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Morphological variety and splendour instruments with the non-marine ostracod Cypridopsis silvestrii over temporary and spatial weighing scales from Patagonia.
Methods described here should now enable studies of the catalytic mechanism and exploitation of FAPs in biotechnology. We report that the dynamics of antibiotic capture and transport across a voltage-biased OmpF nanopore is dominated by the electroosmotic flow rather than the electrophoretic force. By reconstituting an OmpF porin in an artificial lipid bilayer and applying an electric field across it, we are able to elucidate the permeation of molecules and their mechanism of transport. check details This field gives rise to an electrophoretic force acting directly on a charged substrate but also indirectly via coupling to all other mobile ions, causing an electroosmotic flow. The directionality and magnitude of this flow depends on the selectivity of the channel. Modifying the charge state of three different substrates (norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and enoxacin) by varying the pH between 6 and 9 while the charge and selectivity of OmpF is conserved allows us to work under conditions in which electroosmotic flow and electrophoretic forces add or oppose. This configuration allows us to identify and distinguish the contributions of the electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic force on translocation. Statistical analysis of the resolvable dwell times reveals rich kinetic details regarding the direction and the stochastic movement of antibiotics inside the nanopore. We quantitatively describe the electroosmotic velocity component experienced by the substrates and their diffusion coefficients inside the porin with an estimate of the energy barrier experienced by the molecules caused by the interaction with the channel wall, which slows down the permeation by several orders of magnitude. The structural characterization of modular proteins containing long intrinsically disordered regions intercalated with folded domains is complicated by their conformational diversity and flexibility and requires the integration of multiple experimental approaches. Nipah virus (NiV) phosphoprotein, an essential component of the viral RNA transcription/replication machine and a component of the viral arsenal that hijacks cellular components and counteracts host immune responses, is a prototypical model for such modular proteins. Curiously, the phosphoprotein of NiV is significantly longer than the corresponding protein of other paramyxoviruses. Here, we combine multiple biophysical methods, including x-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and small angle x-ray scattering, to characterize the structure of this protein and provide an atomistic representation of the full-length protein in the form of a conformational ensemble. We show that full-length NiV phosphoprotein is tetrameric, and we solve the crystal structure of its tetramerization domain. Using NMR spectroscopy and small angle x-ray scattering, we show that the long N-terminal intrinsically disordered region and the linker connecting the tetramerization domain to the C-terminal X domain exchange between multiple conformations while containing short regions of residual secondary structure. Some of these transient helices are known to interact with partners, whereas others represent putative binding sites for yet unidentified proteins. Finally, using NMR spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry, we map a region of the phosphoprotein, comprising residues between 110 and 140 and common to the V and W proteins, that binds with weak affinity to STAT1 and confirm the involvement of key amino acids of the viral protein in this interaction. This provides new, to our knowledge, insights into how the phosphoprotein and the nonstructural V and W proteins of NiV perform their multiple functions. Association of platelet factor 4 (PF4) with heparin is a first step in formation of aggregates implicated in the development of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), a potentially fatal immune disorder affecting 1-5% of patients receiving heparin. Despite being a critically important element in HIT etiology, relatively little is known about the specific molecular mechanism of PF4-heparin interactions. This work uses native mass spectrometry to investigate PF4 interactions with relatively short heparin chains (up to decasaccharides). The protein is shown to be remarkably unstable at physiological ionic strength in the absence of polyanions; only monomeric species are observed, and the extent of multiple charging of corresponding ions indicates a partial loss of conformational integrity. The tetramer signal remains at or below the detection threshold in the mass spectra until the solution's ionic strength is elevated well above the physiological level, highlighting the destabilizing role played by electrostatmass spectrometry in elucidating molecular mechanisms underlying HIT, as well as other physiological processes driven by electrostatic interactions. Fluorine incorporation is ideally suited to many NMR techniques, and incorporation of fluorine into proteins and fragment libraries for drug discovery has become increasingly common. Here, we use one-dimensional 19F NMR lineshape analysis to quantify the kinetics and equilibrium thermodynamics for the binding of a fluorine-labeled Src homology 3 (SH3) protein domain to four proline-rich peptides. SH3 domains are one of the largest and most well-characterized families of protein recognition domains and have a multitude of functions in eukaryotic cell signaling. First, we showe that fluorine incorporation into SH3 causes only minor structural changes to both the free and bound states using amide proton temperature coefficients. We then compare the results from lineshape analysis of one-dimensional 19F spectra to those from two-dimensional 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectra. Their agreement demonstrates that one-dimensional 19F lineshape analysis is a robust, low-cost, and fast alternative to traditional heteronuclear single quantum coherence-based experiments. The data show that binding is diffusion limited and indicate that the transition state is highly similar to the free state. We also measured binding as a function of temperature. At equilibrium, binding is enthalpically driven and arises from a highly positive activation enthalpy for association with small entropic contributions. Our results agree with those from studies using different techniques, providing additional evidence for the utility of 19F NMR lineshape analysis, and we anticipate that this analysis will be an effective tool for rapidly characterizing the energetics of protein interactions.
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