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We will be talking about few websites. -* (Only EU fullz )
For first time I recommend to use or or in the row I wrote .
Now about method what it requires:
-Basic good carding setup ( Good socks *Prevent vip72,ask for me in PM ill give you new good socks providers ; Tmac v6 changer ; antidetect with anticanvas plug in or fraudfox ; encrypted pc and other things for main security ) Update: Socks providers ( keep them in secret otherwise it will get saturated like vip72 ) :
 Bank drop which u can cashout via ATM ( Needs atm card) or BTC ( Bank drop have not to be shitty prepaid, or shitty polish wzbk ,or from any another bad rep bank ; Bank drop have to be solid ,i preffer using EU bank drops with IBANS ,or u can choose from other countries just look in these websites to which countries they doing transfers . and – doing good fast transfers to USA drops that u can buy on DM for 30-70 EUR ) . I preffer using bank drops from EU and having atm card.I will include mini tutorial how to obtain it which may work in your area.  Good fullz or non vbv cc . I recommend to use european fullz because not all websites accept USA fullz. You can use DE or UK FULLZ or any other Europe country which u can make transaction go through and it will be even better then DE or UK fullz.*Bins which are blocked by these transfer websites: 475128,475129,475130 – Natwest and some RBS bank bins , also DE sparkassen banks especially 52325 (exception:sparkassen and natwest may work 50/50 times on )
 Some efforts !
Now in this part,i wont talk about each site differently as it is not important,all websites using similar or same system. I'll be talking about (My mainly used websites for this method are most favorite then and , also im using www. and ; Western union is in the past but can be used for transactions not more then 300 EUR )
Step 1 Prepare fullz you will be using.Create email on fullz name.Create email only on good email providers ,not dirty ones like Also dont create 3 emails in a row on the same email provider.Use different providers always,, and others...
Step 2 When you have email go to the one of websites and simply register yourself.
P.S. ALWAYS USE GOOD OpSec setup. Good socks5,vpn,proxifier,tmac v6 changer,spoof browserfinerprint and canvas fingerprint,use fraudfox or antidetect. Check are your ip is not blacklisted in this : UK IP CAN BE BLACKLISTED ON : Pbl spamhaus ; zen spamhaus DE IP CAN BE BLACKLISTED ON : pbl spammhaus,zen spamhaus. If its blacklisted on other lists your card will be immediately blocked.
Mostly fullz are personal so register as personal,if your fullz are business type I still recommend register as a personal.Fill email in the field and press create a personal account.Some of websites require email verification ,some no (transfergo requires,azimo and transferwise dont),so always prepare email that u will be able click on received letter verify my account and then goes next step.
Step 3 After you verified registration by clicking link sent in your inbox you will be redirected to the transfer website
Sending from choose country which fullz you going to use.If UK fullz choose United Kingdom and so on.
Receiving in country should be your bank drop country.
And choose amount u will be sending.Recommendations for amount.Dont start with less then 300 EUR I recommend to transfers from 300 to 600 EUR. If u put amount higher then 650 EUR on transfergo and on otherwebsites there is high chance that u will be required for extra verification it means to send ID or passport and adress verification.I recommend to do like 550 EUR transfer if payment done after 36-48H do same transaction to the same drop from same fullz on same website,then u will be required for verification.Send them docs and rape that fullz till its live after your account is verified, but remember try to do first transfer not higher then 600 EUR, of course you can try higher if u believe that your fullz will hit that amount because sending and verifying docs its not a problem as long as you will use good scans vendors. *Ordaproject scans wont pass these transfer sites Only Evoscans or banality
Step 4 In the next page you will required to put recipient ( your bank drop or sender details depends on website which first you will be asked )
In recipient details you have to put usually name surname,iban,payment reference. And in other websites also recipient adress,mobile number(you can put random here) , and swift.
Everythig should be clear here,but in payment reference I recommend you to do always same reference to the same bank drop I mean like you doing transfers to some shop or human who is selling motorcycles.Like put: Reservation for motorcycle, Reservation from Peter,or order number PO22149 and so on...
In senders details just put fullz you will be using details (In mobile number field u can put random number )
Step 5 When you fulfilled all details.You will be redirected to the page where you have to do transaction.
After you fulfill all cc details and click pay u will be redirected to VBV page which u have to pass it,or if card its non vbv payment will be done if there is enough balance on card.
After succesfull payment you should see payment done.And new status of booking Payment processing
It means you have to wait for 24 hours till your transfer will be completed.Thats all.
After transfer completed you have receive to email letter confirming thats transfer completed and “Money its on its way to …. “ If you havent received this letter after 12-18 hours , you should log into your account and look are you havent been required to upload scan ? If not then email to customer service email of these websites :why your transfer hasnt been completed ? And they will reply you. Reasons that transfers havent been completed: -Uplaod ID scan (Its just regular procedure which is easy passable with good scan vendors.You will be required passport or additional adress verication scan) -Chargeback happened very fast -Your fullz you used bin is blocked -Your bank drop is blacklisted ( In this reason you will receive email regarding this,later I will give advice how to unblacklist bank drop.But usually bank drops holds up to 5-10K eur transfers till it get blacklisted)
If transaction declined reasons: -Bad fullz it means low balance or incorrect details -Blocked bin -Bad ip blacklisted
After your transfer was completed you should see this in your email.It means there is only left to check ur bank drop for money !!!
So this is a system which I showed used to the and other websites. takes longest to transfer money because they converting currency also. ,, works same as which I showed. works only transfers up to 300 EUR and with eu fullz.
This is the primary version of this method, it is enough that you will be succesfully doing transfers.I'll update and modify this guide later and send you every update. If something is unclear ask me on jabber or pm ill help you. How to unblacklist bank drop :
If you will be doing transfers one bank drop takes about 5-10K eur till I got blacklisted.
There is advice which works in 50/50.If you saw that your IBAN have been blacklisted ( they blacklist only IBAN not name ) you can call to that transfer site which blacklisted you and pretend that you are calling with the lawyers and you are the victim, and your business suffered because your clients cant make transfers to your account.Please unblock IBAN or you will take this case to court of European and inform European financial institutions about this situation. This advice works 50/50 you should give a try if this happens.
Additional advices:
-When you arranged transfer to the drop, dont do second transfer on the same website to same drop till the first transfer not completed yet.Do second transfer on same website to same drop after you received money from first one and so on.... -You can transfer money to the same drop from different websites at one time this works good -Cash out your bank drop ASAP as you got the funds
Freebies and friendly advices:
As I said im still working on improving this method, I saw that there is one website which u can card the money and receive them delivered via courier.Yes you understood correctly you card specific amount of money and they deliver you via DPD or DHL. ( also it can work as transfer website have to take deeper look but this website looks promising )
And also you can google like : bank transfer online, transfer money,transfer money payment credit card and similar things.
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