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One particular centre exposure to freely financed clinical exome sequencing with regard to neurodevelopmental ailments as well as multiple congenital imperfections.
001. Patients with testicular tumors and high tumor burden, including nodal involvement, high LDH or metastatic disease, and those treated with multiple lines of chemotherapy have significantly higher rates of VTE.Research suggests that as many as 60% of people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) admit to misusing insulin. Insulin omission (IO) for the purpose of weight loss, often referred to as diabulimia, is a behaviour becoming increasingly recognised, not least since prolonged engagement can lead to serious vascular complications and mortality. Several risk factors appear to be relevant to the development of IO, most notably gender, anxiety and depression and increased weight concerns and body dissatisfaction. Evidence suggests that women, especially young girls, are more likely to omit insulin as a method of weight loss compared to men. Mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression are increasingly prevalent in people with T1D compared to their peers, and appear to contribute to the risk of IO. Increased weight concerns and body dissatisfaction are further prominent risk factors, especially given increases in weight which often occur following diagnosis and the monitoring of weight by diabetes teams. This review presents evidence examining these risk factors which increase the likelihood of a person with T1D engaging in IO and highlights the complications associated with prolongment of the behaviour. Further research looking at the comorbidities of these risk factors, alongside other factors, would provide greater insight into understanding IO in people with T1D.
To elucidate differences in demographic and clinical characteristics between patients with episodic and chronic dizziness.

A cross-sectional, observational study of 217 adults referred for dizziness at 1 tertiary center was undertaken. learn more Subjects were split into a chronic dizziness group (>15 dizzy days per month) and an episodic dizziness group (<15 dizzy days per month).

217 adults (average age, 53.7 years; 56.7% female) participated. One-third (n = 74) met criteria for chronic dizziness. link2 Dizziness handicap inventory (DHI) scores were significantly higher in those with chronic dizziness compared to those with episodic dizziness (53.9 vs 40.7;
 < .001). Comorbid depression and anxiety were more prevalent in those with chronic dizziness (44.6% and 47.3% vs 37.8% and 35.7%, respectively;
 > .05). Abnormal vestibular testing and abnormal imaging studies did not differ significantly between the 2 groups. Ménière's disease and BPPV were significantly more common among those with episodic dizzitimodal treatment options for this group of patients.
Massive arterioportal fistula (APF) is naturally irreversible and can induce portal hypertension and portal vein thrombosis (PVT), worsening survival outcomes.

To evaluate the clinical course and details of transarterial embolization (TAE) procedures for massive APF.

This retrospective single-center observational study evaluated the time until embolization after puncture, imaging, embolization methods, and laboratory data of 10 consecutive patients who were diagnosed with massive APF after puncture and underwent TAE at our hospital from 1 April 2012 to 30 September 2019.

Out of 10 cases, eight demonstrated a simple type and the other two cases a complex network type on the digital subtraction angiography pattern of massive APF. In two simple-type cases for which re-embolization was required, other subsegmental branches were embolized. The two cases showing a complex network type had been embolized via not only the subsegmental branch, but also the extrahepatic and multiple subsegmental branches. Child-Pugh scores were improved in eight of the ten cases. PVT was seen in six cases before embolization, but disappeared after embolization in all cases, despite the fact that three cases had not received anticoagulant therapy. Six cases had digestive varices before embolization, suggesting portal hypertension, and two of the six cases with esophageal varices and one with gastric varices decreased after embolization.

TAE for massive APF contributed to the improvement of hepatic reserve, the disappearance of PVT, and the improvement of portal hypertension; however, embolization of multiple branches may still be required in some cases.
TAE for massive APF contributed to the improvement of hepatic reserve, the disappearance of PVT, and the improvement of portal hypertension; however, embolization of multiple branches may still be required in some cases.To measure the heart rate of unrestrained sea turtles, it has been believed that a probe must be inserted inside the body owing to the presence of the shell. However, inserting the probe is invasive and difficult to apply to animals in the field. Here, we have developed a non-invasive heart rate measurement method for some species of sea turtles. In our approach, an electrocardiogram (ECG) was performed using an animal-borne ECG recorder and two electrodes-which were electrically insulated from seawater-pasted on the carapace. Based on the measured ECG, the heartbeat signals were identified with an algorithm using a band-pass filter. We implemented this algorithm in a user-friendly program package, ECGtoHR. In experiments conducted in a water tank and in a lagoon, we successfully measured the heart rate of loggerhead, olive ridley and black turtles, but not green and hawksbill turtles. The average heart rate of turtles when resting underwater was 6.2 ± 1.9 beats min-1 and that when moving at the surface was 14.0 ± 2.4 beats min-1. Our approach is particularly suitable for endangered species such as sea turtles, and has the potential to be extended to a variety of other free-ranging species. This article is part of the theme issue 'Measuring physiology in free-living animals (Part I)'.In the 1940s, Scholander and Irving revealed fundamental physiological responses to forced diving of marine mammals and birds, setting the stage for the study of diving physiology. Since then, diving physiology research has moved from the laboratory to the field. Modern biologging, with the development of microprocessor technology, recorder memory capacity and battery life, has advanced and expanded investigations of the diving physiology of marine mammals and birds. This review describes a brief history of the start of field diving physiology investigations, including the invention of the time depth recorder, and then tracks the use of biologging studies in four key diving physiology topics heart rate, blood flow, body temperature and oxygen store management. Investigations of diving heart rates in cetaceans and O2 store management in diving emperor penguins are highlighted to emphasize the value of diving physiology biologging research. The review concludes with current challenges, remaining diving physiology questions and what technologies are needed to advance the field. This article is part of the theme issue 'Measuring physiology in free-living animals (Part I)'.By describing where animals go, biologging technologies (i.e. animal attached logging of biological variables with small electronic devices) have been used to document the remarkable athletic feats of wild animals since the 1940s. The rapid development and miniaturization of physiologging (i.e. logging of physiological variables such as heart rate, blood oxygen content, lactate, breathing frequency and tidal volume on devices attached to animals) technologies in recent times (e.g. devices that weigh less than 2 g mass that can measure electrical biopotentials for days to weeks) has provided astonishing insights into the physiology of free-living animals to document how and why wild animals undertake these extreme feats. Now, physiologging, which was traditionally hindered by technological limitations, device size, ethics and logistics, is poised to benefit enormously from the on-going developments in biomedical and sports wearables technologies. link3 Such technologies are already improving animal welfare and yield in agriculture and aquaculture, but may also reveal future pathways for therapeutic interventions in human health by shedding light on the physiological mechanisms with which free-living animals undertake some of the most extreme and impressive performances on earth. This article is part of the theme issue 'Measuring physiology in free-living animals (Part I)'.Management of gases during diving is not well understood across marine mammal species. Prior to diving, phocid (true) seals generally exhale, a behaviour thought to assist with the prevention of decompression sickness. Otariid seals (fur seals and sea lions) have a greater reliance on their lung oxygen stores, and inhale prior to diving. One otariid, the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella), then exhales during the final 50-85% of the return to the surface, which may prevent another gas management issue shallow-water blackout. Here, we compare data collected from animal-attached tags (video cameras, hydrophones and conductivity sensors) deployed on a suite of otariid seal species to examine the ubiquity of ascent exhalations for this group. We find evidence for ascent exhalations across four fur seal species, but that such exhalations are absent for three sea lion species. Fur seals and sea lions are no longer genetically separated into distinct subfamilies, but are morphologically distinguished by the thick underfur layer of fur seals. Together with their smaller size and energetic dives, we suggest their air-filled fur might underlie the need to perform these exhalations, although whether to reduce buoyancy and ascent speed, for the avoidance of shallow-water blackout or to prevent other cardiovascular management issues in their diving remains unclear. This article is part of the theme issue 'Measuring physiology in free-living animals (Part I)'.Farmed aquatic animals represent an increasingly important source of food for a growing human population. However, the aquaculture industry faces several challenges with regard to producing a profitable, ethical and environmentally sustainable product, which are exacerbated by the ongoing intensification of operations and increasingly extreme and unpredictable climate conditions. Fortunately, bio-sensors capable of measuring a range of environmental, behavioural and physiological variables (e.g. temperature, dissolved gases, depth, acceleration, ventilation, heart rate, blood flow, glucose and l-lactic acid) represent exciting and innovative tools for assessing the health and welfare of farmed animals in aquaculture. Here, we illustrate how these state-of-the-art technologies can provide unique insights into variables pertaining to the inner workings of the animal to elucidate animal-environment interactions throughout the production cycle, as well as to provide insights on how farmed animals perceive and respond to environmental and anthropogenic perturbations. Using examples based on current challenges (i.e. sub-optimal feeding strategies, sub-optimal animal welfare and environmental changes), we discuss how bio-sensors can contribute towards optimizing the growth, health and welfare of farmed animals under dynamically changing on-farm conditions. While bio-sensors currently represent tools that are primarily used for research, the continuing development and refinement of these technologies may eventually allow farmers to use real-time environmental and physiological data from their stock as 'early warning systems' and/or for refining day-to-day operations to ethically and sustainably optimize production. This article is part of the theme issue 'Measuring physiology in free-living animals (Part I)'.
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