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Regular multimodality approach to oral cavity and high-risk oropharyngeal cancers inside experts.
Using this circuit, we perform simultaneous sensing and actuation for a range of electrostatic transducers including circular DEAs and HASEL actuators and demonstrate accurate estimated displacements with errors less then 4%. We further develop this circuit into a compact and portable system that couples high voltage actuation, sensing, and computation as a prototype toward untethered multifunctional soft robotic systems. Finally, we demonstrate the capabilities of our self-sensing design through feedback control of a robotic arm powered by Peano-HASEL actuators.
Prostate cancer (CaP) incidence and mortality rate are increasing in Africa. Some have linked oxidative stress with the pathogenesis of cancer. This study assessed the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), total plasma peroxide (TPP), and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in Nigerian patients with CaP.

One hundred twenty patients with CaP and 100 apparently healthy controls were consecutively recruited into this case-control study. The patients with CaP were divided into treatment-naïve and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)-treated groups. Anthropometric indices were measured, and MDA, NO, TAC, and TPP were assayed by colorimetric methods. The
test and analysis of variance were used in analysis of data; statistical significance was set at
< .05, and 95% CIs were reported.

The patients with CaP had significantly higher waist-hip ratios and NO (
= .0001), TPP (
= .001), oxidative stress index (OSI;
= .003), and MDA values (
= .002) than controls. The treatment-naive patienten in patients with CaP undergoing treatment, TPP and MDA levels remained high.
To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Thermalytix, an artificial intelligence-based computer-aided diagnostics (CADx) engine, to detect breast malignancy by comparing the CADx output with the final diagnosis derived using standard screening modalities.

This multisite observational study included 470 symptomatic and asymptomatic women who presented for a breast health checkup in two centers. Among them, 238 women had symptoms such as breast lump, nipple discharge, or breast pain, and the rest were asymptomatic. All participants underwent a Thermalytix test and one or more standard-of-care tests for breast cancer screening, as recommended by the radiologists. Results from Thermalytix and standard modalities were obtained independently in a blinded fashion for comparison. The ground truth used for analysis (normal or malignant) was the final impression of an expert clinician based on the symptoms and the available reports of standard modalities (mammography, ultrasonography, elastography, biopsy, fiated scoring and image annotations of potential malignancies and vascularity, can assist the clinician in better decision making and improve quality of care in an affordable and radiation-free manner. Thus, we believe Thermalytix is poised to be a promising modality for breast cancer screening.Objectives. To adapt and extend an existing typology of vaccine misinformation to classify the major topics of discussion across the total vaccine discourse on Twitter.Methods. Using 1.8 million vaccine-relevant tweets compiled from 2014 to 2017, we adapted an existing typology to Twitter data, first in a manual content analysis and then using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic modeling to extract 100 topics from the data set.Results. Manual annotation identified 22% of the data set as antivaccine, of which safety concerns and conspiracies were the most common themes. Seventeen percent of content was identified as provaccine, with roughly equal proportions of vaccine promotion, criticizing antivaccine beliefs, and vaccine safety and effectiveness. Of the 100 LDA topics, 48 contained provaccine sentiment and 28 contained antivaccine sentiment, with 9 containing both.Conclusions. Our updated typology successfully combines manual annotation with machine-learning methods to estimate the distribution of vaccine arguments, with greater detail on the most distinctive topics of discussion. With this information, communication efforts can be developed to better promote vaccines and avoid amplifying antivaccine rhetoric on Twitter.Objectives. To report on vaccine opposition and misinformation promoted on Twitter, highlighting Twitter accounts that drive conversation.Methods. We used supervised machine learning to code all Twitter posts. We first identified codes and themes manually by using a grounded theoretical approach and then applied them to the full data set algorithmically. We identified the top 50 authors month-over-month to determine influential sources of information related to vaccine opposition.Results. The data collection period was June 1 to December 1, 2019, resulting in 356 594 mentions of vaccine opposition. A total of 129 Twitter authors met the qualification of a top author in at least 1 month. Top authors were responsible for 59.5% of vaccine-opposition messages. We identified 10 conversation themes. Themes were similarly distributed across top authors and all other authors mentioning vaccine opposition. Top authors appeared to be highly coordinated in their promotion of misinformation within themes.Conclusions. Public health has struggled to respond to vaccine misinformation. Results indicate that sources of vaccine misinformation are not as heterogeneous or distributed as it may first appear given the volume of messages. There are identifiable upstream sources of misinformation, which may aid in countermessaging and public health surveillance.Objectives. To quantify and describe the incidence of misinformation about breast cancer on the social media platform Pinterest, a leading source of women's health (e.g., breast cancer) information.Methods. We performed a hand-coded content analysis on 797 Pinterest posts ("pins") mentioning the terms "breast cancer" or "breast" and "cancer," collected in November 2018.Results. From the original sample of 797, 178 (22.3%) made a factual claim about what social media users could do to prevent or treat breast cancer. Of these, more than half-91 (51.1%)-contained misinformation. Therefore, 11.4% of the sample overall contained misinformation related to breast cancer prevention or treatment.Conclusions. Pinterest is a significant vector of misinformation about breast cancer, especially given the platform's overwhelmingly female composition and its visual means of conveying information.Public Health Implications. Health practitioners should be aware of the myths circulating about breast cancer prevention and treatment and be prepared both to dismantle misinformation and to stress reliable health guidance. Meanwhile, Pinterest may wish to widen the criteria it uses for identifying health misinformation on its platform.Objectives. To examine how and what information is communicated via social media during an infectious disease outbreak.Methods. In the context of the 2016 through 2018 hepatitis A outbreak in San Diego County, California, we used a grounded theory-based thematic analysis that employed qualitative and quantitative approaches to uncover themes in a sample of public tweets (n = 744) from Twitter, a primary platform used by key stakeholders to communicate to the public during the outbreak.Results. Tweets contained both general and hepatitis A-specific information related to the outbreak, restatements of policy and comments critical of government responses to the outbreak, information with the potential to shape risk perceptions, and expressions of concern regarding individuals experiencing homelessness and their role in spreading hepatitis A. We also identified misinformation and common channels of content driving themes that emerged in our sample.Conclusions. Public health professionals may identify real-time public risk perceptions and concerns via social media during an outbreak and target responses that fulfill the informational needs of those who seek direction and reassurance during times of uncertainty.Objectives. To use crowdfunding campaigns to better understand how cannabidiol (CBD) is represented (and misrepresented) as cancer-related care.Methods. We analyzed CBD-related crowdfunding campaigns (n = 155) created between January 2017 and May 2019 in multiple countries on More than 81.9% of campaigns fundraised CBD for curative or life-prolonging reasons, and 25.2% fundraised for pain management.Conclusions. Most campaigns seeking funds for CBD for cancer-related care on GoFundMe are for curative or life-prolonging purposes and present CBD definitively as an effective treatment option. In general, campaigners supported their funding requests with anecdotal claims of efficacy and referenced sources of information that were either not evidence-based or that misrepresented existing evidence.Public Health Implications. Misinformation around CBD for cancer is widespread on medical crowdfunding campaigns. Given the potential adverse impact, crowdfunding platforms, like GoFundMe, must take steps to address their role in enabling and spreading this misinformation.Objectives. To provide a comprehensive workflow to identify top influential health misinformation about Zika on Twitter in 2016, reconstruct information dissemination networks of retweeting, contrast mis- from real information on various metrics, and investigate how Zika misinformation proliferated on social media during the Zika epidemic.Methods. We systematically reviewed the top 5000 English-language Zika tweets, established an evidence-based definition of "misinformation," identified misinformation tweets, and matched a comparable group of real-information tweets. CA-074 Me chemical structure We developed an algorithm to reconstruct retweeting networks for 266 misinformation and 458 comparable real-information tweets. We computed and compared 9 network metrics characterizing network structure across various levels between the 2 groups.Results. There were statistically significant differences in all 9 network metrics between real and misinformation groups. Misinformation network structures were generally more sophisticated than those in the real-information group. There was substantial within-group variability, too.Conclusions. Dissemination networks of Zika misinformation differed substantially from real information on Twitter, indicating that misinformation utilized distinct dissemination mechanisms from real information. Our study will lead to a more holistic understanding of health misinformation challenges on social media.Objectives. To compare how human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination was portrayed on Pinterest before and after the platform acted to moderate vaccine-related search results to understand (1) what the information environment looked like previously and (2) whether Pinterest's policy decisions improved this environment in terms of sources and content.Methods. In this quantitative content analysis, we compared 2 samples of 500 HPV vaccine-focused Pinterest posts ("pins") collected before and after Pinterest's actions to provide more reliable vaccine-related information. Pins were based on search results and were analyzed using the Health Belief Model.Results. The majority of preaction search results leaned toward vaccine skepticism, specifically focused on perceived vaccine barriers. Few pins were published by public health-related Pinterest accounts. Postaction search results showed a significant shift to HPV vaccination benefits, and the number of pins by government or medical accounts increased. However, the proportion of pins in search results containing HPV content of any type was significantly lower.
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