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Conversely, a Th2 response, characterized by the production of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10, helps in antibody production and consequently downregulates the cell-mediated immunity induced by the Th1 response. M. lepare has a long generation time and its inability to grow in culture under laboratory conditions makes its study challenging. The nine-banded armadillo still remains the best clinical and immunological model to study host-pathogen interaction in leprosy. In this chapter, we present cellular morphology and the genomic uniqueness of M. leprae, and how the pathogen shows tropism for Schwann cells, macrophages and dendritic cells.The discovery of penicillin over 90 years ago and its subsequent uptake by healthcare systems around the world revolutionised global health. It marked the beginning of a golden age in antibiotic discovery with new antibiotics readily discovered from natural sources and refined into therapies that saved millions of lives. Towards the end of the last century, the rate of discovery slowed to a near standstill. The lack of discovery is compounded by the rapid emergence and spread of bacterial pathogens that exhibit resistance to multiple antibiotic therapies and threaten the sustainability of global healthcare systems. Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic pathogen whose prevalence and impact has grown significantly over the last 20 years. It is recognised as a barometer of the antibiotic resistance crisis due to the diverse array of mechanisms by which it can become resistant.Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an enveloped, positive-sense RNA coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. Since December 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected more than 127 million people, 2.7 million deaths globally (as per WHO dashboard, dated 31 March, 2020), the virus is capable of transmitting from human to human via inhalation of infected respiratory droplets or aerosols or contact with infected fomites. Clinically, patients with COVID-19 present with severe respiratory distress syndrome, which is very similar to the presentation of other respiratory viral infections. A huge variation in the host response exists, with the resulting symptoms varying from mild to moderate. Comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, coagulation dysfunction, stroke, malignant tumor and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, as well as age and sex, are associated with severe COVID-19 cases. So far, no targeted therapies have been developed to treat this disease and existing drugs are being investigated for repurposing. This chapter discusses the epidemiology, clinical features of COVID-19, pathogenesis and the innate and adaptive immune response mounted by the host to the SARS-CoV-2 infection. A deeper understanding of the host-pathogen interaction is fundamental to the development of a vaccine.Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is an emerging zoonotic coronavirus that circulates in dromedary camels and sporadically transmit into humans, subsequently resulting in community and nosocomial cases. The viral infection in humans has a range of disease severity from asymptomatic to severe pneumonia and death, whereas the infection in camels is usually asymptomatic. There is no approved antiviral therapy or vaccine for MERS-CoV infections although there have been a number of therapeutic and vaccine candidates under development, for both humans and camels. To date, there has been limited research on the immune responses and pathogenesis of MERS-CoV in both humans and camels. Here, this chapter is focused on MERS-CoV specific immunity in different species with some details regarding the various animal models.Respiratory viral infections often lead to severe illnesses varying from mild or asymptomatic upper respiratory tract infections to severe bronchiolitis and pneumonia or/and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Common viral infections, including but not limited to influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus and coronavirus, are often the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Since the lungs are continuously exposed to foreign particles, including respiratory pathogens, it is also well equipped for recognition and antiviral defense utilizing the complex network of innate and adaptive immune cells. Immediately upon infection, a range of proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines and an interferon response is generated, thereby making the immune response a two edged sword, on one hand it is required to eliminate viral pathogens while on other hand it's prolonged response can lead to chronic infection and significant pulmonary damage. Since vaccines to all respiratory viruses are not available, a better understanding of the virus-host interactions, leading to the development of immune response, is critically needed to design effective therapies to limit the severity of inflammatory damage, enhance viral clearance and to compliment the current strategies targeting the virus. In this chapter, we discuss the host responses to common respiratory viral infections, the key players of adaptive and innate immunity and the fine balance that exists between the viral clearance and immune-mediated damage.The innate immune system is comprised of both cellular and humoral players that recognise and eradicate invading pathogens. Therefore, the interplay between retroviruses and innate immunity has emerged as an important component of viral pathogenesis. HIV-1 infection in humans that results in hematologic abnormalities and immune suppression is well represented by changes in the CD4/CD8 T cell ratio and consequent cell death causing CD4 lymphopenia. The innate immune responses by mucosal barriers such as complement, DCs, macrophages, and NK cells as well as cytokine/chemokine profiles attain great importance in acute HIV-1 infection, and thus, prevent mucosal capture and transmission of HIV-1. Conversely, HIV-1 has evolved to overcome innate immune responses through RNA-mediated rapid mutations, pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) modification, down-regulation of NK cell activity and complement receptors, resulting in increased secretion of inflammatory factors. Consequently, epithelial tissues lining up female reproductive tract express innate immune sensors including anti-microbial peptides responsible for forming primary barriers and have displayed an effective potent anti-HIV activity during phase I/II clinical trials.The 2013-2016 Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa, which also spread to the USA, UK and Europe, was the largest reported outbreak till date (World Health Organization. 2016. https//;jsessionid=8B7D74BC9D82D2BE1B110BAFFAD3A6E6?sequence=1 ). The recent Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has raised immense global concern on this severe and often fatal infection. Although sporadic, the severity and lethality of Ebola virus disease outbreaks has led to extensive research worldwide on this virus. Vaccine (World Health Organization. 2016. https// ; Henao-Restrepo et al. Lancet 389505-518, 2017) and drug (Hayden. Nature, 557, 475-476, 2018; Dyall et al. J Infect Dis 218(suppl_5), S672-S678, 2018) development efforts against Ebola virus are research hotspots, and a few approved therapeutics are currently available (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2021. https//; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2021. https// Ebola virus has evolved several mechanisms of host immune evasion, which facilitate its replication and pathogenesis. This chapter describes the Ebola virus morphology, genome, entry, replication, pathogenesis and viral proteins involved in host immune evasion. Further understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of immune evasion may facilitate development of additional novel and sustainable strategies against this deadly virus.Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the causative agent in the majority of anal, head and neck, oral, oropharyngeal, penile, vaginal, vulvar, and cervical cancers. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide. Of all diagnosed human malignant neoplasms, approximately 4.5% are attributable to HPV, including cervical, anal cancers, vaginal, vulvar, penile, and oropharyngeal cancers. Over 182 HPV types have been identified and sequenced to date however, only certain types of HPV are more frequent in malignant lesions and considered to be a major risk factor in the development of some cancers. Because most HPV infections are transient, and an individual's immunocompetent may clear the infection, HPV infection has received little attention from clinicians, the general public, or policy makers. This lack of attention may underpin a deadly and increasing problem because each newly acquired infection has the potential to persist and become an incurable, lifelong affliction. In addition, no successful treatment of HPV infection currently exists despite the great strides toward understanding the mechanisms underlying HPV pathogenesis. Moreover, ample research has proven that the use of prophylactic vaccines, such as Gardasil and Cervarix, have led to documented progress in decreasing the burden of HPV infection, however not all countries introduced a government-funded National HPV Vaccination Program to protect young men and women. This chapter summarizes the HPV infection, detection and prevention. RRx001 We also shed light on non-cervical HPV-related cancers, which is rapidly increasing in more developed countries toward cervical cancer.In recent years, annual cases of gastroenteritis have been reported in the world at high rates, suggesting an association with the consumption of shellfish with enteric viruses in their tissues. Anthropic activities are considered a source of environmental pollution and the main responsible for contamination by pathogenic microorganisms in aquatic environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate, by RT-semi-nested PCR, the presence of astrovirus (AstV) and norovirus genogroup II (NoV GII) in mussels (Mytella falcata) and oysters (Crassostrea brasiliana) collected in two sites of the Lagunar Complex of Cananéia, State of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 150 samples of mussels and oysters (75 samples each) were analyzed. AstV was not identified in any shellfish sample. NoV GII was detected in 21 samples (14%), 8 mussel samples (38%), and 13 oyster samples (62%). From the 21 positive samples, 16 were analyzed by nucleotide sequencing. The molecular characterization revealed that Brazilian samples were grouped into clades along with other sequences from Brazil, Japan, and Mexico. There was 93.8-100% amino acid sequence similarity among the samples in this study and > 94.9% when compared with the strains isolated from clinical cases in Brazil. The screening of shellfish for the presence of health-significant enteric viruses can help prevent outbreaks among consumers and contribute to the improvement of the estuarine environment.
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