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Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 1/2015 of July 24 considered radiopharmaceuticals to be drugs subject to current legislation on this matter. After Radiopharmaceuticals are prepared in Radiopharmacy Departments, they are administered to patients to observe alterations or their abnormal distribution in the body depending on the pathology. Unlike conventional drugs, radiopharmaceuticals rarely cause adverse reactions however, when they do occur, they often cause alarm both to the patient and health care staff. They are typically administered to patients only once or a limited number of times. Most adverse reactions to radiopharmaceuticals are mild and require minimal or no treatment. Such reactions, although rare, can occur, and include sensitivity reactions with systemic symptoms. In general, the most common adverse reactions to radiopharmaceuticals are the following nausea, dyspnea, bronchospasm, decrease in blood pressure, itching, flushing, hives, chills, cough, bradycardia, muscle cramps, and dizziness. The incidence of reported adverse reactions to radiopharmaceuticals is low. The objective of this review is to describe the most common published adverse reactions to diagnostic or therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals and their characteristics.
To describe and organize the current information availableon binary, ternary and/or quaternary mixtures used in opioid-free anesthesia(OFA), as well as their physicochemical stability, in order to facilitate itscorrect administration, optimize its use, and prevent potential effectivenessand safety issues.

A systematic review of the literature on OFA was conductedin PubMed/Medline, Trissel, Micromedex, Lexicomp,, ASHP's Extended Stability for Parenteral Drugs, and Only articles published in English or Spanish until May 2020and with access to full text were considered. MeSH terms used included"drug incompatibility" AND "opioid-free anesthesia" AND "administration,intravenous" AND "dexmedetomidine" AND "lidocaine" AND "ketamine"AND "magnesium sulphate" OR "infusions, intravenous. A first search wascarried out in PubMed/Medline that included OFA clinical cases. Selleck PARP/HDAC-IN-1 Theresults obtained were collected in a database. A second search wascarried out on the incompatibilitieset regarding compatibilities in the context of ternary and quaternary mixtures.
To review the available literature on the administration of oralantineoplastic drugs in patients with swallowing disorders and ystematizethe information obtained.

Between September 2019 and April 2020, two hospital harmacistsdrew up a list of the oral antineoplastic drugs available in Spain,which was then distributed to three hospital pharmacists, each of whomcarried out a literature search and a review. An analysis was made ofthe prescribing information and searches were performed in Pubmed,Micromedex, Uptodate, the Cancer Care Ontario website, different pharmaceuticalbulletins, feeding tube administration guidelines, and tertiaryinformation sources. Lastly, the pharmaceutical industry was contacted.The group systematized the information obtained, after which a fourthhospital pharmacist and an independent physician reviewed the workcarried out.

A total of 64 oral antineoplastic drugs were reviewed. Relevantinformation was obtained for 48 drugs, of which 44 were amenable toadministration to these patienurther studies, based on pharmacokinetic and stability studies, are necessary in this field as there is a sore need for oral liquid pharmaceutical forms or extemporaneous preparations allowing administration of oral antineoplastic drugs to these patients.
To determine the effectiveness and safety of atezolizumab,nivolumab and pembrolizumab in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

This is a retrospective observational study including patientstreated in second line and beyond. The effectiveness of treatment wasassessed by means of overall survival and progression free survival measurements.Toxicity was described according to the Common Criteria forAdverse Event Terminology v5.0.

The study included 8 patients treated with atezolizumab,19 withnivolumab, and 16 with pembrolizumab. Median progression free survivalwith atezolizumab was 9.6 months (95%CI 2-17.2), 12.6 months(95%CI 6.9-18.2) for nivolumab, and 8.5 months (95%CI 0-19) for pembrolizumab.Median overall survival was 13.4 months (95%CI 6- 20.9)for nivolumab. Both PFS and OS were statistically higher in patients withgrade 0-1 metastasis in the case of nivolumab, and in ECOG 0-1 patientsfor pembrolizumab. Median overall survival was not reached for atezolizumabor pembrolizumab. Around 85% of patients suffered adverse effectsof some degree. Two of the patients treated with nivolumab developedvitiligo. Overall survival of both was higher than 2.5 years.

For the patients included in the sample, nivolumab wasless effective in those with two or more metastases; the effectiveness ofpembrolizumab was lower in ECOG-2 patients. Vitiligo was related to amore durable response to treatment.
For the patients included in the sample, nivolumab was less effective in those with two or more metastases; the effectiveness of pembrolizumab was lower in ECOG-2 patients. Vitiligo was related to a more durable response to treatment.Objetivo Determinar la incidencia, gravedad y evitabilidad de los incidentes por medicamentos detectados en los pacientes que acuden a los servicios de urgencias pediátricas, e identificar los grupos de edad de mayor riesgo y los medicamentos implicados.Método Estudio multicéntrico observacional prospectivo, realizado entre marzo y junio de 2017, en pacientes entre 0 y 16 años que acudieron a los servicios de urgencias pediátricas de ocho hospitales públicos españoles. Se recogieron tres tipos de incidentes eventos adversos por medicamentos, errores de medicación e intoxicaciones accidentales. Los incidentes se caracterizaron atendiendo a su gravedad, evitabilidad, grupos de edad afectados y medicamentos implicados.Resultados Durante el periodo de estudio se registraron 99.797 visitas a los servicios de urgencias pediátricas y se recogieron 334 incidentes por medicamentos en 334 pacientes, de los cuales el 52,4% fueron varones, con una media de edad de 47,1 ± 44,4 meses. La incidencia de pacientes con incidentes fue del 0,3%.
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