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Distinct galactolipids species associate together with rice genotypic variation regarding phosphate utilization performance.
Wegener's granulomatosis or granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is multisystemic vasculitis. Kidney involvement in GPA often presents with rapidly progressive renal failure and requires urgent treatment. A 60-year-old female presented with prolonged history of fever, generalized weakness, decreased appetite, and weight loss over 4 months. Her renal function was normal; urine culture was sterile. On further evaluation, she was found to have large, hypodense solid lesion in mid pole of the right kidney on CECT. CGS 21680 CT guided renal biopsy was done, which showed granulomatous interstitial nephritis with focal crescents. On further evaluation, she was found to have high titers of anti-MPO antibody. She was started on steroid and methotrexate with subsidence of fever. Follow-up after 12 months showed resolution of the lesion. GPA solely presenting as solid mass like lesion in the kidney is extremely rare presentation. Early diagnosis and prompt initiation of the treatment can prevent the progression of the disease.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is associated with a higher incidence of solid organ malignancies, including cervical carcinoma, creating a paradox in their management in the context of autoimmunity. We present a case of 45-year-old female presented with mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal symptoms of SLE. Renal biopsy showed class IV lupus nephritis (LN); modified NIH activity score 8/24, chronicity score 6/12. Post NIH regimen induction, she achieved partial remission; further developed proteinuric relapse which was re-induced with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) to which she failed to respond. Subsequently diagnosed with carcinoma cervix stage IIB, she received four cycles of concurrent cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy. MMF was stopped; low dose steroids continued. Following this, the patient achieved complete remission (CR) of LN and is in remission for 5 years. This is an unexpected association between chemoradiotherapy of cervical carcinoma and CR of class IV LN, allowing long-term discontinuation of immunosuppression.Acute anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions to dialyzers are uncommon. Indeed, they are thought to have decreased in incidence since the transition to more biocompatible dialyzer membranes and with the abandonment of ethylene oxide for sterilization of dialyzers. However, few recent Spanish studies suggest that the incidence actually remains the same. Here, we report two cases of dialyzer first use reactions that occurred with polysulfone dialyzers. These were not ethylene oxide sterilized dialyzers and the reactions were less intense/absent from the second reuse onwards. Both the patients were successfully dialyzed by switching to a cellulose triacetate dialyzer or by using a preprocessed dialyzer filled with renalin. Thus, the cause of the reaction could either be the primary polysulfone membrane or a leachable substance from the dialyzer.Proliferative lupus nephritis (LN) is histologically characterized by endocapillary hypercellularity and large immune deposits on light microscopy. Immunofluorescence shows almost all immunoglobulins and complement staining. The presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) is important for diagnosing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). link2 Absence of ANA rules out the possibility of SLE according to the 2019 European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for SLE. We report a young boy with fever, nephrotic-nephritic syndrome and pancytopenia consistent with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Renal biopsy was consistent with LN; however, his initial ANA was negative. In view of pathological features of LN and persistent pancytopenia, high dose steroid therapy was started. Repeat ANA, done during the illness, turned positive. In this report, we describe the relevance of pathological patterns and the uncertainties of ANA positivity in making a diagnosis of SLE.India is seeing a rapid rise in coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Immunosuppression is a possible risk factor for severe COVID-19, although their exact interaction is unclear. A total of 13 cases with active lupus nephritis (LN, with or without extra-renal manifestations) were managed with intense immunosuppression between January 2020 and June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic at our center. There were no other comorbidities in any patient. All patients received hydroxychloroquine as a part of standard of care. Vigorous precautionary measures were taken for preventing infection in all. One patient developed acute respiratory distress syndrome but was tested negative for COVID-19. None of the other 12 patients developed symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. We report safe management of patients with active LN with intense immunosuppression along with vigorous precautions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The role of hydroxychloroquine along with timely precautions needs to be further explored as protective measures against COVID-19 among systemic lupus erythematosus patients.Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) developing in a transplant recipient is about 5-20 times higher than the general population. It is more common in native kidneys than graft kidney, and incidence varies between 0.3% and 4.8%. Clear cell and papillary types are more frequently reported. Most RCC of allograft recipient is usually low-grade with favorable prognosis. We present a case of papillary RCC with sarcomatoid differentiation (SD) in a native kidney of renal transplant (RT) recipient. The coexistence of sarcomatoid variant with papillary RCC, as in our case, makes it a high grade (WHO/ISUP grade 4) and portends a poor prognosis. Relative aggressiveness and rarity of this variant histology in transplant recipients prompted us to report this case and carry out an extensive search of the available literature.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), widely prescribed for pain, can affect kidneys in various ways. We present a case of a 37-year-old woman with multiple NSAIDs intake over a short period for dysmenorrhea followed by the development of new-onset bilateral flank pain. Computed tomography revealed bilateral multiple renal infarcts. Renal function was normal. Investigations showed no cardiac or renal artery lesion and vasculitis work-up was negative. She was treated conservatively and further NSAID intake was avoided. Follow-up scan showed complete restoration of the blood flow in previously affected areas. Thus, microvascular ischemia secondary to NSAIDs was thought to be responsible.
In diabetes mellitus (DM), the underlying pathophysiology of albuminuria and cognitive dysfunction is similar. So, we hypothesized that urinary albumin excretion (UAE) could be linked to cognitive dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

It was a hospital-based observational study. Patient aged 40-60 years with type 2 DM were included in this study. Complete assessment with detailed history, physical examination, and necessary biochemical investigations including spot urine albumin creatinine ratio (uACR) was done. link3 Cognitive status was determined in all the individuals with the application of Hindi translated version of the mini-mental status examination (MMSE) questionnaire.

In 80 patients, the mean MMSE score was 25.37 ± 3.34. Cognitive dysfunction (score <26) was present in 45% of individuals. Spot uACR, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), presence of retinopathy and dyslipidemia were significantly different between the normal and subnormal scoring groups. On multivariate analysis spot uACR was found to be independently predicting odds of developing cognitive dysfunction (OR 1.01, CI 1.004-1.022;
= 0.001). The mean MMSE scores in normo-albuminuric (
= 15), moderately increased albuminuric (
= 48) and severely albuminuric (
= 17) patients were 28.00 ± 1.60, 25.54 ± 3.33 and 22.58 ± 2.31, respectively, which were significantly different among the three groups (
< 0.001).

Spot uACR could be helpful in predicting cognitive decline in people with type 2 DM.
Spot uACR could be helpful in predicting cognitive decline in people with type 2 DM.
In a developing country with a predominantly young population, the valid assumption is directed toward medical care toward the young. However, as medical technology has advanced, quality care has ensured better survival for the elderly population also. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical outcomes in elderly patients undergoing kidney transplantation.

A retrospective analysis of 1150 patients who had undergone live related renal transplantation was done from January 2006 to December 2014. These patients were divided into two groups; Group 1 age >60 years (
= 150), Group 2 age 18-60 years (
= 1000). The clinical outcomes were compared.

The mean age in Group 1 was 69 ± 7.5 years (SD ± 7.5), and group 2 was 41 ± 8 years. In groups 1 and 2, males were 80% and 82%; death censored graft survival at 5 years was 82% and 87%; patient survival at 5 years was 86% and 94%, respectively. The incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection was similar in both groups (11.3 vs. 10.2%,
= 0.12). Urinary tract infection was the most common infectious complication. Sepsis was the primary cause of death in both groups.

In the elderly patients who underwent kidney transplantation, satisfactory graft function, and patient survival were maintained over a period of 60 months. Urinary tract infections were common, and sepsis was the most common cause of death with a surviving allograft. The acute rejection and mortality rates were comparable to the literature published from India so far.
In the elderly patients who underwent kidney transplantation, satisfactory graft function, and patient survival were maintained over a period of 60 months. Urinary tract infections were common, and sepsis was the most common cause of death with a surviving allograft. The acute rejection and mortality rates were comparable to the literature published from India so far.
Hypertension leads to rapid progression of kidney disease. Hypertension (HTN) is the second most common cause for CKD after diabetes. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) helps in accurate and early diagnosis of HTN along with measurements of other variables, namely nondippers, reverse dippers, hyperbaric index (HBI), percentage time elevation (PTE), and early morning surge.

After obtaining the institution ethics committee approval total 192 cases, of 12-80 years age group, who were diagnosed with CKD were included in the study. ABPM was done for patients using Meditech ABPM-05 machine.

Study showed male predominance. Maximum patients were in the age group of 41-60 years. Prevalence of Hypertension in patients with CKD was 88.02%. The systolic BP, diastolic BP, and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were significantly higher by clinic BP measurement than ABPM in all stages of patients with CKD especially in stage IV than stage V CKD. Systolic, diastolic, MAP, HBI and PTE at nighttime were significantly higher than daytime in all patients with CKD, especially in patients with resistant hypertension. Prevalence of whitecoat HTN (4.1%), whitecoat effect (16.1%), resistant hypertension (39.6%), masked HTN (1%), and masked uncontrolled HTN (10.4%) was noted. Systolic and diastolic HBI was lower in patients on hemodialysis as compared to those not on hemodialysis. Non-dippers were more than dippers.

Apart from mean systolic and diastolic BP, ABPM gives the extent of end-organ damage and insights into the need for control of 24 h BP in patients of CKD.
Apart from mean systolic and diastolic BP, ABPM gives the extent of end-organ damage and insights into the need for control of 24 h BP in patients of CKD.
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