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Live imaging of single RNA from birth to death brought important advances in our understanding of the spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression. These studies have provided a comprehensive understanding of RNA metabolism by describing the process step by step. Most of these studies used for live imaging a genetically encoded RNA-tagging system fused to fluorescent proteins. One of the best characterized RNA-tagging systems is derived from the bacteriophage MS2 and it allows single RNA imaging in real-time and live cells. This system has been successfully used to track the different steps of mRNA processing in many living organisms. The recent development of optimized MS2 and MCP variants now allows the labeling of endogenous RNAs and their imaging without modifying their behavior. In this chapter, we discuss the improvements in detecting single mRNAs with different variants of MCP and fluorescent proteins that we tested in yeast and mammalian cells. HG6-64-1 price Moreover, we describe protocols using MS2-MCP systems improved for real-time imaging of single mRNAs and transcription dynamics in S. cerevisiae and mammalian cells, respectively.RNA transport and localization are evolutionarily conserved processes that allow protein translation to occur at specific subcellular sites and thereby having fundamental roles in the determination of cell fates, embryonic patterning, asymmetric cell division, and cell polarity. In addition to localizing RNA molecules to specific subcellular sites, plants have the ability to exchange RNA molecules between cells through plasmodesmata (PD). Plant RNA viruses hijack the mechanisms of intracellular and intercellular RNA transport to establish localized replication centers within infected cells and then to disseminate their infectious genomes between cells and throughout the plant organism with the help of their movement proteins (MP). In this chapter, we describe the transient expression of the tobacco mosaic virus movement protein (TMV-MP) and the application of the MS2 system for the in vivo labeling of the MP-encoding mRNA. The MS2 method is based on the binding of the bacteriophage coat protein (CP) to its origin of assembly (OAS) in the phage RNA. Thus, to label a specific mRNA in vivo, a tandem repetition of a 19-nucleotide-long stem-loop (SL) sequence derived from the MS2 OAS sequence (MSL) is transcriptionally fused to the RNA under investigation. The RNA is detected by the co-expression of fluorescent protein-tagged MS2 CP (MCP), which binds to each of the MSL elements. In providing a detailed protocol for the in vivo visualization of TMV-MP mRNA tagged with the MS2 system in Nicotiana benthamiana epidermal cells, we describe (1) the specific DNA constructs, (2) Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transfection for their transient expression in plants, and (3) imaging conditions required to obtain high-quality mRNA imaging data.The central role of RNA in living systems made it highly desirable to have noninvasive and sensitive technologies allowing for imaging the synthesis and the location of these molecules in living cells. This need motivated the development of small pro-fluorescent molecules called "fluorogens" that become fluorescent upon binding to genetically encodable RNAs called "light-up aptamers." Yet, the development of these fluorogen/light-up RNA pairs is a long and thorough process starting with the careful design of the fluorogen and pursued by the selection of a specific and efficient synthetic aptamer. This chapter summarizes the main design and the selection strategies used up to now prior to introducing the main pairs. Then, the vast application potential of these molecules for live-cell RNA imaging and other applications is presented and discussed.Single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH) enables the detection and quantification of endogenous mRNAs within intact fixed cells. This method utilizes tens of singly labeled fluorescent DNA probes hybridized against the mRNA of interest, which can be detected by using standard wide-field fluorescence microscopy. This approach provides the means to generate absolute quantifications of gene expression within single cells, which can be used to link molecular fluctuations to phenotypes. To be able to correlate the expression of an mRNA and a protein of interest in individual cells, we combined smFISH with immunofluorescence (IF) in yeast cells. Here, we present our smFISH-IF protocol to visualize and quantify two cell cycle-controlled mRNAs (CLN2 and ASH1) and the cell cycle marker alpha-tubulin in S. cerevisiae. This protocol, which is performed over 2 days, can be used to visualize up to three colors at the time (i.e., two mRNAs, one protein). link2 Even if the described protocol is designed for S. cerevisiae, we think that the considerations discussed here can be useful to develop and troubleshoot smFISH-IF protocols for other model organisms.In eukaryotes, most mRNAs that encode secretory or membrane-bound proteins are translated by ribosomes associated with the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Other such mRNAs are tethered to the ER by mRNA receptors. However, there has been much debate as to whether all mRNAs, regardless of their encoded polypeptide, are anchored to the ER at some low level. Here we describe a protocol to visualize ER-associated mRNAs in tissue culture cells by single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH). Using this protocol, we have established that a subset of all mRNAs, regardless of whether they encode secretory or cytosolic proteins, are ER associated in a ribosome-dependent manner.Single-molecule FISH (smFISH) has been widely used in animal tissue to localize and quantify RNAs with high specificity. This protocol describes an smFISH method optimized for highly autofluorescent plant tissue. It provides details on fixation buffers and protocols to protect the integrity of plant samples. We also provide smFISH hybridization conditions to detect plant RNA with ~50 fluorescently labeled DNA oligonucleotides. In addition, this protocol provides instructions on linear spectral unmixing of smFISH signal from background autofluorescence by confocal microscopy and a method to quantify the smFISH spots that reflect the copy number of target RNA.To understand the development and differentiation processes within a tissue and a cell, analysis of the cell type-specific gene expression pattern as well as the subcellular localization of the produced RNAs is essential. The simplest and fastest method to visualize RNA molecules is in situ hybridization (ISH) on whole-tissue samples. Over the past 40 years, various labeling and visualization techniques have been established to analyze either the expression domain of genes in tissues (using the classical chromogenic detection system) or the specific subcellular localization of mRNAs (using fluorescently labeled probes). By using the Arabidopsis root tip as an example tissue, we describe and compare classic in situ hybridization techniques. The protocols described can be easily transferred to almost all other tissues or model organism with slight modifications.The enhancement of nuclear relaxation rates due to the interaction with a paramagnetic center (known as Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement) is a powerful source of structural and dynamics information, widely used in structural biology. However, many signals affected by the hyperfine interaction relax faster than the evolution periods of common NMR experiments and therefore they are broadened beyond detection. This gives rise to a so-called blind sphere around the paramagnetic center, which is a major limitation in the use of PREs. Reducing the blind sphere is extremely important in paramagnetic metalloproteins. The identification, characterization, and proper structural restraining of the first coordination sphere of the metal ion(s) and its immediate neighboring regions is key to understand their biological function. The novel HSQC scheme we propose here, that we termed R2-weighted, HSQC-AP, achieves this aim by detecting signals that escaped detection in a conventional HSQC experiment and provides fully reliable R2 values in the range of 1H R2 rates ca. 50-400 s-1. link3 Independently on the type of paramagnetic center and on the size of the molecule, this experiment decreases the radius of the blind sphere and increases the number of detectable PREs. Here, we report the validation of this approach for the case of PioC, a small protein containing a high potential 4Fe-4S cluster in the reduced [Fe4S4]2+ form. The blind sphere was contracted to a minimal extent, enabling the measurement of R2 rates for the cluster coordinating residues.
More than 50 different monogenic disorders causing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have been identified. Our goal was to characterize the clinical phenotype, genetic workup, and immunologic alterations in an Ashkenazi Jewish patient that presented during infancy with ulcerative colitis and unique clinical manifestations.

Immune workup and whole-exome sequencing were performed, along with Sanger sequencing for confirmation. Next-generation sequencing of the TCRB and IgH was conducted for immune repertoire analysis. Telomere length was evaluated by in-gel hybridization assay. Mass cytometry was performed on patient's peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and compared with control subjects and patients with UC.

The patient presented in infancy with failure to thrive and dysmorphic features, consistent with a diagnosis of dyskeratosis congenita and Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome. Severe ulcerativecolitis manifested in the first year of life and proceeded to the development of a primary immunodeficiency, presenting as Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia and hypogammaglobulinemia. Genetic studies identified a deleterious homozygous C.3791G>A missense mutation in the helicase regulator of telomere elongation 1 (RTEL1), leading to short telomeres in the index patient. Immune repertoire studies showed polyclonal T and B cell receptor distribution, while mass cytometry analysis demonstrated marked immunological alterations, including a predominance of naïve T cells, paucity of B cells, and a decrease in various innate immune subsets.

RTEL1 mutations are associated with significant alterations in immune landscape and can manifest with infantile-onset IBD. A high index of suspicion is required in Ashkenazi Jewish families where the carriage rate of the C.3791G>A variant is high.
A variant is high.
Alemtuzumab efficacy versus subcutaneous interferon-β-1a (SC IFNB-1a) was demonstrated over 2 years in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, with continued efficacy over 7 additional years. Alemtuzumab is included as a recommended treatment for patients with highly active disease (HAD) by the American Academy of Neurology Practice Guidelines, and the label indication in Europe was recently restricted to the treatment of HAD patients. There is currently no consensus definition for HAD, and alemtuzumab efficacy across various HAD definitions has not been explored previously.

In this post hoc analysis, we assess the efficacy and safety of alemtuzumab in Comparison of Alemtuzumab and Rebif
Efficacy in Multiple Sclerosis (CARE-MS) trial patients who met criteria for at least one of four separate definitions of HAD (one primary and three alternatives). Over 2 years, alemtuzumab-treated HAD patients were compared with SC IFNB-1a-treated HAD patients, with additional 7-year follow-up in patients from the alemtuzumab arm.
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