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One-shot cycle treading having a pulsed laserlight and modulation regarding polarization: software to speckle interferometry.
22 and 0.47 ± 0.24 respectively.

Yogasana and pranayama minimized the neuronal and glial cellular damage in test group, which is evident by minimal changes in right dorsolateral frontal lobe NAA and mI levels in type 2 diabetic subjects.
Yogasana and pranayama minimized the neuronal and glial cellular damage in test group, which is evident by minimal changes in right dorsolateral frontal lobe NAA and mI levels in type 2 diabetic subjects.
Visual evoked potentials (VEP) are used to assess the visual pathways through the optic nerves and brain. A normal VEP response to a pattern-reversal stimulus is a positive mid occipital peak that occurs at a mean latency of 100 ms. VEP may be affected by variety of physiological factors including age, sex, visual acuity and pupillary size.

The present study was performed on healthy medical students to determine the normative values and to investigate the effect of sex and anthropometric parameters on visual evoked potentials.

The study was conducted on 100 healthy medical students of Government Medical College, Patiala in the age group of 17-20 years, in which there were 50 males and 50 females. The anthropometric parameters including age, height, weight, BMI, BSA and Head circumference were recorded in all the subjects. VEP was recorded with a PC based, 2 channel, RMS EMG EP mark II machine and standard silver-silver chloride disc electrodes. A VEP monitor displaying checker board was used to give the pattern reversal stimulus. The VEP parameters recorded were latencies to N70, P100 and N155 waves, and peak to peak amplitude of P100 wave.

Our results showed that the latencies of N70, P100 and N155 waves were significantly longer in males as compared to females. The amplitude of P100 wave was higher in females in both left and right eye as compared to males. No significant correlation was found between VEP parameters and head circumference in both male and female subjects in our study.

Gender is an important variable affecting the VEP. The exact reason of gender difference is not clear, but it may be related to anatomical or endocrinal differences in the two sexes.
Gender is an important variable affecting the VEP. The exact reason of gender difference is not clear, but it may be related to anatomical or endocrinal differences in the two sexes.
Recent burden on health care organization due to acute pain and simultaneous rise in the depression cases have been ringing alarms among the medical professionals.

This study was taken up with a hypothesis that acute pain and depression are inter-linked and any acute painful condition leads to some behavioural and psycho-somatic effects which needs to be detected at the earliest possible.

This relationship was established by designing a cross-sectional study where four most common causes of acute pain (i.e. post-labour, post-caesarean, postoperative, dental conditions) were studied in 70 subjects each and compared with 70 subjects of control group who presented to a tertiary care hospital in Bhubaneswar, without any painful condition or underlying depression.

Various pain scales (Visual Analogue Scale- VAS, Verbal Rating Scale - VRS, Box Scale) were used to assess the degree of pain while Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) was used to assess the level of depression in these subjects.

Using SPSS version 16 software, the correlation coefficient was determined between the depression levels and acute pain.

It was seen that the geriatric populations were more depressed, while the older adults perceived more pain. The females differed from males in their pain perception; they were more depressed and proved to be more tolerant to painful conditions such as post-partum acute painful conditions. Dental pain was found to be the second most reported painful condition after postoperative acute pain. A statistically significant strong correlation was established between depression and acute pain.

Thus the psychosomatic component of pain needs to be evaluated on a priority basis by health providers.
Thus the psychosomatic component of pain needs to be evaluated on a priority basis by health providers.
Normal vascular is associated with gradual change of vascular structure and function, resulting in increased arterial stiffening and decreased arterial compliance. Arterial stiffness is a marker of vascular ageing and a predictor of cardiovascular events. Premature or early vascular ageing is measured by pulse wave velocity or the arterial augmentation index based on pulse wave analysis.

To study the predictor of vascular dysfunctions in high risk young adult offsprings of type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertensive parents.

The analytical cross-sectional studies were carried out in 90 subjects (45 males and 45 females), aged 18-25 years. They were divided into three groups based on their family history, known case of type 2 DM or hypertension in their parents. Group 1- control, Group 2- DM, Group 3-Hypertensive. In all subjects, anthropometrical data, blood pressure and peripheral pulse wave velocity were measured. One-way ANOVA was applied to determine the predictor factors of pulse wave velocity withinalthough related, peripheral augmentation index AIx and PWV provide early identification of high risk groups. Implication of life style modification is the first intervention to consider in adults followed by drug therapy to control risk factors. Specifically, AIx might provide a more sensitive marker of arterial aging in younger individuals.Haemoglobin D is a rare form of haemoglobinopathy in homozygous form. However, the heterozygous form of the disease is clinically silent and relatively easier to find in North-West India, Pakistan and Iran. Haemoglobin D is sometimes found to be coexistent with Haemoglobin S and/or Thalassaemia leading to clinically significant conditions like sickle cell anaemia with mild to moderate splenomegaly. In India the more prevalent form is Haemoglobin D-Punjab (also known as Hb D- Los Angeles) which has a prevalence of 2% in Punjab and around 1% in Gujarat. However, the variant, Haemoglobin D- Iran is very rare in India in heterozygous as well as homozygous forms. This report is of a 36-year-old female, who visited for an antenatal check up. On analysing the blood sample using Agarose Gel Electrophoresis in Alkaline media, the migration of abnormal haemoglobin to haemoglobin S/D/G region was observed. Sickle cell solubility test was negative. On capillary electrophoresis, peak in the Haemoglobin D Zone was seen.
Preterm birth is the leading cause of newborn deaths and also the leading cause of death in children under 5 years of age. There is wide spread suspicion that subclinical infection is a common accompaniment and cause of preterm labour. Ferritin is an acute phase reactant and it increases during inflammation.This study aims to determine whether serum ferritin levels which may be raised in the setting of any infective process could be used as a marker of spontaneous preterm labour or PPROM (Preterm premature rupture of membranes).

To determine whether serum ferritin levels, which may be raised in the setting of any infective process, could be used as a marker of spontaneous preterm labour or PPROM.

Department of Obstetrics and Department of Biochemistry.

Descriptive comparative design.

The study involved 3 groups. 50 patients of PPROM, 50 patients of spontaneous preterm labour and 50 pregnant women matching with haemoglobin and same gestational age Serum ferritin were analysed in all the 3 groups.

Significance of difference in the means of serum ferritin levels between the pregnant women (preterm) in the 3 groups were found out using ANOVA and also using a post hoc test (Tukey test). A p-value of < 0.05 was considered significant.

There was a significant increase in serum ferritin in PPROM cases as compared to the control group. But no significant increase in spontaneous preterm labour cases as compared to the control group.

Serum ferittin can be used as a marker of PPROM but cannot be used as a marker for spontaneous preterm labour. A cut off value of 35.5 mg/l of serum ferritin may be used for predicting PPROM cases.
Serum ferittin can be used as a marker of PPROM but cannot be used as a marker for spontaneous preterm labour. A cut off value of 35.5 mg/l of serum ferritin may be used for predicting PPROM cases.
Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) includes Gestational hypertension, Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia and is one of the most common obstetric complication. Worldwide about 76,000 pregnant women die each year from pre-eclampsia and related hypertensive disorders. The aetiology of Pre-eclampsia is unknown but it is thought to be related to abnormal development of placenta. Several studies have shown the presence of reduced endothelial function in pre-eclamptic pregnancy. Endothelial dysfunction is also a feature of atherosclerosis.

To assess fasting lipid profile and atherogenic indices in women diagnosed with pre-eclampsia as well as in women with normal pregnancy and to correlate the findings of pre-eclamptic women with that of normal pregnant women, in an attempt to utilize the data for the development of a new clinical approach for early recognition and prevention of risk of future cardiovascular diseases in women with PIH.

This case-control study was conducted on 50 pre-eclampsia patients who were in ties in lipid profile and these lipids turn out to be a risk factor for cardiovascular complications. Evaluation of the atherogenic indices during pregnancy may help prevent this risk.
Women with pre-eclampsia present abnormalities in lipid profile and these lipids turn out to be a risk factor for cardiovascular complications. Evaluation of the atherogenic indices during pregnancy may help prevent this risk.
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a myelocyte derived iron containing enzyme particularly involved in host defense by destroying foreign micro organisms invading the body. Numerous evidences suggest that MPO is involved in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory diseases, especially atherosclerosis.

Present study deals with the role of MPO in the renal function and progression of disease in Nephrotic syndrome patients.

Case- Control Study carried out in Kasturba Medical College Hospital, Mangalore, India.

Forty newly diagnosed Nephrotic syndrome cases, 40 age and sex matched healthy controls and 15 subjects in Nephrotic syndrome remission, were included in the study. Myeloperoxidase enzyme was assayed by 4 amino antipyrine methods in all the subjects. Other renal parameters like urea, creatinine, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), BUN- Creatinine ratio (BUN/Cr) total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin - globulin ratio (A/G ratio) and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) were also analysed. 24 hour urine protein-vated and it strongly correlated with the severity of disease in Nephrotic syndrome. Further studies can be done to use MPO as a therapeutic target in Nephrotic syndrome to ameliorate the symptoms.Arch of aorta normally gives off three branches, the brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery. Due to its complex development, variations in the branching pattern are not infrequent and since many such variants remain asymptomatic, they are detected incidentally at diagnostic imaging, autopsy and surgery. The classical branching pattern is reported to be present in 63.5%-89.4% cases and the most common variant observed is the presence of common trunk of brachiocephalic and left common carotid arteries. Direct aortic arch origin of left vertebral artery is the second most common pattern observed. We report here an extremely rare branching pattern of two common trunks arising from the arch, the first common trunk of brachiocephalic and left common carotid arteries and the second designated as vertebro-subclavian trunk, the common trunk of origin of left subclavian and left vertebral arteries. To the best of our knowledge this is the second such case to be reported.
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