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Solved Immunoglycomics Pinpoints α-Galactosyl-Bearing Glycotopes Distinct with regard to Leishmania major Infection.
Substrate binding assays using fluorescence polarization confirmed that AdoMet binding is a prerequisite for H3 binding for the MLL4 complex, but not for the MLL3 complex. Molecular dynamic simulations revealed that the binding of AdoMet exclusively induces conformational constraints on the AdoMet-binding groove and the H3 substrate-binding pocket of MLL4, therefore stabilizing a specific active conformation to ease entry of the substrate H3. The distinct kinetic mechanisms and conformational plasticities provide important insights into the differential functions of MLL3 and MLL4, and may also guide the development of selective inhibitors targeting MLL3 or MLL4.Germline mutations in CDKN2A, encoding the tumor suppressor p16, are responsible for a large proportion of familial melanoma cases, and also increase risk of pancreatic cancer. We identified four families through pancreatic cancer probands that were affected by both cancers. These families bore a germline missense variant of CDKN2A (47T>G), encoding a p16-L16R mutant protein associated with high cancer occurrence. Here, we investigated the biological significance of this variant. When transfected into p16-null pancreatic cancer cells, p16-L16R was expressed at lower levels than wild type (WT) p16. In addition, p16-L16R was unable to bind CDK4 or CDK6 compared to WT p16, as shown by coimmunoprecipitation assays ,and also was impaired in its ability to inhibit the cell cycle, as demonstrated by flow cytometry analyses. In silico molecular modeling predicted that the L16R mutation prevents normal protein folding, consistent with the observed reduction in expression/stability and diminished function of this mutant protein. We isolated normal dermal fibroblasts from members of the families expressing WT or L16R proteins to investigate the impact of endogenous p16-L16R mutant protein on cell growth. In culture, p16-L16R fibroblasts grew at a faster rate, and most survived until later passages than p16-WT fibroblasts. Further, Western blotting demonstrated that p16 protein was detected at lower levels in p16-L16R than in p16-WT fibroblasts. Together, these results suggest that the presence of a are CDKN2A (47T>G) mutant allele contributes to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer as a result of reduced p16 protein levels and diminished p16 tumor suppressor function.Unchecked inflammation can result in severe diseases with high mortality, such as macrophage activation syndrome (MAS). MAS and associated cytokine storms have been observed in COVID-19 patients exhibiting systemic hyper-inflammation. Interleukin-18 (IL-18), a proinflammatory cytokine belonging to the IL-1 family, is elevated in both MAS and COVID-19 patients, and its level is known to correlate with the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. IL-18 binds its specific receptor IL-1 Receptor 5 (IL-1R5, also known as IL-18 Receptor alpha chain), leading to the recruitment of the co-receptor, IL-1 Receptor 7 (IL-1R7, also known as IL-18 Receptor beta chain). This heterotrimeric complex then initiates downstream signaling, resulting in systemic and local inflammation. Here, we developed a novel humanized monoclonal anti-IL-1R7 antibody to specifically block the activity of IL-18 and its inflammatory signaling. We characterized the function of this antibody in human cell lines, in freshly obtained peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), and in human whole blood cultures. We found that the anti-IL-1R7 antibody significantly suppressed IL-18-mediated NFκB activation, reduced IL-18-stimulated IFNγ and IL-6 production in human cell lines, and reduced IL-18-induced IFNγ, IL-6 and TNFα production in PBMCs. Moreover, the anti-IL-1R7 antibody significantly inhibited LPS- and Candida albicans-induced IFNγ production in PBMCs, as well as LPS-induced IFNγ production in whole blood cultures. Our data suggest that blocking IL-1R7 could represent a potential therapeutic strategy to specifically modulate IL-18 signaling, and may warrant further investigation into its clinical potential for treating IL-18-mediated diseases, including MAS and COVID-19.TREM2 is a pattern recognition receptor, expressed on microglia and myeloid cells, detecting lipids and Aβ, and inducing an innate immune response. Missense mutations (e.g. R47H) of TREM2 increase risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The soluble ectodomain of wild-type TREM2 (sTREM2) has been shown to protect against AD in vivo, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. We show that Aβ oligomers bind to cellular TREM2, inducing shedding of the sTREM2 domain. Wild-type sTREM2 bound to Aβ oligomers (measured by single-molecule imaging, dot blots and Bio-Layer Interferometry), inhibited Aβ oligomerization and disaggregated preformed Aβ oligomers and protofibrils (measured by transmission electron microscopy, dot blots and size exclusion chromatography). Wild-type sTREM2 also inhibited Aβ fibrillization (measured by imaging and thioflavin T fluorescence) and blocked Aβ-induced neurotoxicity (measured by permeabilization of artificial membranes and by loss of neurons in primary neuronal-glial co-cultures). In contrast, the R47H AD-risk variant of sTREM2 is less able to bind and disaggregate oligomeric Aβ, but rather promotes Aβ protofibril formation and neurotoxicity. Thus, in addition to inducing an immune response, wild-type TREM2 may protect against amyloid pathology by the Aβ-induced release of sTREM2, which blocks Aβ aggregation and neurotoxicity. In contrast, R47H sTREM2 promotes Aβ aggregation into protofibril that may be toxic to neurons. These findings may explain how wild-type sTREM2 apparently protects against AD in vivo, and why a single copy of the R47H variant gene is associated with increased AD risk.
Maternal chronic kidney disease and chronic hypertension have been linked with adverse pregnancy outcomes. We aimed to examine the association between these conditions and adverse pregnancy outcomes over the last 3 decades.

We conducted this national cohort study to assess the association between maternal chronic disease (CH, CKD or both conditions) and adverse pregnancy outcomes with an emphasis on the effect of parity, maternal age, and BMI on these associations over the last three decades. We further investigated whether different subtypes of CKD had differing effects.

We used data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, including 2,788,490 singleton births between 1982 and 2012. Women with chronic kidney disease and chronic hypertension were identified from the Medical Birth Register and National Patient Register. Logistic regression models were performed to assess the associations between maternal chronic disease (chronic hypertension, chronic kidney disease, or both conditions) and pregnancy outc to evaluate the effect of disease severity on adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Women with chronic hypertension, chronic kidney disease, or both conditions are at an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes which were independent of maternal age, body mass index, and parity. Multidisciplinary management should be provided with intensive clinical follow-up to support these women during pregnancy, particularly multiparous women. Further research is needed to evaluate the effect of disease severity on adverse pregnancy outcomes.
In women with late preterm preeclampsia, the optimal time for delivery remains a controversial topic, because of the fine balance between the maternal benefits from early delivery and the risks for prematurity. It remains challenging to define prognostic markers to identify women at highest risk for complications, in which case a selective, planned delivery may reduce the adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.

This trial aimed to determine whether using an algorithm based on the maternal levels of placental growth factor in women with late preterm preeclampsia to evaluate the best time for delivery reduced the progression to preeclampsia with severe features without increasing the adverse perinatal outcomes.

This parallel-group, open-label, multicenter, randomized controlled trial was conducted at 7 maternity units across Spain. We compared selective planned deliveries based on maternal levels of placental growth factor at admission (revealed group) and expectant management under usual care (concealedusted relative risk, 0.77; 95% confidence interval, 0.39-1.53; P=.45).

There is evidence to suggest that the use of an algorithm based on placental growth factor levels in women with late preterm preeclampsia leads to a lower rate of progression to preeclampsia with severe features and reduces maternal complications without worsening the neonatal outcomes. This trade-off should be discussed with women with late preterm preeclampsia to allow shared decision making about the timing of delivery.
There is evidence to suggest that the use of an algorithm based on placental growth factor levels in women with late preterm preeclampsia leads to a lower rate of progression to preeclampsia with severe features and reduces maternal complications without worsening the neonatal outcomes. This trade-off should be discussed with women with late preterm preeclampsia to allow shared decision making about the timing of delivery.Hyperlipidemia is correlated with several health problems that contain the combination of hypertension, obesity, and diabetes mellitus, which are grouped as metabolic syndrome. Though the lipid-lowering agents, such as statins, which aims to reduce serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) has been considered as one of the most effective therapeutics in treating hyperlipidemia and coronary artery diseases, the persistent high risk of atherosclerosis after intensive lipid-lowering therapy could not be simply explained by hyperlipidemia. Therefore, it is necessary to identify novel factors to manage treatment and to predict risk of cardio-metabolic events. Endeavor over the past several decades has demonstrated the important functions of microRNAs in modulating macrophage activation, lipid metabolism, and hyperlipidemia. In the present review, we summarized the recent findings which highlighted the contributions of microRNAs in regulating serum lipid metabolism. Furthermore, we also provided the potential mechanisms whereby microRNAs controlled lipid metabolism and the risk of cardio-metabolic disorders, which could help us to identify microRNAs as a promising therapeutic target for hyperlipidemia and its related cardiovascular diseases.The development of refractory status epilepticus (SE) induced by sarin intoxication presents a therapeutic challenge. In our current research we evaluate the efficacy of a delayed combined triple treatment in ending the abnormal epileptiform seizure activity (ESA) and the ensuing of long-term neuronal insult. SE was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats by exposure to 1.2LD50 sarin insufficiently treated by atropine and TMB4 (TA) 1 min later. Triple treatment of ketamine, midazolam and valproic acid was administered 30 min or 1 h post exposure and was compared to a delayed single treatment with midazolam alone. Toxicity and electrocorticogram activity were monitored during the first week and behavioral evaluation performed 3 weeks post exposure followed by brain biochemical and immunohistopathological analyses. The addition of both single and triple treatments reduced mortality and enhanced weight recovery compared to the TA-only treated group. The triple treatment also significantly minimized the duration of the ESA, reduced the sarin-induced increase in the neuroinflammatory marker PGE2, the brain damage marker TSPO, decreased the gliosis, astrocytosis and neuronal damage compared to the TA+ midazolam or only TA treated groups.
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