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Fresh oxytocin receptor antagonists for tocolysis: a deliberate evaluation and meta-analysis with the available files about the efficacy, protection, and also tolerability regarding retosiban.
The aim of this study was to analyse the rational of the possible therapeutic approaches to thyroglossal duct cyst carcinomas (TGDCCa), especially in consideration of their potential airway involvement, discussing the most debated issues concerning employment of thyroidectomy, neck dissection and adjuvant treatments.

The literature is unanimous in defining the Sistrunk procedure as the baseline of surgical treatment of TGDCCa, and in equating the vast majority of thyroid-like TGDCCas to classic thyroid cancers from a biological point of view, while the rarer squamous cell carcinomas seem to behave more aggressively. Thyroidectomy, neck dissection and radioactive iodine treatment are considered for high-risk lesions, with the addition of customized partial resection of laryngeal cartilages when airway involvement is encountered. Furthermore, the analysis of thyroid mutational markers has promise for accurate prevision of more aggressive clinical behaviours.

Even if rare, clinicians should be aware of TGDCCa due to the possibility of incidental diagnosis and, in the case of more advanced clinical scenarios, for its potential airway involvement. Sistrunk procedure combined with thyroidectomy, neck dissection and adjuvant therapy provide excellent results in high-risk patients. Additional study of pathological thyroid markers in TGDCCa is desirable to allow more individualized treatments.
Even if rare, clinicians should be aware of TGDCCa due to the possibility of incidental diagnosis and, in the case of more advanced clinical scenarios, for its potential airway involvement. Sistrunk procedure combined with thyroidectomy, neck dissection and adjuvant therapy provide excellent results in high-risk patients. Additional study of pathological thyroid markers in TGDCCa is desirable to allow more individualized treatments.
The prevalence of thyroid nodules in the general population is high but only about 5% are malignant lesions. Cytology is usually appropriate to rule out malignancy in sonographically suspicious nodules but in many cases, reports are indeterminate. selleck Molecular testing is a more recent approach to rule out malignancy and guide subsequent management.

Although several different molecular testing approaches have proven useful in reducing unnecessary surgery, there are still several remaining issues, such as the possible occurrence of RAS mutations (which are difficult to interpret in clinical management) and the role of molecular analysis in specific histotypes, such as Hürthle cell carcinomas. Furthermore, conclusive evidence is lacking regarding the cost-effectiveness and appropriateness of surgical options following molecular tests.

To be useful in clinical practice, molecular tests should be applied to appropriate candidates. In truly uncertain thyroid nodules in which diagnostic surgery may be considered, molecular testing may change the clinical approach and 'save' a number of thyroids.
To be useful in clinical practice, molecular tests should be applied to appropriate candidates. In truly uncertain thyroid nodules in which diagnostic surgery may be considered, molecular testing may change the clinical approach and 'save' a number of thyroids.
To provide a summary of the current evidence, with a focus on recent publications, pertaining to indications for postoperative radiation therapy for cutaneous squamous-cell carcinoma (cSCC), basal-cell carcinoma, Merkel-cell carcinoma and melanoma of the head and neck.

Meta-analyses in cSCC and Merkel-cell carcinoma have shown an association between postoperative radiation therapy and overall survival. Prospective phase III data in head and neck cSCC has shown excellent locoregional control following surgery and postoperative radiation therapy. The addition of concurrent cytotoxic chemotherapy to postoperative radiation therapy has not improved outcomes in either of these two entities. Postoperative immune checkpoint inhibition or combined BRAF and MEK blockade in stage-III melanoma improves progression-free survival whereas postoperative radiation therapy does not.

Further improvement in outcomes with high-risk cSCC and Merkel-cell carcinoma might be achieved with concurrent or sequential immune checkpoint inhibition and postoperative radiation therapy. Postoperative radiation therapy for cutaneous melanoma should be reserved for patients in whom novel systemic therapies are not a treatment option.
Further improvement in outcomes with high-risk cSCC and Merkel-cell carcinoma might be achieved with concurrent or sequential immune checkpoint inhibition and postoperative radiation therapy. Postoperative radiation therapy for cutaneous melanoma should be reserved for patients in whom novel systemic therapies are not a treatment option.
Nasal vestibular cancers are rare entities among the head and neck cancers. The treatment options are varied. Although surgical treatment plays an important role, postablative defects are difficult to reconstruct. This review aims to discuss the current views in the management of these cancers and issues related to the reconstruction of the complex surgical defects.

Nasal vestibular cancers are a distinct rare entity of head and neck cancers. These cancers are staged using the AJCC-TNM system for nonmelanoma cutaneous cancers of head and neck or the Wang classification. Early lesions are best treated by either surgery or radiation giving excellent cure rates. Advanced stages tumours need combined treatment with surgery and adjuvant radiation therapy. Primary radiation therapy can be offered by external beam or interstitial brachytherapy. Surgical treatment varies from endonasal resections, Mohs' chemosurgery to open excisions.

Even though the Wang system of classification is used by majority of reports challenge, to preserve functional integrity and cosmesis. Various techniques, including skin grafts, local flaps, free flaps and prosthetics, form part of the reconstructive armamentarium.
This review summarizes the information in the literature on the indications for adjuvant therapy after transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) for early/intermediate stage laryngeal cancer.

A high rate of 'nonevaluable' margins after TLM significantly complicates decision-making concerning adjuvant therapy. However, consensus grows that second-look TLM in patients with multiple superficial and deep positive margins is more sensible than sending these patients systematically for adjuvant radiotherapy (RT).

The classical adagium 'Failure to achieve negative margins indicates need for adjuvant RT' does not translate automatically to patients with glottic cancer treated by TLM. Rather, specifically patients with multiple superficial positive margins and positive deep margins after TLM need careful judging what constitutes the best additional adjuvant treatment. Second-look resection is nowadays regarded as the preferred adjuvant treatment for many of these patients whereas RT is reserved for those in whom a secopathology of the re-resection reveals multiple foci of residual disease or suggests again a resection with positive margins, adjuvant postoperative RT is likely to result in a better local control. If this strict selection of patients for adjuvant RT is adhered to carefully, oncological and functional results will be optimal.In the United Kingdom, endometrial biopsy reports traditionally consist of a morphologic description followed by a conclusion. Recently published consensus guidelines for reporting benign endometrial biopsies advocate the use of standardized terminology. In this project we aimed to assess the acceptability and benefits of this simplified "diagnosis only" format for reporting non-neoplastic endometrial biopsies. Two consultants reported consecutive endometrial biopsies using 1 of 3 possible formats (i) diagnosis only, (ii) diagnosis plus an accompanying comment, and (iii) the traditional descriptive format. Service users were asked to provide feedback on this approach via an anonymized online survey. The reproducibility of this system was assessed on a set of 53 endometrial biopsies among consultants and senior histopathology trainees. Of 370 consecutive benign endometrial biopsies, 245 (66%) were reported as diagnosis only, 101 (27%) as diagnosis plus a brief comment, and 24 (7%) as diagnosis following a morphologic description. Of the 43 survey respondents (28 gynecologists, 11 pathologists, and 4 clinical nurse specialists), 40 (93%) preferred a diagnosis only, with 3 (7%) being against/uncertain about a diagnosis only report. Among 3 histopathology consultants and 4 senior trainees there was majority agreement on the reporting format in 53/53 (100%) and 52/53 (98%) biopsies. In summary, we found that reporting benign specimens within standardized, well-understood diagnostic categories is an acceptable alternative to traditional descriptive reporting, with the latter reserved for the minority of cases that do not fit into specific categories. This revised approach has the potential to improve reporting uniformity and reproducibility.Not available.Not available.Not available.Count Ioannis Antonios Kapodistrias was an important political figure of the 19th century. He was a pioneer in the fight against epidemics and used his medical experience in Italy to protect Greeks from the 1828 plague. As a renowned diplomat and leader, Kapodistrias helped forge the federal state structure of Switzerland and formed the first organized administrative state in the Hellenic peninsula.In the year 1630, similarly to other cities of Northern Italy, Bologna was affected by a plague epidemic. It occurred after the arrival of Lansquenet troops, engaged by the Emperor Frederick II in the siege of Mantua city. The human losses have been calculated by the historian demographer Bellettini in the terms of around 15,000 people, so that the number of inhabitants in Bologna declined from 62,000 to 47,000 units in the time span of 7-8 months. Initially, during the winter and the early spring, although the plague epidemic had been known after that it involved many cities close to Bologna (i.e. Turin, Milan, Venice, Genoa and Verona), the population tried to keep the epidemic hidden, being afraid that commerce exchanges could be affected by this event. Later, starting from the month of May, under the guidance of cardinal Bernardino Spada, cooperating with the numerous religious orders and in particular with the one of the Camillians, the city reacted, launching an organization effort which significantly aided in the containment of the plague epidemic. A number of Lazarettos were organized outside of the city walls and relevant sums supported the clean operation of over 3,000 houses. The city Senate sustained the poor population with a sum of 700,000 lire and grain donations. Even if the loss of human lives was high, it resulted not so dramatic, compared with that paid by other Italian cities. From a cultural point of view, according to the belief of the scientific knowledge of that time, the miasmatic theories were still considered satisfactory, although in the common practice the people who could leave the city escaped from Bologna, in order to avoid the contagion. We can argue that the impact of the epidemic was reduced by means of the organizational approach with strict isolation measures for sick persons, the closing of the city walls in the urban areas more affected by the plague, and finally a sanctionatory and punitive approach for individuals, who disregarded the applied rules.
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