively rare, the results of the department are very good.INTRODUCTION Transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) is a relatively new approach in surgical treatment of rectal cancer. There are no clear indications when to choose this strategy. It is a technically demanding procedure for the surgeon with a long learning curve, which should also be taken into account in evaluation of this method. The results of both oncological and postoperative complications must be properly evaluated to explore the benefit of TaTME. The aim of this study is to assess the potential benefit of TaTME compared to other alternatives in middle and distal rectal tumors. METHODS Retrospective evaluation of patients undergoing TaTME procedure performed by one team of surgeons between October 2014 and June 2019. The authors analyzed demographic indicators of the group of patients, tumor characteristics, specimen quality, early postoperative complications and the possibility of stoma reversal. RESULTS A total of 93 patients underwent TaTME procedure for middle and distal rectal cancer. Mean Brform resection using this approach with acceptable postoperative morbidity and quality of the specimen. We used TaTME procedure in patients expected to have difficult TME due to obesity, size and distal localization of tumor. The incidence of conversion to open surgery was very low. Further studies for long term oncological outcomes are needed.INTRODUCTION Endoscopic pyloromyotomy (G-POEM) is an emerging therapeutic method for the treatment of gastroparesis (GP). So far, only limited case-series suggesting its effectivity have been published. The aim of our study was to assess the effectivity of G-POEM in patients with refractory GP. METHODS Consecutive patients with severe and refractory GP were offered the procedure. An abnormal gastric emptying study (GES) was necessary for inclusion. The main outcome was treatment success defined as a decrease of the total GSCI symptom score by at least 40% from baseline at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. RESULTS G-POEM was performed in 9 patients (5 women, mean age 56.3) 5 post-surgical, 2 diabetic, 1 idiopathic and 1 combined post-surgical and diabetic. The median follow-up was 23M (range 12-31). All procedures were successfully completed. One patient experienced delayed bleeding from gastric ulceration, which was successfully treated endoscopically; all remaining patients recovered uneventfully. Treatment success was achieved in 8/9 patients (88.9%) at 3, 6 and 12M and in 3/4 (75%) at 24M. The mean GSCI decreased from 3.16 to 0.86 (p=0.008), 0.74 (p=0.008), 1.07 (p=0.008) and 1.31 (p=0.11) at 3, 6, 12 and 24M after the procedure. The Quality of Life Index improved from the baseline value of 77 (range 48102) to 113 (86-138, p=0.03) and 96 (50-124, p=0.4) at 12 and 24M. In patients with treatment success, no recurrences have occurred so far. GES improved/normalized in all the patients. CONCLUSION G-POEM was effective in 88.9% of patients with refractory GP and the effect seems to be long-lasting.Several different operative techniques have been applied in minimally invasive right colectomy. Data reported in literature confirm the advantages of laparoscopic approach, however, there is no sure evidence of which one is the best. The pure laparoscopic technique with intracorporeal anastomosis seems to show some advantages compared to the other laparoscopic and open procedures, although for the price of technical difficulty and a longer operating time.Progress had been made in the miniinvasive surgery in the past 30 years. Laparoscopic liver procedures were expanded from limited resections to major resection and complicated procedures. Miniinvasive approach offered better short-time results and similar oncological outcomes compared with open liver surgery. However, it is still challenging to perform some difficult procedures laparoscopically which requires a learning curve and accumulation of experiences in specialized centers.INTRODUCTION Doege-Potter syndrome is a rare syndrome characterized by hypo-insulinemic hypoglycemia. It is caused by excessive ectopic secretion of insulin-like growth factor II from a solitary fibrous tumors of intrapleural or extrapleural origin. Laboratory tests reveal low levels of C-peptide and insulin, on the contrary insulin-like growth factor II level is elevated, which is characteristic for Doege-Potter syndrome. Majority of solitary fibrous tumors present no symptomatology, recurrent hypoglycemia is relatively rare, but it may be the only clinical manifestation. The therapy is surgical, consisting of radical en-bloc tumor resection. CASE REPORT Authors present a case report of a patient with recurrent hypoglycemia caused solely by solitary fibrous tumor. Hypoglycemia resolved immediately after surgical resection and there were no recurrences. CONCLUSION Doege-Potter syndrome should be considered as the differential diagnosis in a patient with suspicion on thoracic malignancy if accompanied by features suggestive of hypoglycemia. Prolonged follow up is strongly advised because of the risk of disease recurrence, even in patients with benign solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura (SFTP).INTRODUCTION Hepatic angiomyolipoma is a rare mesenchymal tumor. It consists of vessels, fatty tissue and muscle tissue. These can appear in various ratios. Devimistat concentration While the kidney is the most common localization of angiomyolipoma, only about 300 cases have been described in the liver so far. It is a tumor of uncertain behavior. Most of the patients suffering from the lesion is asymptomatic. It is often preoperatively misdiagnosed using various imaging methods given its similarity to other hepatic tumors. CASE REPORT Our 64 years old female patient was being examined for dull abdominal pains with no other symptoms. Her close relatives suffered from no malignancies. Imaging exams showed a liver lesion highly suspicious for hepatocellular carcinoma. However, the patient showed no elevation of typical oncomarkers. We performed left lateral sectionectomy. A grey solid focal lesion was found in the resected tissue. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation determined the diagnosis of angiomyolipoma. The postoperative period was uncomplicated. The patient has been followed at an office for hepato-pancreato-biliary diseases, with no signs of recurrence until the present. CONCLUSION Hepatic angiomyolipoma is a rare disease. The diagnostic process can be challenging as illustrated by the presented case. Even though the working diagnosis proved false, the chosen treatment was appropriate and delivered good results. Long-term postoperative follow-up is required.Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or else Bechterews or Marie-Strümpells disease is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting preferentially the spine in the form of sacroileitis and spondylitis [1,2]. Due to acquired skeletal fragility, compared to healthy spine there is a significantly different response of the organism to the mechanical load [3] and therefore in patients with AS, spinal trauma is much more dangerous. Unlike predominantly elastic injuries in healthy cervical spine in AS patients this elasticity is lost and the spine then behaves like a tubular bone [4,5]. A simple X-ray picture is often insufficient because these fractures are difficult to be found in the field of extensive bone alterations typical for AS [6,7,8]. We present a case report of cervical spondylogenic myelopathy in posttraumatic pseudoarthrosis with a prolapse of C6/7 in the field of an old fracture in an AS patient with a typical initial underestimation of diagnosis in minor trauma. The patient therefore experienced a typical late deterioration of the neurological condition. At our department, we have completed the diagnosis and proceeded to perform the surgery with which we have the greatest experience. Although slightly at variance with established procedures, the surgery provides a sufficient solution for the patient also in postoperative follow-up.INTRODUCTION Maisonneuve fracture (MF) is a generally known entity in ankle trauma. However, details about this type of injury can be found only rarely in the literature. For these reasons we have decided to perform a study on MF epidemiology and pathoanatomy. METHODS The group comprised 70 patients (47 men, 23 women), with the mean age of 48 years, who sustained an ankle fracture-dislocation involving the proximal quarter of the fibula. Ankle radiographs in three views and lower leg radiographs in two views were performed in all patients. A total of 59 patients underwent CT examination in three views, including 3D CT reconstruction in 49 of these patients. MRI was performed in 4 patients. Operative treatment was used in 67 patients; open reduction of the distal fibula into the fibular notch was opted for in 54 of them. RESULTS The highest MF incidence rate was recorded in the 5th decade in the whole group and in men, while in women the peak incidence was in the 6th decade. After the age of 50, the share of wudes a wide range of injuries both to bone and ligamentous structures of the ankle. Therefore, CT examination is an indispensable part of assessment of this type of fracture.INTRODUCTION The aim of the study was to radiologically analyse the results of expandable implant insertion in one- to two-level cervical spine somatectomy. METHODS A total of 28 patients undergoing one- to two-level somatectomy in cervical spine were postoperatively examined by CT. The following radiological parameters were studied Cobb angle C2-7, segmental Cobb angle, implant subsidence and bone fusion. RESULTS The average Cobb angle of C2-7 in preoperative images was 13.7 degrees, 13.4 degrees in the early postoperative period (p=0.88), and 10.3 degrees (p=0.043) 2 years after the surgery. The average segmental Cobb angle in preoperative images was 4.4 degrees, 5.2 degrees in the early postoperative period (p=0.61), and 0.2 degrees (p=0.01) 2 years after the surgery. Significant implant subsidence was observed in 15 cases (53.6%). Grade I fusion was achieved in 6 cases (21.4%), grade II fusion in 12 cases (42.9%), and stable pseudoarthrosis (grade III) in 9 cases (32.1%). No cases of unstable pseudoarthrosis (grade IV) were detected.
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