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Advancements in Multiplexed Paper-Based Analytic Products with regard to Cancer malignancy Diagnosis: An assessment of Technical Advancements.
Materials Cloud is a platform designed to enable open and seamless sharing of resources for computational science, driven by applications in materials modelling. It hosts (1) archival and dissemination services for raw and curated data, together with their provenance graph, (2) modelling services and virtual machines, (3) tools for data analytics, and pre-/post-processing, and (4) educational materials. Data is citable and archived persistently, providing a comprehensive embodiment of entire simulation pipelines (calculations performed, codes used, data generated) in the form of graphs that allow retracing and reproducing any computed result. When an AiiDA database is shared on Materials Cloud, peers can browse the interconnected record of simulations, download individual files or the full database, and start their research from the results of the original authors. The infrastructure is agnostic to the specific simulation codes used and can support diverse applications in computational science that transcend its initial materials domain.Rechargeable aqueous batteries are an up-and-coming system for potential large-scale energy storage due to their high safety and low cost. However, the freeze of aqueous electrolyte limits the low-temperature operation of such batteries. Here, we report the breakage of original hydrogen-bond network in ZnCl2 solution by modulating electrolyte structure, and thus suppressing the freeze of water and depressing the solid-liquid transition temperature of the aqueous electrolyte from 0 to -114 °C. This ZnCl2-based low-temperature electrolyte renders polyaniline||Zn batteries available to operate in an ultra-wide temperature range from -90 to +60 °C, which covers the earth surface temperature in record. Such polyaniline||Zn batteries are robust at -70 °C (84.9 mA h g-1) and stable during over 2000 cycles with ~100% capacity retention. This work significantly provides an effective strategy to propel low-temperature aqueous batteries via tuning the electrolyte structure and widens the application range of temperature adaptation of aqueous batteries.The ever-growing availability of computing power and the sustained development of advanced computational methods have contributed much to recent scientific progress. These developments present new challenges driven by the sheer amount of calculations and data to manage. Next-generation exascale supercomputers will harden these challenges, such that automated and scalable solutions become crucial. In recent years, we have been developing AiiDA (, a robust open-source high-throughput infrastructure addressing the challenges arising from the needs of automated workflow management and data provenance recording. BMS-387032 Here, we introduce developments and capabilities required to reach sustained performance, with AiiDA supporting throughputs of tens of thousands processes/hour, while automatically preserving and storing the full data provenance in a relational database making it queryable and traversable, thus enabling high-performance data analytics. AiiDA's workflow language provides advanced automation, error handling features and a flexible plugin model to allow interfacing with external simulation software. The associated plugin registry enables seamless sharing of extensions, empowering a vibrant user community dedicated to making simulations more robust, user-friendly and reproducible.Helicobacter pylori infects 4.4 billion individuals worldwide and is considered the most important etiologic agent for peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. Individual response to H. pylori infection is complex and depends on complex interactions between host and environmental factors. The pathway towards gastric cancer is a sequence of events known as Correa's model of gastric carcinogenesis, a stepwise inflammatory process from normal mucosa to chronic-active gastritis, atrophy, metaplasia and gastric adenocarcinoma. This study examines gastric clinical specimens representing different steps of the Correa pathway with the aim of identifying the expression profiles of coding- and non-coding RNAs that may have a role in Correa's model of gastric carcinogenesis. We screened for differentially expressed genes in gastric biopsies by employing RNAseq, microarrays and qRT-PCR. Here we provide a detailed description of the experiments, methods and results generated. The datasets may help other scientists and clinicians to find new clues to the pathogenesis of H. pylori and the mechanisms of progression of the infection to more severe gastric diseases. Data is available via ArrayExpress.As mitigating car traffic in cities has become paramount to abate climate change effects, fostering public transport in cities appears ever-more appealing. A key ingredient in that purpose is easy access to mass rapid transit (MRT) systems. So far, we have however few empirical estimates of the coverage of MRT in urban areas, computed as the share of people living in MRT catchment areas, say for instance within walking distance. In this work, we clarify a universal definition of such a metrics - People Near Transit (PNT) - and present measures of this quantity for 85 urban areas in OECD countries - the largest dataset of such a quantity so far. By suggesting a standardized protocol, we make our dataset sound and expandable to other countries and cities in the world, which grounds our work into solid basis for multiple reuses in transport, environmental or economic studies.Experimental databases on the optical properties of organic chromophores are important for the implementation of data-driven chemistry using machine learning. Herein, we present a series of experimental data including various optical properties such as the first absorption and emission maximum wavelengths and their bandwidths (full width at half maximum), extinction coefficient, photoluminescence quantum yield, and fluorescence lifetime. A database of 20,236 data points was developed by collecting the optical properties of organic compounds already reported in the literature. A dataset of 7,016 unique organic chromophores in 365 solvents or in solid state is available in CSV format.Sustainable food production in the context of climate change necessitates diversification of agriculture and a more efficient utilization of plant genetic resources. Fonio millet (Digitaria exilis) is an orphan African cereal crop with a great potential for dryland agriculture. Here, we establish high-quality genomic resources to facilitate fonio improvement through molecular breeding. These include a chromosome-scale reference assembly and deep re-sequencing of 183 cultivated and wild Digitaria accessions, enabling insights into genetic diversity, population structure, and domestication. Fonio diversity is shaped by climatic, geographic, and ethnolinguistic factors. Two genes associated with seed size and shattering showed signatures of selection. Most known domestication genes from other cereal models however have not experienced strong selection in fonio, providing direct targets to rapidly improve this crop for agriculture in hot and dry environments.Significant progress has been made in elucidating single nucleotide polymorphism diversity in the human population. However, the majority of the variation space in the genome is structural and remains partially elusive. One form of structural variation is tandem repeats (TRs). link2 Expansion of TRs are responsible for over 40 diseases, but we hypothesize these represent only a fraction of the pathogenic repeat expansions that exist. Here we characterize long or expanded TR variation in 1,115 human genomes as well as a replication cohort of 2,504 genomes, identified using ExpansionHunter Denovo. We found that individual genomes typically harbor several rare, large TRs, generally in non-coding regions of the genome. We noticed that these large TRs are enriched in their proximity to Alu elements. The vast majority of these large TRs seem to be expansions of smaller TRs that are already present in the reference genome. We are providing this TR profile as a resource for comparison to undiagnosed rare disease genomes in order to detect novel disease-causing repeat expansions.Recognizing emotions during social interactions has many potential applications with the popularization of low-cost mobile sensors, but a challenge remains with the lack of naturalistic affective interaction data. Most existing emotion datasets do not support studying idiosyncratic emotions arising in the wild as they were collected in constrained environments. Therefore, studying emotions in the context of social interactions requires a novel dataset, and K-EmoCon is such a multimodal dataset with comprehensive annotations of continuous emotions during naturalistic conversations. The dataset contains multimodal measurements, including audiovisual recordings, EEG, and peripheral physiological signals, acquired with off-the-shelf devices from 16 sessions of approximately 10-minute long paired debates on a social issue. Distinct from previous datasets, it includes emotion annotations from all three available perspectives self, debate partner, and external observers. Raters annotated emotional displays at intervals of every 5 seconds while viewing the debate footage, in terms of arousal-valence and 18 additional categorical emotions. The resulting K-EmoCon is the first publicly available emotion dataset accommodating the multiperspective assessment of emotions during social interactions.Although the surface deformation of tectonic plate boundaries is well determined by geological and geodetic measurements, the pattern of flow below the lithosphere remains poorly constrained. link3 We use the crustal velocity field of the Plate Boundary Observatory to illuminate the distribution of horizontal flow beneath the California margin. At lower-crustal and upper-mantle depths, the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates is off-centered from the San Andreas fault, concentrated in a region that encompasses the trace of nearby active faults. A major step is associated with return flow below the Eastern California Shear Zone, leading to the extrusion of the Mojave block and a re-distribution of fault activity since the Pleistocene. Major earthquakes in California have occurred above the regions of current plastic strain accumulation. Deformation is mechanically coupled from the crust to the asthenosphere, with mantle flow overlaid by a kinematically consistent network of faults in the brittle crust.Asia-Pacific (APAC) has been the world's most dynamic emerging area of economic development and trade in recent decades. Here, we reveal the significant and imbalanced environmental and socio-economic effects of the region's growths during 1995-2015. Owing to the intra-regional trade of goods and services, APAC economies grew increasingly interdependent in each other's water and energy use, greenhouse gas (GHG) and PM2.5 emissions, and labor and economic productivity, while the environmental and economic disparity widened within the region. Furthermore, our results highlight APAC's significant role in globalization. By 2015, APAC was engaged in 50-71% of the virtual flows of water, energy, GHG, PM2.5, labor, and value added embodied in international trade. While the region's final demand and trade grew less resource- and emissions-intensive, predominantly led by China's transformations, APAC still lags behind global averages after two decades. More joint efforts of APAC economies and attention to sustainable transformation are needed.
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