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Role of baking soda inside intra-operative injure preparing according to an within vitro fibrin clot wreckage design.
Endometriosis should be considered in evaluation of reproductive woman with chronic lower abdominal pain, history of infertility and dysmenorrhea. Prompt management is crucial, and in a setting of advanced technology, robotic laparoscopic surgery is the best to diagnosis and treat advanced endometriosis.
Endometriosis should be considered in evaluation of reproductive woman with chronic lower abdominal pain, history of infertility and dysmenorrhea. Prompt management is crucial, and in a setting of advanced technology, robotic laparoscopic surgery is the best to diagnosis and treat advanced endometriosis.
Ileosigmoid knotting is an unusual cause of intestinal obstruction in which the ileum wraps around the base of the sigmoid colon and its mesentery, which leads to a closed loop intestinal obstruction.

A 59-year-old male patient was referred to our center with acute abdominal pain, obstipation and a few episodes of vomiting. On physical examination, he had hypotension and tachycardia as well as distension, diffused tenderness, guarding and rebound tenderness of the abdomen. Bowel sounds were absent. Abdominal Plain X-ray showed dilatation of the large bowel associated with the distended small bowel. After resuscitation with aggressive intravenous fluid therapy, the patient underwent an emergency laparotomy. Exploration revealed gangrene of the intestinal loops, including the jejunum and ileum, which was secondary to a 360° clockwise twisting of the ileal loops around the sigmoid colon. Gangrene of the sigmoid colon along with torsion of the superior mesenteric arteries was also obvious. Resection of the gangrenous loops of the small bowel as well as a sigmoidopexy was carried out and a primary anastomosis of the small intestine and colon was performed. He did well post-operatively.

It is crucial to distinguish Ileosigmoid knotting from sigmoid volvulus because it can rapidly, even within hours, progress to bowel gangrene and peritonitis; moreover, in this situation the endoscopic reduction is contraindicated.

Ileosegmoid knotting is an unusual cause of bowel obstruction which has relatively high mortality rates and should be considered in patients with acute abdominal pain and presentations of bowel obstruction.
Ileosegmoid knotting is an unusual cause of bowel obstruction which has relatively high mortality rates and should be considered in patients with acute abdominal pain and presentations of bowel obstruction.
Streptococcus dysgalactiae, also known as Group C/G Streptococci, causes infection to humans and animals. Infectious syndromes range from mild pharyngitis and cellulitis, to bacteraemia and life-threatening sepsis. This report uniquely presents a case of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies dysgalactiae causing fulminant sepsis post-radical vulvectomy.

Four months post modified radical vulvectomy with bilateral lymph node dissection, a 78-year-old woman presented with pyrexia and associated intercrural, upper thigh and suprapubic erythema. Aside from being a smoker, there was no documented history of immunosuppression. Blood cultures yielded growth of S. dysgalactiae, and she improved with intravenous antibiotics, fluid resusitation and electrolyte replacement.

Streptococcus dysgalactiae is an important pathogen associated with bacteraemia, cellulitis, meningitis and pneumonia. Prompt and appropriate antibiotic therapy in addition to further investigations with potential surgical intervention are essential.
Streptococcus dysgalactiae is an important pathogen associated with bacteraemia, cellulitis, meningitis and pneumonia. Prompt and appropriate antibiotic therapy in addition to further investigations with potential surgical intervention are essential.
Cholangiocarcinoma is a malignant neoplasm with a difficult diagnosis and unfavorable prognosis that can appear anywhere in the biliary tree. Anatomically, it can be classified as intra- or extrahepatic, the latter being the most common primary malignancy of the biliary tract. Although bone tissue is the third most common target for metastases in general, metastatic lesions from cholangiocarcinomas are uncommon in the head and neck.

A 33-year-old female patient undergoing cancer treatment for cholangiocarcinoma was referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology Service (CTBMF) of the São Vicente de Paulo Hospital in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, for interdisciplinary follow-up. She presented trismus, dysphagia, pain, necrosis and drainage in the mental region, and an increased volume on the right side of the mandibular body in the region of teeth 47 and 48. An incisional biopsy was performed in this bulging region. The histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated carcinoma. The patient was followed-up weekly by the CTBMF team, receiving analgesia and palliative treatment for the extra- and intraoral lesions, controlling opportunistic infections, and improving food intake.

Metastatic cholangiocarcinomas in the mandible are rare, hence their diagnosis is often late, which may disfavor the prognosis of these conditions.

Carefully examining patients with mandibular bone lesions is strongly suggested, especially patients with known or previous concomitant malignancy.
Carefully examining patients with mandibular bone lesions is strongly suggested, especially patients with known or previous concomitant malignancy.
This case demonstrates an unusual presentation of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) ocular infection and the challenges faced during the management of its complications.

A thirty year-old lady, a steroid responder with HSV keratouveitis, was referred for non-response to treatment with the prophylactic dose of oral acyclovir and acetazolamide. She presented with large epithelial bullae, anterior chamber reaction, and raised intraocular pressure in her right eye. Initially, she responded to the therapeutic dose of oral acyclovir, but on follow-up visits, she developed high intraocular pressures of up to 45mmHg on maximum medical therapy. Hence, trabeculectomy with mitomycin-C was performed. One year later, she developed corneal endothelial decompensation, for which a Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) was done. Eight months post-operatively, she had a best corrected visual acuity of 20/20, clear corneal graft, quiet anterior chamber, and well-controlled intraocular pressures.

HSV tra performing corneal endothelial procedures in young phakic patients especially post-trabeculectomy.
Acute appendicitis is a common condition presenting in emergency department. A patient presenting with pain associated with fever, and tenderness in the right iliac fossa will be suspected to have Acute Appendicitis. However a variety of other clinical conditions may have similar features and may be required to be excluded. Acute pyelonephritis in an ectopic right kidney is a rare clinical condition which may mimic Acute Appendicitis.

We present a middle-age male with complaints of pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen with high grade fever for one week. Clinical suspicion and initial ultrasonography (USG) of abdomen supported the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. The patient was initially managed conservatively and later non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) scan was done that revealed right ectopic kidney with acute pyelonephritis. The appendix was within normal limits on NCCT scan.

Ectopic kidneys result from anomalies of ascend which can result in several complications depending upon its position. Acute appendicitis can also cause pyuria and may mimic urosepsis amounting to its close anatomical proximity to urinary bladder. An un-ascended ectopic kidney with pyelonephritis mimicking acute appendicitis is a rare occurrence. USG and CT scan are important tools in the differential diagnosis but however, USG is greatly operator dependent; CT scan provides excellent diagnostic accuracy.

This case report signifies importance of NCCT abdomen in accurate diagnosis of conditions featuring as right lower abdominal pain and fever. Also emphasizing significance of NCCT prior to any surgical intervention, if any conflict of diagnosis occurs.
This case report signifies importance of NCCT abdomen in accurate diagnosis of conditions featuring as right lower abdominal pain and fever. Also emphasizing significance of NCCT prior to any surgical intervention, if any conflict of diagnosis occurs.
Lateral abdominal wall defects are a rare event and commonly result from iatrogenic causes and trauma. We report the first known case of flank hernia after endoscopic submucosal resection of a colonic polyp complicated by colonic perforation.

This is a case of a 50-year-old male who underwent endoscopic colonic resection complicated by perforation of the colon. Eight months later, he presented with an enlarging, asymptomatic left flank bulge. CT showed a large flank hernia which was successfully repaired using a robotic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAP) approach.

The hypothesis is that the endoscopic resection with colonic perforation caused an iatrogenic injury to the abdominal wall creating a lateral abdominal hernia. Injury to abdominal wall musculature may take months to develop into a clinically apparent hernia. Flank hernias can be successfully repaired using a robotic minimally invasive approach.

Flank bulge and hernias must be included or at least be considered as consequence of a potential complication from endoscopic colonic perforation. Surgeons and endoscopists must be aware of this potential complication and its latent presentation. This case stresses the importance of long-term outcomes monitoring, particularly with innovative procedures.
Flank bulge and hernias must be included or at least be considered as consequence of a potential complication from endoscopic colonic perforation. Surgeons and endoscopists must be aware of this potential complication and its latent presentation. This case stresses the importance of long-term outcomes monitoring, particularly with innovative procedures.
A very uncommon dengue fever consequence is subdural hematoma. IgG positivity, increased AST, and ALT levels may all be risk factors for bleeding in dengue fever patients.

We report the case of a 65-year-old man who presented with dengue fever symptoms and developed altered consciousness and focal neurological deficits. The findings of the tests showed thrombocytopenia, increased AST and ALT, positive anti-dengue IgG, and subdural hematoma on brain imaging. The urgent operations were completed satisfactorily.

Dengue-related intracerebral haemorrhage is still a complicated condition. Thrombocytopenia and leukopenia are the first symptoms that point to dengue. Some risk factors, such as thrombocytopenia and increased AST and ALT, have been identified as bleeding factors in dengue fever. For a possible intracerebral haemorrhage, radiological imaging should be performed. In an emergency neurosurgery setting, thrombocyte administration could be used to monitor thrombocytopenia.

Subdural hematoma is a possible dengue fever complication. If the patient's symptoms with thrombocytopenia and elevated liver enzymes indicate the possibility of intracranial haemorrhage, immediate radiological imaging should be performed.
Subdural hematoma is a possible dengue fever complication. If the patient's symptoms with thrombocytopenia and elevated liver enzymes indicate the possibility of intracranial haemorrhage, immediate radiological imaging should be performed.
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