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Optimistic Psychosocial Components and Oxytocin within the Ovarian Growth Microenvironment.
Alcohol withdrawal arises in result of long-lasting or short, but massive, alcohol abuse, manifests itself with oppressive symptoms and in some cases is complicated by seizures, hallucinosis and delirium tremens that may be life-threatening for patients. The leading neurochemical factors underlying alcohol withdrawal syndrome and its complications are lack of GABA and excessive glutamate activity, which is important for therapy choice. The first-line drugs in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and alcoholic delirium are benzodiazepines, which have the maximum pharmacological similarity with ethanol. Other medications, including barbiturates, anticonvulsants, propofol, dexmedetomidine, and antipsychotics, may be used as alternatives to and in addition to benzodiazepines, especially in the case of protracted delirium with therapeutic resistance. Certain prospects in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome are associated with ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, which is a bit similar to benzodiazepines in its pharmacology.The aim of this review is to analyze the basic biological mechanisms of comorbidity of schizophrenia and metabolic, cardiovascular diseases, which are not directly associated with external risk factors. Cyclopamine The study of the general pathophysiological mechanisms of schizophrenia and metabolic disorders can provide a significant basis not only for the fundamentally novel therapeutic, preventive and diagnostic measures, but also for a better understanding of the etiopathogenesis of these diseases. It seems likely that schizophrenia represents a heterogeneous group with a varying genetic basis for both mental symptoms and neuroendocrine, inflammatory processes that form concomitant somatic disorders. Thus, the new integrated approaches to the study of this problem with the latest methods of genetic and molecular research are relevant.The review briefly summarizes experimental and preclinical data of the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in triggering pathophysiological changes associated with depression, primarily major depressive disorder (MDD), as well as the possibility of using anti-inflammatory drugs as antidepressants.Spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy (CP) is the main impediment to normal locomotion. The function of the Central Pattern Generator (CPG), i.e. a group of neural chains in the spinal cord, stands at the core of any rhythmical movement. CPG can generate locomotion patterns without supraspinal control, which can have both positive and negative impact on the ability to move. Performing the motor tasks such as walking, running and swimming, creates the consistent rhythmical movement of legs and arms through interaction between CPGs of upper and lower extremities. This interaction can cause the activation of pathological movement patterns in lower extremities in response to upper limb spasticity. Thus, neural chains in the spinal cord become the generator of pathologically increased excitation which has developed as a result of a focal lesion in the CNS. All the statements described above show the importance of introducing the upper limb injections of bFotulinum toxin A in the protocol in order to develop normal locomotion. The PUL study approved the optimal level of efficacy and favourable safety profile of botulinum toxin A in children with CP and upper limb muscle spasticity.The article discusses the current trends in the spread of carbohydrate disorders, discusses in more detail the problem of type 2 diabetes mellitus and associated cerebrovascular diseases. The spectrum of the therapeutic effect of the drugs neurox and neupilept is considered in relation to this category of patients.Visual hallucinations have a negative effect on the course of Parkinson's disease (PD), being a source of stress for the patients themselves and caregivers. The article discusses the basic theories and pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of visual hallucinations in PD consisting of the following components impairment of the visual information received from the retina with subsequent disruption of its processing in the central parts of the visual system; lack of suppression of internally generated images through the ponto-geniculo-occipital system; the invasion of REM sleep patterns in wakefulness; decreased ability of the brain stem structures to implement appropriate information filtering as well as excessive drug-induced activation of the mesolimbic system. Particular attention is paid to visual impairment and changes in the transmission of information along the retino-hypothalamic tract. In this connection, dysfunction in the «retina - hypothalamus» system can also be considered as one of the factors that determines the time and rhythm of occurrence or exacerbation of visual hallucinations in PD. Attracting attention to this aspect opens new therapeutic possibilities where the circadian system can be positioned as a target of additional exposure in the treatment of visual hallucinations in PD.The article discusses the pathogenetic and clinical features of tinnitus. It is emphasized that various causes contribute to the appearance of tinnitus, including somatic diseases, excess body weight, iatrogenies, otological diseases with an outcome in hearing loss. The anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the central part of the auditory system are considered. It is suggested that the occurrence of tinnitus is associated with the processes of maladaptive neuroplasticity caused by pathological changes in the neuronal activity of cortical structures of the CNS, and not with changes in the peripheral part of the auditory analyzer - the structures of the cochlea. The results of recent studies, including those using functional neuroimaging methods, indicate the significance of cortical connection disorders (human connectome) in patients with tinnitus. In patients with tinnitus, there are changes in regional neuronal activity and connections not only in the auditory cortex, but also in areas not directly related to the analysis of auditory afferentation. Thus, tinnitus can be considered as one of the variants of dysfunction of the human connectome, triggered primarily from the «auditory input».Endothelial dysfunction is an important mechanism underlying multiple organ and systems failure in COVID-19. The development of endothelial dysfunction in COVID-19 can disrupt organ perfusion and cause a procoagulant state, leading to both macro- and microvascular thrombotic events. Cognitive impairment is a common complication of COVID-19 that develop in acute and delayed periods and is not directly related to the severity of the underlying disease. Treatment of endothelial dysfunction in patients with COVID-19 should take into account the leading pathogenetic factors of its development and with the development of neurological, including cognitive, disorders should include neuroprotective drugs. One of these drugs is actovegin, which has been shown to be effective in improving endothelial function, microcirculation and cognition.The article presents the literature data that determine the place of antidepressants in the relief and maintenance therapy for recurrent depression (RD) and depression in the framework of bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) and provides a justification for their use in the presence of residual depressive symptoms during remission. There are several ways to achieve complete remission determination of the nature of residual symptoms; identification of adverse side-effects that have occurred as a result of the therapy; the establishment of those symptoms that are subjectively perceived by the patient as interfering with his/her full life. The data on the effective use of agomelatin for maintenance therapy, both as monotherapy and in combination with other antidepressants, anticonvulsants and neuroleptics, in RD and BPAD are presented. The authors have analyzed the case histories of 29 outpatients with depressions of various origins (RDD, BPAD, prolonged psychogenic depression, organic affective disorder), who received agomelatin as part of complex and monotherapy for a long time (1 to 13 years), and justified the predictors of its efficacy.Huntington's disease, or Huntington's chorea, is considered as an orphan disease. However, chorea is not the single, and in many cases, not the most severe sign of this disease. Along with motor symptoms, psychiatric symptoms make a significant contribution to patient disability and desocialization. In addition, in many patients, mental and cognitive manifestations can significantly precede motor symptoms. This article considers the most common comorbid mental disorders in this disease, their characteristics and features of the course are given based on literature and own observations.Toxoplasmosis is a widespread parasitic disease. It is caused by an intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. It can affect various tissues and organs, forming cysts and continuing to replicate within them. In people with intact immune system, tissue cysts remain in latent state throughout their whole life. However, in cases of cellular immunodeficiency the infection can be reactivated, which leads to secondary generalization of the process. People with HIV most commonly present with cerebral toxoplasmosis. Non-specific neuroimaging signs, as well as absence of pathognomonic symptoms and specific laboratory data lead to difficulties of cerebral toxoplasmosis diagnosis, particularly in the cases with a history of multiple sclerosis that has similar clinical symptoms and brain MRI data suggesting of tumefactive multiple sclerosis image. A clinical case of cerebral toxoplasmosis in a female patient with multiple sclerosis and HIV infection is described.A clinical analysis of a patient with a rare form of secondary facial pain (Herzenberg's disease) is presented. The conducted research and pharmacological tests made it possible to exclude such diseases as trigeminal neuralgia, stylohyoid syndrome, TMJ pain dysfunction, dental plexalgia, myofascial facial pain syndrome. The patient is consulted by a dental surgeon to exclude pathology of the parotid salivary gland and sialolithiasis. The patient was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics for 8 days. Also, supportive therapy was prescribed desensitizing, vitamins, as well as an anxiolytic and an antidepressant in minimum therapeutic doses for a course of 14 days (with subsequent correction of the dosage and duration of administration) to correct the emotional state of the patient. We recommend a gentle diet (alkaline warm drink, soft food), and a diet that does not provoke salivation. Locally it was recommended to rinse with antimicrobial drugs, phonophoresis, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy. On the 6th day of therapy, the therapeutic effect was obtained. By the 14th day of therapy, the pain syndrome was leveled.The article presents the main moments of the biography of the great 19th century anatomist, surgeon and anthropologist Paul Broca (1824-1880). The circumstances of his discovery of the motor center of oral speech, later called in his honor «Broca's area», in 1861 are described. His contributions to oncology, anthropology, and public health are briefly presented.
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