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Effects of any Recommended Gas Venture for the Hydrodynamics within the Poyang Pond Floodplain Program, China.
Collectively, our findings pave the way for exploring the potential mechanism underlying the frequency-dependent modulation of network activity via electrical stimulations and provide new insights into possible electrical stimulation therapies to the neurological and psychological disorders in clinical practice.Motivated by the empirical study that identifies a correlation between particular social responses and different interaction ranges, we study the q-voter model with various combinations of local and global sources of conformity and anticonformity. The models are investigated by means of the pair approximation and Monte Carlo simulations on Watts-Strogatz and Barabási-Albert networks. We show that within the model with local conformity and global anticonformity, the agreement in the system is the most difficult one to achieve and the role of the network structure is the most significant. Interestingly, the model with swapped interaction ranges, namely, with global conformity and local anticonformity, becomes almost insensitive to the changes in the network structure. The obtained results may have far reaching consequences for marketing strategies conducted via social media channels.The work reported in this paper is the first attempt to delineate the molecular or particle dynamics from the thermal lens signal of carbon allotropic nanofluids (CANs), employing time series and fractal analyses. The nanofluids of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene are prepared in base fluid, coconut oil, at low volume fraction and are subjected to thermal lens study. We have studied the thermal diffusivity and refractive index variations of the medium by analyzing the thermal lens (TL) signal. IK-930 By segmenting the TL signal, the complex dynamics involved during its evolution is investigated through the phase portrait, fractal dimension, Hurst exponent, and sample entropy using time series and fractal analyses. The study also explains how the increase of the photothermal energy turns a system into stochastic and anti-persistent. The sample entropy (S) and refractive index analyses of the TL signal by segmenting into five regions reveal the evolution of S with the increase of enthalpy. The lowering of S in CAN along with its thermal diffusivity (50%-57% below) as a result of heat-trapping suggests the technique of downscaling sample entropy of the base fluid using carbon allotropes and thereby opening a novel method of improving the efficiency of thermal systems.Nonlinear evolution and propagation characteristics of an ion-acoustic (IA) dipolar vortex are examined in a magnetoplasma that comprises partially degenerate electrons and dynamic ions. The adiabatic ions reduce the quantum magnetohydrodynamic equations to a modified momentum equation. The latter admits a new solution and leads to an evolution equation for the description of a coherent IA dipolar vortex. link2 Numerical analysis reveals that variations in the relevant plasma parameters alter the evolution condition for a stable vortex. The electron exchange-correlation enhances excitation of the vortex as it extends the parametric regime associated with the stable vortex solution. On the contrary, the ion temperature lessens the nonlinear evolution of the vortex. Importantly, a degree of enhancement in the exchange-correlation potential leads to the wave dispersion and-in return-widens the vortex potential spatially. The novel nature of the derived results stresses upon the comprehension of the ordered structures in the compact stars, the magnetic mirrors, the ionosphere, the pinch devices, etc., where thermal corrections significantly impact the waves dynamics.We develop algorithms and techniques to compute rigorous bounds for finite pieces of orbits of the critical points, for intervals of parameter values, in the quadratic family of one-dimensional maps fa(x)=a-x2. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by constructing a dynamically defined partition P of the parameter interval Ω=[1.4,2] into almost 4×106 subintervals, for each of which we compute to high precision the orbits of the critical points up to some time N and other dynamically relevant quantities, several of which can vary greatly, possibly spanning several orders of magnitude. We also subdivide P into a family P+ of intervals, which we call stochastic intervals, and a family P- of intervals, which we call regular intervals. We numerically prove that each interval ω∈P+ has an escape time, which roughly means that some iterate of the critical point taken over all the parameters in ω has considerable width in the phase space. This suggests, in turn, that most parameters belonging to the intervals in P+ are stochastic and most parameters belonging to the intervals in P- are regular, thus the names. We prove that the intervals in P+ occupy almost 90% of the total measure of Ω. The software and the data are freely available at http//, and a web page is provided for carrying out the calculations. The ideas and procedures can be easily generalized to apply to other parameterized families of dynamical systems.Many studies in nonlinear science heavily rely on surrogate-based hypothesis testing to provide significance estimations of analysis results. Among the complex data produced by nonlinear systems, spike trains are a class of sequences requiring algorithms for surrogate generation that are typically more sophisticated and computationally demanding than methods developed for continuous signals. Although algorithms to specifically generate surrogate spike trains exist, the availability of open-source, portable implementations is still incomplete. In this paper, we introduce the SpiSeMe (Spike Sequence Mime) software package that implements four algorithms for the generation of surrogate data out of spike trains and more generally out of any sequence of discrete events. The purpose of the package is to provide a unified and portable toolbox to carry out surrogate generation on point-process data. Code is provided in three languages, namely, C++, Matlab, and Python, thus allowing straightforward integration of package functions into most analysis pipelines.Increasing evidence has shown that intelligence quotient (IQ) depends not only on the aspect of phenomenology such as the size of brain and sexuality but also on the topology of the brain network. We here try to get a deeper understanding by asking how the running mode of the brain network influences IQ. We introduce a parameter α to represent the trade-off between wiring cost and processing efficiency and figure out the optimal value of α by the approach of network reconstruction. A negative correlation between optimal index α and IQ is revealed. link3 To further find out the mechanism for the functional difference between males and females, we move to the local level of brain regions and study the relationship between regional optimal α and IQ. We find that the Pearson coefficients of males are significantly different from that of females, including both global and regional levels. These findings show that the functional differences between individuals, including the differences between males and females, are closely related to the different running modes of their brain networks.A feedforward control technique is presented to steer a harmonically driven, non-linear system between attractors in the frequency-amplitude parameter plane of the excitation. The basis of the technique is the temporary addition of a second harmonic component to the driving. To illustrate this approach, it is applied to the Keller-Miksis equation describing the radial dynamics of a single spherical gas bubble placed in an infinite domain of liquid. This model is a second-order, non-linear ordinary differential equation, a non-linear oscillator. With a proper selection of the frequency ratio of the temporary dual-frequency driving and with the appropriate tuning of the excitation amplitudes, the trajectory of the system can be smoothly transformed between specific attractors; for instance, between period-3 and period-5 orbits. The transformation possibilities are discussed and summarized for attractors originating from the subharmonic resonances and the equilibrium state (absence of external driving) of the system.Steady three-dimensional flows in lid-driven cavities are investigated numerically using a high-order spectral-element solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The focus is placed on critical points in the flow field, critical limit cycles, their heteroclinic connections, and on the existence, shape, and dependence on the Reynolds number of Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) tori. In finite-length cuboidal cavities at small Reynolds numbers, a thin layer of chaotic streamlines covers all walls. As the Reynolds number is increased, the chaotic layer widens and the complementary KAM tori shrink, eventually undergoing resonances, until they vanish. Accurate data for the location of closed streamlines and of KAM tori are provided, both of which reach very close to the moving lid. For steady periodic Taylor-Görtler vortices in spanwise infinitely extended cavities with a square cross section, chaotic streamlines occupy a large part of the flow domain immediately after the onset of Taylor-Görtler vortices. As the Reynolds number increases, the remaining KAM tori vanish from the Taylor-Görtler vortices, while KAM tori grow in the central region further away from the solid walls.Non-equilibrium stationary states of overdamped anharmonic stochastic oscillators driven by Lévy noise are typically multimodal. The very same situation is recorded for an underdamped Lévy noise-driven motion in single-well potentials with linear friction. Within the current article, we relax the assumption that the friction experienced by a particle is linear. Using computer simulations, we study underdamped motions in single-well potentials in the regime of nonlinear friction. We demonstrate that it is relatively easy to observe multimodality in the velocity distribution as it is determined by the friction itself and it is the same as the multimodality in the overdamped case with the analogous deterministic force. Contrary to the velocity marginal density, it is more difficult to induce multimodality in the position. Nevertheless, for a fine-tuned nonlinear friction, the spatial multimodality can be recorded.The complex non-linear regime of the monthly rainfall in Catalonia (NE Spain) is analyzed by means of the reconstruction fractal theorem and the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis algorithm. Areas with a notable degree of complex physical mechanisms are detected by using the concepts of persistence (Hurst exponent), complexity (embedding dimension), predictive uncertainty (Lyapunov exponents), loss of memory of the mechanism (Kolmogorov exponent), and the set of multifractal parameters (Hölder exponents, spectral asymmetry, spectral width, and complexity index). Besides these analyses permitting a detailed description of monthly rainfall pattern characteristics, the obtained results should also be relevant for new research studies concerning monthly amounts forecasting at a monthly scale. On one hand, the number of necessary monthly data for autoregressive processes could change with the complexity of the multifractal structure of the monthly rainfall regime. On the other hand, the discrepancies between real monthly amounts and those generated by some autoregressive algorithms could be related to some parameters of the reconstruction fractal theorem, such as the Lyapunov and Kolmogorov exponents.
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