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Assessment involving Post-abortion Attention Companies by 50 % Wellness Establishments in Conakry, Guinea.
To track online emotional expressions on social media platforms close to real-time during the COVID-19 pandemic, we built a self-updating monitor of emotion dynamics using digital traces from three different data sources in Austria. This allows decision makers and the interested public to assess dynamics of sentiment online during the pandemic. find more We used web scraping and API access to retrieve data from the news platform, Twitter, and a chat platform for students. We documented the technical details of our workflow to provide materials for other researchers interested in building a similar tool for different contexts. Automated text analysis allowed us to highlight changes of language use during COVID-19 in comparison to a neutral baseline. We used special word clouds to visualize that overall difference. Longitudinally, our time series showed spikes in anxiety that can be linked to several events and media reporting. Additionally, we found a marked decrease in anger. The changes lasted for remarkably long periods of time (up to 12 weeks). We have also discussed these and more patterns and connect them to the emergence of collective emotions. The interactive dashboard showcasing our data is available online at http// Our work is part of a web archive of resources on COVID-19 collected by the Austrian National Library.Starting from an analysis of frequently employed definitions of big data, it will be argued that, to overcome the intrinsic weaknesses of big data, it is more appropriate to define the object in relational terms. The excessive emphasis on volume and technological aspects of big data, derived from their current definitions, combined with neglected epistemological issues gave birth to an objectivistic rhetoric surrounding big data as implicitly neutral, omni-comprehensive, and theory-free. This rhetoric contradicts the empirical reality that embraces big data (1) data collection is not neutral nor objective; (2) exhaustivity is a mathematical limit; and (3) interpretation and knowledge production remain both theoretically informed and subjective. Addressing these issues, big data will be interpreted as a methodological revolution carried over by evolutionary processes in technology and epistemology. By distinguishing between forms of nominal and actual access, we claim that big data promoted a new digital divide changing stakeholders, gatekeepers, and the basic rules of knowledge discovery by radically shaping the power dynamics involved in the processes of production and analysis of data.Due to the ubiquity of spatial data applications and the large amounts of spatial data that these applications generate and process, there is a pressing need for scalable spatial query processing. In this paper, we present new techniques for spatial query processing and optimization in an in-memory and distributed setup to address scalability. More specifically, we introduce new techniques for handling query skew that commonly happens in practice, and minimizes communication costs accordingly. We propose a distributed query scheduler that uses a new cost model to minimize the cost of spatial query processing. The scheduler generates query execution plans that minimize the effect of query skew. The query scheduler utilizes new spatial indexing techniques based on bitmap filters to forward queries to the appropriate local nodes. Each local computation node is responsible for optimizing and selecting its best local query execution plan based on the indexes and the nature of the spatial queries in that node. All the proposed spatial query processing and optimization techniques are prototyped inside Spark, a distributed memory-based computation system. Our prototype system is termed LocationSpark. The experimental study is based on real datasets and demonstrates that LocationSpark can enhance distributed spatial query processing by up to an order of magnitude over existing in-memory and distributed spatial systems.Climate change has been called "the defining challenge of our age" and yet the global community lacks adequate information to understand whether actions to address it are succeeding or failing to mitigate it. The emergence of technologies such as earth observation (EO) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) promises to provide new advances in data collection for monitoring climate change mitigation, particularly where traditional means of data exploration and analysis, such as government-led statistical census efforts, are costly and time consuming. In this review article, we examine the extent to which digital data technologies, such as EO (e.g., remote sensing satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs, generally from space) and IoT (e.g., smart meters, sensors, and actuators, generally from the ground) can address existing gaps that impede efforts to evaluate progress toward global climate change mitigation. We argue that there is underexplored potential for EO and IoT to advance large-scale data generation that can be translated to improve climate change data collection. Finally, we discuss how a system employing digital data collection technologies could leverage advances in distributed ledger technologies to address concerns of transparency, privacy, and data governance.The rapid growth of big spatial data urged the research community to develop several big spatial data systems. Regardless of their architecture, one of the fundamental requirements of all these systems is to spatially partition the data efficiently across machines. The core challenges of big spatial partitioning are building high spatial quality partitions while simultaneously taking advantages of distributed processing models by providing load balanced partitions. Previous works on big spatial partitioning are to reuse existing index search trees as-is, e.g., the R-tree family, STR, Kd-tree, and Quad-tree, by building a temporary tree for a sample of the input and use its leaf nodes as partition boundaries. However, we show in this paper that none of those techniques has addressed the mentioned challenges completely. This paper proposes a novel partitioning method, termed R*-Grove, which can partition very large spatial datasets into high quality partitions with excellent load balance and block utilization. This appealing property allows R*-Grove to outperform existing techniques in spatial query processing. R*-Grove can be easily integrated into any big data platforms such as Apache Spark or Apache Hadoop. Our experiments show that R*-Grove outperforms the existing partitioning techniques for big spatial data systems. With all the proposed work publicly available as open source, we envision that R*-Grove will be adopted by the community to better serve big spatial data research.Psychotic symptoms, i.e., hallucinations and delusions, involve gross departures from conscious apprehension of consensual reality; respectively, perceiving and believing things that, according to same culture peers, do not obtain. In schizophrenia, those experiences are often related to abnormal sense of control over one's own actions, often expressed as a distorted sense of agency (i.e., passivity symptoms). Cognitive and computational neuroscience have furnished an account of these experiences and beliefs in terms of the brain's generative model of the world, which underwrites inferences to the best explanation of current and future states, in order to behave adaptively. Inference then involves a reliability-based trade off of predictions and prediction errors, and psychotic symptoms may arise as departures from this inference process, either an over- or under-weighting of priors relative to prediction errors. Surprisingly, there is empirical evidence in favor of both positions. Relatedly, there is evidenchallucinations, delusions of control but also, under certain circumstances, the enhancement of "judgments of agency." We discuss the consequences of such a model, and potential courses of action that could lead to its falsification.In the first month of 2020, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), a novel coronavirus spreading quickly via human-to-human transmission, caused the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Italy installed a successful nationwide lockdown to mitigate the exponential increase of case numbers, as the basic reproduction number R0 reached 1 within 4 weeks. But is R0 really the relevant criterion as to whether or not community spreading is under control? In most parts of the world, testing largely focused on symptomatic cases, and we thus hypothesized that the true number of infected cases and relative testing capacity are better determinants to guide lockdown exit strategies. We employed the SEIR model to estimate the numbers of undocumented cases. As expected, the estimated numbers of all cases largely exceeded the reported ones in all Italian regions. Next, we used the numbers of reported and estimated cases per million of population and compared it with the respective numbers of tests. In Lombardy, as the most affected region, testing capacity per reported new case seemed between two and eight most of the time, but testing capacity per estimated new cases never reached four up to April 30. In contrast, Veneto's testing capacity per reported and estimated new cases were much less discrepant and were between four and 16 most of the time. As per April 30 also Marche, Lazio and other Italian regions arrived close to 16 ratio of test capacity per new estimated infection. Thus, the criterion to exit a lockdown should be decided at the level of the regions, based on the local testing capacity that should reach 16 times the estimated true number of newly infected cases as predicted.Data shapes the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as we currently know it, and for many years centralized networking infrastructures have dominated both the sourcing and subsequent use of such data. Research suggests that centralized approaches result in poor representation, and as AI is now integrated more in daily life, there is a need for efforts to improve on this. The AI research community has begun to explore managing data infrastructures more democratically, finding that decentralized networking allows for more transparency which can alleviate core ethical concerns, such as selection-bias. With this in mind, herein, we present a mini-survey framed around data representation and data infrastructures in AI. We outline four key considerations (auditing, benchmarking, confidence and trust, explainability and interpretability) as they pertain to data-driven AI, and propose that reflection of them, along with improved interdisciplinary discussion may aid the mitigation of data-based AI ethical concerns, and ultimately improve individual wellbeing when interacting with AI.Background The characterizing symptom of Alzheimer disease (AD) is cognitive deterioration. While much recent work has focused on defining AD as a biological construct, most patients are still diagnosed, staged, and treated based on their cognitive symptoms. But the cognitive capability of a patient at any time throughout this deterioration reflects not only the disease state, but also the effect of the cognitive decline on the patient's pre-disease cognitive capability. Patients with high pre-disease cognitive capabilities tend to score better on cognitive tests that are sensitive early in disease relative to patients with low pre-disease cognitive capabilities at a similar disease stage. Thus, a single assessment with a cognitive test is often not adequate for determining the stage of an AD patient. Repeated evaluation of patients' cognition over time may improve the ability to stage AD patients, and such longitudinal assessments in combinations with biomarker assessments can help elucidate the time dynamics of biomarkers.
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