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Thrombus-targeted nanoparticles with regard to thrombin-triggered thrombolysis and local -inflammatory microenvironment legislations.
History provides wonderful insights into how society develops, providing innumerable lessons that can be used as individuals and institutions move into the future. The history of medicine provides particular value, yet it is so often overlooked by the present, society taking for granted what has often been a tremendous struggle to achieve. This overview of the history of paediatric surgery at the University of the Witwatersrand provides amazing insights into what has been achieved in a period spanning three centuries.Spinal deformities are common in people with cerebral palsy (CP), and there is a concern of an increase during the adult ageing period. There is especially a worry about the increase of scoliosis, thoracic hyperkyphosis, lumbar hyperlordosis, spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis incidence, though supporting literature is lacking. Therefore, the aim of this narrative review is to provide a scientific overview of how spinal curvatures should be measured, what the norm values are and the incidence in people with CP, as well as a description of the risk factors and the treatment regimens for these spinal abnormalities. This review can be used as a guideline relevant for a range of clinicians, including orthopaedic and neurosurgeons, radiologists, physiotherapists, and biokineticists, as well as academics.This article reviews the association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and COVID-19. We report on the convergence of infectious diseases such as coronavirus infections and non-communicable diseases including DM. The mechanisms for the interaction between COVID-19 and DM are explored, and suggestions for the management of DM in patients with COVID-19 in South Africa are offered.Convalescent plasma is being considered as a potential therapy for COVID-19. We highlight and contextualise the findings of a recent Cochrane rapid review that evaluated the effectiveness and safety of convalescent plasma or hyperimmune immunoglobulin transfusion in the treatment of people with COVID-19. The review found low-certainty evidence of the therapeutic effectiveness and safety of convalescent plasma. As the novel coronavirus continues to spread in South Africa (SA), convalescent plasma may offer a therapeutic ray of hope for mitigating the morbidity and mortality burdens of the disease. Further investigation of the clinical benefits of the therapy in well-designed studies is needed to provide more evidence that will guide COVID-19 treatment decision-making in the SA context.The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on research at universities. Universities around the world, including in South Africa, have been or are still closed as part of national lockdown strategies. Students have not been attending classes or doing hands-on experimental work, and students and academics have been working from home. HRO761 cost Many thousands of students have had their university education interrupted, and for them, the resumption of learning programmes online, and where possible in research laboratories, is critically important. There is no question that as we emerge from lockdown we will not be entering a world that resembles a 'norm' as lived in the pre-COVID-19 era, and many changes will be required. Here we discuss the importance of research, the urgency to get things up and running again, and strategies that will need to be implemented to ensure that research activities continue. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that students and staff are not exposed to risk in their research endeavours, which will require the development and implementation of risk management plans.The research requirement for South African specialist registration offers opportunities and challenges. For some clinicians it may spark a lifelong interest in clinical investigation, while for many others it may provide a potential publication opportunity. Integrating the specific requirements of an MMed mini-dissertation with those of standard medical publications can be difficult for first-time authors and their supervisors; published guidance caters to full-length laboratory Master's or doctoral research. We suggest that research is more likely to be publishable if it is locally relevant, has a clear clinical message and is coherently presented.In endeavouring to mitigate the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a concerning practice of spraying individuals with disinfectant via so-called 'disinfection tunnels' has come to light. The Allergy Society of South Africa supports the World Health Organization in strongly condemning all human spraying, owing to lack of efficacy and potential dangers, especially to patients with coexisting allergic conditions.Broader policy research and debate on the issues related to the planning of National Health Insurance (NHI) in South Africa (SA) need to be complemented by case studies to examine and understand the issues that will have to be dealt with at micro and macro levels. The objective of this article is to use caesarean section (CS) as a case study to examine the health systems challenges that NHI would need to address in order to ensure sustainability. The specific objectives are to (i) provide an overview of the key clinical considerations related to CS; (ii) assess the CS rates in the SA public and private sectors; and (iii) use a health systems framework to examine the drivers of the differences between the public and private sectors and to identify the challenges that the proposed NHI would need to address on the road to implementation.Letter by Gopalan et al. on article by Singh and Moodley (Singh JA, Moodley K. Critical care triaging in the shadow of COVID-19 Ethics considerations. S Afr Med J 2020;110(5)355-359. https//; and response by Singh and Moodley.
Medication adherence measurement is becoming increasingly important. Biological assays and markers, directly observed therapy, self-reports, pill counts and surveys have been successfully used to assess adherence under various circumstances, but may be limited by cost, ethical concerns and self-reported bias. Administrative claims data, in addition to offering a solution to these limitations, provide access to large study populations under real clinical practice situations, and in a timely and effective manner. With the wide range of adherence measures determined from claims data available - some of which have been found to be mathematically equivalent - researchers are often faced with the decision of choosing which is appropriate. An assessment of the various measures is therefore important for better understanding and to facilitate future adherence studies using administrative data.

To compare different adherence measures using data from a medicines claims database in South Africa (SA), employing montelukast for the purpose of illustration.
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