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Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases: Proceeding past conventional risk factors.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity seems to be influenced by genetic background, sex, age, and presence of specific comorbidities. So far, little attention has been paid to sex-specific variations of demographic, clinical, and laboratory features of COVID-19 patients referred to the same hospital in the two consecutive pandemic waves.

Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were collected in 1000 COVID-19 patients (367 females and 633 males), 500 hospitalized in the first wave and 500 in the second one, at the ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia from March to December 2020. Statistical analyses have been employed to compare data obtained in females and males, taking into account their age, and during the first and second COVID-19 waves.

The mean age at the time of hospitalization was similar in females and males but was significantly higher for both in the second wave; the time elapsed from symptom onset to hospital admission did not differ between sexes in the two waves, and no correlation was ld females and males could be due to the fact that in Brescia province, elderly women are about twice as many as men. Although males spent more days in the hospital, had a longer disease duration, developed a critical illness more frequently, and were admitted and died in the ICU more than females, the total rate of deaths among patients was not significantly different between sexes. Overall, the most frequent comorbidities were cardiovascular diseases, which were preferentially seen among patients hospitalized in the second wave; it is possible that the knowledge gained in the first wave concerning the association between certain comorbidities and worse disease evolution has guided the preferential hospitalization of patients with these predominant comorbidities.
The tropical disease onchocerciasis (river blindness), caused by Onchocerca volvulus filarial nematodes, is targeted for elimination by mass treatment with nematocidal and antimicrobial drugs. Diagnosis of O. volvulus infections is based on counts of skin-borne microfilariae, but additional diagnostic tools, e.g. worm- or host-derived small RNAs, proteins or metabolites, are required for high-throughput screening. N-acetyltyramine-O,β-glucuronide (NATOG) was suggested as a biomarker for onchocerciasis but its viability as diagnostic tool has been challenged.

We performed a screening program of urine samples from individuals from Cameroon infected with O. volvulus, Loa loa, Mansonella perstans or a combination thereof. Urine metabolites were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Principle component analysis (PCA) revealed that onchocerciasis causes complex changes of the urine metabolome.

The mean NATOG content was elevated in urine of O. volvulus-infected compared with non-infecterciasis on the population level. This provides the possibility to design a strategy for large-scale onchocerciasis epidemiological screening programs based on urine rather than invasive techniques.
Globally, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are recognised as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Medications and medicines optimisation play an important role in the management of modifiable physiological risk factors and NCDs. The importance of lifestyle interventions in prevention of modifiable risk factors is also well established. The aim of this paper was to describe the quantity of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypertension and dyslipidaemia prescribing in Qatari primary care settings. Its findings will provide necessary information to inform pharmaceutical policy and practice.

The study was undertaken in Qatar's publicly funded primary health care centres. Data sources for this study comprised electronic medical records. YUM70 The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) drug classification system was used to classify the medications prescribed. The number and proportion of medications by age, sex, nationality and diagnosis (T2DM, hypertension and dyslipidaemia) were reported.

A total 81,569 ingender and nationality. Rational guidelines for the utilisation of medications need to be established with the support of real-world evidence.
In Qatar's primary care settings, average medications prescribed per patients were found to be higher compared to other populations. While medications were actively prescribed for the 3 conditions, the study found variations by medication type, age, gender and nationality. Rational guidelines for the utilisation of medications need to be established with the support of real-world evidence.
Bogs are unique ecosystems inhabited by distinctive, coevolved assemblages of organisms, which play a global role for carbon storage, climate stability, water quality and biodiversity. To understand ecology and plant-microbe co-occurrence in bogs, we selected 12 representative species of bryophytes and vascular plants and subjected them to a shotgun metagenomic sequencing approach. We explored specific plant-microbe associations as well as functional implications of the respective communities on their host plants and the bog ecosystem.

Microbial communities were shown to be functionally adapted to their plant hosts; a higher colonization specificity was found for vascular plants. Bryophytes that commonly constitute the predominant Sphagnum layer in bogs were characterized by a higher bacterial richness and diversity. Each plant group showed an enrichment of distinct phylogenetic and functional bacterial lineages. Detailed analyses of the metabolic potential of 28 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) supporificity of the plant microbiota reflects intimate plant-microbe interactions and coevolution in bog environments. We assume that the detected pathogenicity factors might be involved in coevolution processes, but the finding also reinforces the role of the natural plant microbiota as a potential reservoir for human pathogens. link2 Overall, the study demonstrates how plant-microbe assemblages can ensure stability, functioning and ecosystem health in bogs. It also highlights the role of bog ecosystems as a playground for plant-microbe coevolution. Video abstract.
Acute and overuse injuries affect millions of high school athletes annually and a better understanding of differences between these injuries is needed to help guide prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies. This study compares acute and overuse injuries using a nationally representative sample of high school athletes.

Injuries among United States high school athletes participating in 5 boys' sports (football, soccer, basketball, wrestling, baseball) and 4 girls' sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball) reported in the High School RIO™ surveillance system during the 2006-07 through 2018-19 school years were classified as acute or overuse. National estimates and injury rates were calculated.

Of 17 434 646 estimated injuries, 92.0 % were acute and 8.0 % were overuse. The acute injury rate was higher than the overuse injury rate among both male (Rate Ratio [RR] 16.38, 95 % CI 15.70-17.10) and female (RR 8.14, 95 % CI 7.71-8.60) athletes. The overuse injury rate per 10,000 athlete exposuse a time loss of 1-3 weeks or medical disqualification from sports participation.

Acute and overuse injuries display many differences that provide opportunities for data-informed athlete preparation, treatment, and rehabilitation, which may reduce injuries and improve injury outcomes in high school athletics.
Acute and overuse injuries display many differences that provide opportunities for data-informed athlete preparation, treatment, and rehabilitation, which may reduce injuries and improve injury outcomes in high school athletics.
Humans spend the bulk of their time in indoor environments. This space is shared with an indoor ecosystem of microorganisms, which are in continuous exchange with the human inhabitants. In the particular case of hospitals, the environmental microorganisms may influence patient recovery and outcome. An understanding of the bacterial community structure in the hospital environment is pivotal for the prevention of hospital-acquired infections and the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes. In this study, we performed a longitudinal metagenetic approach in a newly opened ward at the Charité Hospital (Berlin) to characterize the dynamics of the bacterial colonization process in the hospital environment after first patient occupancy.

The sequencing data showed a site-specific taxonomic succession, which led to stable community structures after only a few weeks. This data was further supported by network analysis and beta-diversity metrics. Furthermore, the fast colonization process was characterized by a significant increase of the bacterial biomass and its alpha-diversity. The compositional dynamics could be linked to the exchange with the patient microbiota. Over a time course of 30 weeks, we did not detect a rise of pathogenic bacteria in the hospital environment, but a significant increase of antibiotic resistance determinants on the hospital floor.

The results presented in this study provide new insights into different aspects of the environmental microbiome in the clinical setting, and will help to adopt infection control strategies in hospitals and health care-related buildings. Video Abstract.
The results presented in this study provide new insights into different aspects of the environmental microbiome in the clinical setting, and will help to adopt infection control strategies in hospitals and health care-related buildings. Video Abstract.
The prevalence of infections caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli (ESBL-E. coli) is increasing worldwide, but the setting in which this increase is occurring is not well defined. We compared trends and risk factors for ESBL-E. coli bacteriuria in community vs healthcare settings.

We collected electronic health record data on all patients with E. coli isolated from urine cultures in a safety-net public healthcare system from January 2014 to March 2020. All analyses were stratified by healthcare-onset/associated (bacteriuria diagnosed > 48h after hospital admission or in an individual hospitalized in the past 90days or in a skilled nursing facility resident, N = 1277) or community-onset bacteriuria (bacteriuria diagnosed < 48h after hospital admission or in an individual seen in outpatient clinical settings without a hospitalization in the past 90days, N = 7751). We estimated marginal trends from logistic regressions to evaluate annual change in prevalence of ESBL-E. coli bacteriuria among all bacteriuria. We evaluated risk factors using logistic regression models.

ESBL-E. coli prevalence increased in both community-onset (0.91% per year, 95% CI 0.56%, 1.26%) and healthcare-onset/associated (2.31% per year, CI 1.01%, 3.62%) bacteriuria. In multivariate analyses, age > 65 (RR 1.88, CI 1.17, 3.05), male gender (RR 2.12, CI 1.65, 2.73), and Latinx race/ethnicity (RR 1.52, CI 0.99, 2.33) were associated with community-onset ESBL-E. coli. link3 Only male gender (RR 1.53, CI 1.03, 2.26) was associated with healthcare-onset/associated ESBL-E. coli.

ESBL-E. coli bacteriuria frequency increased at a faster rate in healthcare-associated settings than in the community between 2014 and 2020. Male gender was associated with ESBL-E. coli bacteriuria in both settings, but additional risks-age > 65 and Latinx race/ethnicity-were observed only in the community.
 65 and Latinx race/ethnicity-were observed only in the community.
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