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Polymorphisms involving COMT along with CREB1 are linked to treatment-resistant major depression within a Oriental Han human population.
Protein hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) can be used to study interactions of proteins with various ligands, to describe the effects of mutations, or to reveal structural responses of proteins to different experimental conditions. It is often described as a method with virtually no limitations in terms of protein size or sample composition. While this is generally true, there are, however, ligands or buffer components that can significantly complicate the analysis. One such compound, that can make HDX-MS troublesome, is DNA. In this chapter, we will focus on the analysis of protein-DNA interactions, describe the detailed protocol, and point out ways to overcome the complications arising from the presence of DNA.By maintaining intact multi-protein complexes in the gas-phase, native mass spectrometry provides their molecular weight with very good accuracy compared to other methods (typically native PAGE or SEC-MALS) (Marcoux and Robinson, Structure 211541-1550, 2013). Besides, heterogeneous samples, in terms of both oligomeric states and ligand-bound species can be fully characterized. Here we thoroughly describe the analysis of several oligomeric protein complexes ranging from a 16 = kDa dimer to a 801-kDa tetradecameric complex on different instrumental setups.Sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation is a powerful and versatile tool for the characterization of proteins and macromolecular complexes in solution. The direct modeling of the sedimentation process using modern computational strategies allows among others to assess the homogeneity/heterogeneity state of protein samples and to characterize protein associations. In this chapter, we will provide theoretical backgrounds and protocols to analyze the size distribution of protein samples and to determine the affinity of protein-protein hetero-associations.The switchSENSE technology is a recent approach based on surface sensor chips for the analysis of interactions of macromolecules. The technology relies on electro-switchable DNA nanolevers tethered at one end on a gold surface via a sulfur linker and labeled with a Cy3 dye on the other end. The switchSENSE approach is effective in the determination of a large panel of biophysical parameters such as binding kinetics, dissociation constant, hydrodynamic radius, or melting temperature. In addition, it can also give access to some enzymatic data such as nuclease or polymerase activity. Here we describe a DNA polymerase assay that allows retrieving, in a single experimental set, association and dissociation rates, as well as the catalytic rate of the enzyme.Interactions between protein complexes and DNA are central regulators of the cell life. They control the activation and inactivation of a large set of nuclear processes including transcription, replication, recombination, repair, and chromosome structures. In the literature, protein-DNA interactions are characterized by highly complementary approaches including large-scale studies and analyses in cells. Biophysical approaches with purified materials help to evaluate if these interactions are direct or not. They provide quantitative information on the strength and specificity of the interactions between proteins or protein complexes and their DNA substrates. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and microscale thermophoresis (MST) are widely used and are complementary methods to characterize nucleo-protein complexes and quantitatively measure protein-DNA interactions. We present here protocols to analyze the interactions between a DNA repair complex, Ku70-Ku80 (Ku) (154 kDa), and DNA substrates. ITC is a label-free method performed with both partners in solution. It serves to determine the dissociation constant (Kd), the enthalpy (ΔH), and the stoichiometry N of an interaction. MST is used to measure the Kd between the protein or the DNA labeled with a fluorescent probe. We report the data obtained on Ku-DNA interactions with ITC and MST and discuss advantages and drawbacks of both the methods.Artificial binding proteins have been validated as alternatives to antibodies in their use as research reagents in molecular and cellular biology. For example, they have been used as inhibitors of protein-protein interactions to modulate activity, to facilitate crystallization, and as probes for cellular imaging.Phage display is a widely used approach for isolating target-specific binding reagents, and it has even been used to isolate isoform-specific binding proteins and binders that can distinguish between highly homologous protein domains.Here, we describe methods that have been employed in isolating highly specific artificial binding proteins against a wide range of target proteins.Fv and Fab antibody fragments are versatile co-crystallization partners that aid in the structural determination of otherwise "uncrystallizable" proteins, including human/mammalian membrane proteins. Accessible methods for the rapid and reliable production of recombinant antibody fragments have been long sought. In this chapter, we describe the concept and protocols of the intervening removable affinity tag (iRAT) system for the efficient production of Fv and Fab fragments in milligram quantities, which are sufficient for structural studies. As an extension of the iRAT system, we also provide a new method for the creation of genetically encoded fluorescent Fab fragments, which are potentially useful as molecular devices in various basic biomedical and clinical procedures, such as immunofluorescence cytometry, bioimaging, and immunodiagnosis.Mammalian cells are the most commonly used production system for therapeutic antibodies. Protocols for the expression of recombinant antibodies in HEK293-6E cells in different antibody formats are described in detail. As model, antibodies against Kallikrein-related peptidase 7 (KLK7) were used. KLK7 is a key player in skin homeostasis and represents an emerging target for pharmacological interventions. Potent inhibitors can not only help to elucidate physiological and pathophysiological functions but also serve as a new archetype for the treatment of inflammatory skin disorders. Phage display-derived affinity-matured human anti-KLK7 antibodies were converted to scFv-Fc, IgG, and Fab formats and transiently produced in the mammalian HEK293-6E system. For the production of the corresponding antigen-KLK7-the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) and virus-free expression in Hi5 insect cells were used in a comparative approach. The target proteins were isolated by various chromatographic methods in a one- or multistep purification strategy. Ultimately, the interaction between anti-KLK7 and KLK7 was characterized using biolayer interferometry. Here, protocols for the expression of recombinant antibodies in different formats are presented and compared for their specific features. Furthermore, biolayer interferometry (BLI), a fast and high-throughput biophysical analytical technique to evaluate the kinetic binding constant and affinity constant of the different anti-KLK7 antibody formats against Kallikrein-related peptidase 7 is presented.Macromolecular complexes govern the majority of biological processes and are of great biomedical relevance as factors that perturb interaction networks underlie a number of diseases, and inhibition of protein-protein interactions is a common strategy in drug discovery. Genome editing technologies enable precise modifications in protein coding genes in mammalian cells, offering the possibility to introduce affinity tags or fluorescent reporters for proteomic or imaging applications in the bona fide cellular context. Here we describe a streamlined procedure which uses the CRISPR/Cas9 system and a double-stranded donor plasmid for efficient generation of homozygous endogenously GFP-tagged human cell lines. Establishing cellular models that preserve native genomic regulation of the target protein is instrumental to investigate protein localization and dynamics using fluorescence imaging but also to affinity purify associated protein complexes using anti-GFP antibodies or nanobodies.Most cellular processes are mediated by multi-subunit protein complexes which have attracted major interest in both academia and industry. Recombinant production of such entities in quantity and quality sufficient for functional and structural investigations may be extremely challenging and necessitate specific technologies. The baculovirus expression vector system is widely used for the production of eukaryotic multiprotein complexes, and a variety of strategies are available to assemble transfer vectors for the generation of recombinant baculoviruses. Here we detail applications of homology-based cloning techniques for one-step construction of dual promoter baculovirus transfer plasmids and of restriction-free (RF) cloning for the modification of existing constructs.Membrane proteins constitute an important class of proteins for medical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological reasons. Understanding the structure and function of membrane proteins and their complexes is of key importance, but the progress in this area is slow because of the difficulties to produce them in sufficient quality and quantity. Overexpression of membrane proteins is often restricted by the limited capability of translocation systems to integrate proteins into the membrane and to fold them properly. Purification of membrane proteins requires their isolation from the membrane, which is a further challenge. The choice of expression system, detergents, and purification tags is therefore an important decision. Here, we present a protocol for expression in bacteria and isolation of a seven-subunit membrane protein complex, the bacterial holo-translocon, which can serve as a starting point for the production of other membrane protein complexes for structural and functional studies.The sheared avian intestinal villus-crypts exhibit high tendency to self-repair and develop enteroids in culture. Presuming that this transition process involves differential biomolecular changes, we employed matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) to find whether there were differences in the spectral profiles of sheared villi versus the enteroids, assessed in the mass range of 2-18 kDa. The results showed substantial differences in the intensities of the spectral peaks, one particularly corresponding to the mass of 4963 Da, which was significantly low in the sheared villus-crypts compared with the enteroids. Based on our previous results with other avian tissues and further molecular characterization by LC-ESI-IT-TOF-MS, and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), the peak was identified to be thymosin β4 (Tβ4), a ubiquitously occurring regulatory peptide implicated in wound healing process. The identity of the peptide was further confirmed by immunohistochemistry which showed it to be present in a very low levels in the sheared villi but replete in the enteroids. Since Tβ4 sequesters G-actin preventing its polymerization to F-actin, we compared the changes in F-actin by its immunohistochemical localization that showed no significant differences between the sheared villi and enteroids. We propose that depletion of Tβ4 likely precedes villous reparation process. URMC-099 purchase The possible mechanism for the differences in Tβ4 profile in relation to the healing of the villus-crypts to developing enteroids is discussed.
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