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Epithelial tissue can transition from a jammed, solid-like, quiescent phase to an unjammed, fluid-like, migratory phase, but the underlying molecular events of the unjamming transition (UJT) remain largely unexplored. Using primary human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs) and one well-defined trigger of the UJT, compression mimicking the mechanical effects of bronchoconstriction, here, we combine RNA sequencing data with protein-protein interaction networks to provide the first genome-wide analysis of the UJT. Our results show that compression induces an early transcriptional activation of the membrane and actomyosin network and a delayed activation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell-matrix networks. This response is associated with a signaling cascade that promotes actin polymerization and cellular motility through the coordinated interplay of downstream pathways including ERK, JNK, integrin signaling, and energy metabolism. Moreover, in nonasthmatic versus asthmatic HBECs, common genomic patterns associated with ECM remodeling suggest a molecular connection between airway remodeling, bronchoconstriction, and the UJT.Molecular timescales estimate that early animal lineages diverged tens of millions of years before their earliest unequivocal fossil evidence. The Ediacaran macrobiota (~574 to 538 million years ago) are largely eschewed from this debate, primarily due to their extreme phylogenetic uncertainty, but remain germane. We characterize the development of Charnia masoni and establish the affinity of rangeomorphs, among the oldest and most enigmatic components of the Ediacaran macrobiota. We provide the first direct evidence for the internal interconnected nature of rangeomorphs and show that Charnia was constructed of repeated branches that derived successively from pre-existing branches. We find homology and rationalize morphogenesis between disparate rangeomorph taxa, before producing a phylogenetic analysis, resolving Charnia as a stem-eumetazoan and expanding the anatomical disparity of that group to include a long-extinct bodyplan. These data bring competing records of early animal evolution into closer agreement, reformulating our understanding of the evolutionary emergence of animal bodyplans.Nostalgia is characterized by feelings of sentimentality and wistful speaking. Once considered pathologic, nostalgia is now recognized to be a normal and perhaps essential part of the human condition. Closely related to but distinct from nostalgia is a phenomenon known as 'rosy retrospection.' Rosy retrospection is a bias where individuals judge the past as being disproportionally superior to the present. Nostalgia plays a role in helping individuals and society gauge its progress and accomplishments. It also serves to offer comfort in difficult times. Individuals should be careful to understand the differences between nostalgia and rosy retrospection and in turn make efforts to build nostalgic moments with colleagues and family members both inside and outside of the classroom.The influence of a leader depends on his/her position, the quality of his/her relationships with those he/she is striving to lead, what that individual has done for the organization, what that individual has done for his/her people, and who that person is and what he/she represents. Strong academic leaders who continually refine their leadership style can advance through the levels of leadership position, permission, production, people development, and ultimately personhood. To do so, one must build relationships, invest in others, and center activities on serving the needs of the people, the organization, and key partners. This necessitates the strategy of, how can administrators, faculty/staff, students, alumni, and site leadership work together in a way that encourages both individual and collective success. In the end, we as leaders should strive to positively impact our profession, our organization, and the lives of those we have been entrusted to lead - transcending the levels of leadership helps us do just that.The 2020-21 AACP Argus Commission was charged to 1) review the 2019-2020 standing committee reports; 2) describe the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare delivery with an emphasis on health equity and social justice, 3) identify strategies to work with other health professions associations to advance interprofessional education and practice, and 4) offer recommendations for activities for the Center to Accelerate Pharmacy Practice Transformation and Academic Innovation (CAPT). Two work groups divided charges 2 and 3 and provided assessments of how health care and education might change due to all we have experienced over the 12-plus months of the pandemic. A review of plans for the first year of the CAPT activities and recommendations for additional activities are included in report. The Commission has proposed two new policy statements on digital health, five recommendations for AACP and five suggestions for colleges and schools of pharmacy. The Argus Commission affirms academic pharmacy's adaptability, agency, and association to influence changes in healthcare delivery and interprofessional education and practice.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYEXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe 2020-21 Professional Affairs Committee was charged to (1) Read all six reports from the 2019-20 AACP standing committees to identify elements of these reports that are relevant to the committee's work this year; (2) Identify opportunities and models of integration of pharmacist care services in physician and other health provider practices beyond primary care; (3) Differentiate and make the case for the integration of pharmacist care services from that of other mid-level providers; and (4) From the work on the aforementioned charges, identify salient activities for the Center To Accelerate Pharmacy Practice Transformation and Academic Innovation (CTAP) for consideration by the AACP Strategic Planning Committee and AACP staff. This report provides information on the committee's process to address the committee charges, describes the rationale for and the results from a call to colleges and schools of pharmacy to provide information on their integrating pharmacist care services in physician and other health provider practices beyond primary care practice, and discusses how pharmacist-provided patient care services differ from those provided by other healthcare providers. The committee offers a revision to a current association policy statement, a proposed policy statement as well as recommendations to CTAP and AACP and suggestions to colleges and schools of pharmacy pertaining to the committee charges.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYEXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2020-2021 AACP Research and Graduate Affairs Committee (RGAC) continued the work begun by the 2019-2020 RGAC to increase awareness of and capacity for implementation research to advance practice transformation in academic pharmacy. AACP President Anne Lin charged the RGAC with developing resources and programs for training faculty and graduate students in implementation science. The committee was further charged with developing a mechanism to pair pharmacy faculty and implementation experts on practice advancement projects. In its work, the committee focused on generating near-term opportunities for pharmacy practice faculty to pursue projects while developing programs that would support ongoing career development and future implementation practice and research by pharmacy faculty and trainees.To support training, the RGAC developed a competency framework for graduate education that builds on the six domains of graduate education in pharmaceutical sciences put forward byinterest in implementation science in pharmacy that will promote adoption of the framework, act as facilitators and coaches for training programs and assist in planning and supporting collaborative research projects.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYEXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2020-2021 Academic Affairs Committee was charged to (1) Read all six reports from the 2019-20 AACP standing committees to identify elements of these reports that are relevant to your committee's work this year; (2) Determine what changes made in colleges and schools of pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic should be continued to advance pharmacy education; (3) Develop a realistic model for colleges and schools of pharmacy to share resources to meet the curricular needs of member schools; (4) Create strategies by which colleges and schools of pharmacy can meet current and future workforce development needs particularly in light of the changes in healthcare delivery as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; (5) Identify salient activities for the Center To Accelerate Pharmacy Practice Transformation and Academic Innovation (CTAP) for consideration by the AACP Strategic Planning Committee and AACP staff. This report provides an overview of changes made in schools and colleges of pharmacy implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that may be continued to advance pharmacy education; a realistic model for colleges and schools of pharmacy to share resources to meet the curricular needs of member schools; and strategies by which schools and colleges of pharmacy can meet current and future workforce development needs, particularly in light of the changes in healthcare delivery as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The committee is proposing one policy statement for consideration by the 2021 AACP House of Delegates, four suggestions for consideration by schools and colleges of pharmacy (including two endorsements for suggestions from the 2020-21 Argus Commission), and one recommendation for consideration by AACP for CTAP to implement and oversee.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYEXECUTIVE SUMMARY For the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), strategic engagement is critical to the success of colleges and schools of pharmacy in expanding pharmacy and public health practice, meeting programmatic needs, and fulfilling institutional missions. The 2020-2021 Strategic Engagement Standing Committee was charged with identifying effective strategies to leverage the temporary expansion of pharmacist practice capabilities granted during the COVID-19 pandemic for sustained practice. The group was also tasked with looking at ways to partner with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), our medicine counterparts to develop a plan for collaborating with them to advance interprofessional practice. In this unique year, all standing committees were charged with reading all the reports last year to put President Lin's charges into perspective with the hopes of carrying over the overall theme and work of the previous years committee. Ciforadenant nmr Overall, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been several expansions on the scope of practice for pharmacists and vary by state. We hope to draw out some of those expansions to see how we can build upon efforts to make those permanent.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Professional identity formation (PIF) involves internalizing and demonstrating the behavioral norms, standards, and values of a professional community, such that one comes to "think, act and feel" like a member of that community. Professional identity influences how a professional perceives, explains, presents and conducts themselves. This report of the 2020-2021 AACP Student Affairs Standing Committee (SAC) describes the benefits of a strong professional identity, including its importance in advancing practice transformation. Responding to a recommendation from the 2019-2020 SAC, this report presents an illustrative and interpretative schema as an initial step towards describing a pharmacist's identity. However, the profession must further elucidate a universal and distinctive pharmacist identity, in order to better support pharmacists and learners in explaining and presenting the pharmacist's scope of practice and opportunities for practice change. Additionally, the report outlines recommendations for integrating intentional professional identity formation within professional curricula at colleges and schools of pharmacy.
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