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Aquagenic (pseudo) keratoderma (aquagenic palmoplantar keratoderma, aquagenic wrinkling associated with palm trees).
Sound propagation along vertical and slanted paths through the near-ground atmosphere impacts detection and localization of low-altitude sound sources, such as small unmanned aerial vehicles, from ground-based microphone arrays. This article experimentally investigates the amplitude and phase fluctuations of acoustic signals propagating along such paths. The experiment involved nine microphones on three horizontal booms mounted at different heights to a 135-m meteorological tower at the National Wind Technology Center (Boulder, CO). A ground-based loudspeaker was placed at the base of the tower for vertical propagation or 56 m from the base of the tower for slanted propagation. Phasor scatterplots qualitatively characterize the amplitude and phase fluctuations of the received signals during different meteorological regimes. The measurements are also compared to a theory describing the log-amplitude and phase variances based on the spectrum of shear and buoyancy driven turbulence near the ground. Generally, the theory correctly predicts the measured log-amplitude variances, which are affected primarily by small-scale, isotropic turbulent eddies. However, the theory overpredicts the measured phase variances, which are affected primarily by large-scale, anisotropic, buoyantly driven eddies. Ground blocking of these large eddies likely explains the overprediction.Noise is ubiquitous and has been verified to play constructive roles in various systems, among which the inverse stochastic resonance (ISR) has aroused much attention in contrast to positive effects such as stochastic resonance. The ISR has been observed in both bistable and monostable systems for which the mechanisms are revealed as noise-induced biased switching and noise-enhanced stability, respectively. In this paper, we investigate the ISR phenomenon in the monostable and bistable Hindmarsh-Rose neurons within a unified framework of large deviation theory. The critical noise strengths for both cases can be obtained by matching the timescales between noise-induced boundary crossing and the limit cycle. Furthermore, different stages of ISR are revealed by the bursting frequency distribution, where the gradual increase of the peak bursting frequency can also be explained within the same framework. The perspective and results in this paper may shed some light on the understanding of the noise-induced complex phenomena in stochastic dynamical systems.Modeling, simulation, and analysis of interacting agent systems is a broad field of research, with existing approaches reaching from informal descriptions of interaction dynamics to more formal, mathematical models. In this paper, we study agent-based models (ABMs) given as continuous-time stochastic processes and their pathwise approximation by ordinary and stochastic differential equations (SDEs) for medium to large populations. By means of an appropriately adapted transfer operator approach, we study the behavior of the ABM process on long time scales. We show that, under certain conditions, the transfer operator approach allows us to bridge the gap between the pathwise results for large populations on finite timescales, i.e., the SDE limit model, and approaches built to study dynamical behavior on long time scales like large deviation theory. The latter provides a rigorous analysis of rare events including the associated asymptotic rates on timescales that scale exponentially with the population size. We demonstrate that it is possible to reveal metastable structures and timescales of rare events of the ABM process by finite-length trajectories of the SDE process for large enough populations. This approach has the potential to drastically reduce computational effort for the analysis of ABMs.Detecting the interactions in networks helps us to understand the collective behaviors of complex systems. However, doing so is challenging due to systemic noise, nonlinearity, and a lack of information. Very few researchers have attempted to reconstruct discrete-time dynamic networks. Recently, Shi et al. proposed resetting a random state variable to infer the interactions in a continuous-time dynamic network. In this paper, we introduce a random resetting method for discrete-time dynamic networks. The statistical characteristics of the method are investigated and verified with numerical simulations. In addition, this reconstruction method was evaluated for limited data and weak coupling and within multiple-attractor systems.Complex network theory yields a powerful approach to solve the difficulties arising in a major section of ecological systems, prey-predator interaction being one among them. A large variety of ecological systems have been successfully investigated employing the theory of complex networks, and one of the most significant advancements in this theory is the emerging field of multilayer networks. The field of multilayer networks provides a natural framework to accommodate multiple layers of complexities emerging in ecosystems. In this article, we consider prey-predator patches communicating among themselves while being connected by distinct small-world dispersal topologies in two layers of the network. We scrutinize the robustness of the multilayer ecological network sustaining gradually over harvested patches. We thoroughly report the consequences of introducing asymmetries in both interlayer and intralayer dispersal strengths as well as the network topologies on the global persistence of species in the network. Besides numerical simulation, we analytically derive the critical point up to which the network can sustain species in the network. Apart from the results on a purely multiplex framework, we validate our claims for multilayer formalism in which the patches of the layers are different. Interestingly, we observe that due to the interaction between the two layers, species are recovered in the layer that we assume to be extinct initially. Moreover, we find similar results while considering two completely different prey-predator systems, which eventually attests that the outcomes are not model specific.Reservoir computing (RC) is an attractive area of research by virtue of its potential for hardware implementation and low training cost. An intriguing research direction in this field is to interpret the underlying dynamics of an RC model by analyzing its short-term memory property, which can be quantified by the global index memory capacity (MC). In this paper, the global MC of the RC whose reservoir network is specified as a directed acyclic network (DAN) is examined, and first we give that its global MC is theoretically bounded by the length of the longest path of the reservoir DAN. Since the global MC is technically influenced by the model hyperparameters, the dependency of the MC on the hyperparameters of this RC is then explored in detail. In the further study, we employ the improved conventional network embedding method (i.e., struc2vec) to mine the underlying memory community in the reservoir DAN, which can be regarded as the cluster of reservoir nodes with the same memory profile. Experimental results demonstrate that such a memory community structure can provide a concrete interpretation of the global MC of this RC. Finally, the clustered RC is proposed by exploiting the detected memory community structure of DAN, where its prediction performance is verified to be enhanced with lower training cost compared with other RC models on several chaotic time series benchmarks.We study swarms as dynamical systems for reservoir computing (RC). By example of a modified Reynolds boids model, the specific symmetries and dynamical properties of a swarm are explored with respect to a nonlinear time-series prediction task. Specifically, we seek to extract meaningful information about a predator-like driving signal from the swarm's response to that signal. We find that the naïve implementation of a swarm for computation is very inefficient, as permutation symmetry of the individual agents reduces the computational capacity. click here To circumvent this, we distinguish between the computational substrate of the swarm and a separate observation layer, in which the swarm's response is measured for use in the task. We demonstrate the implementation of a radial basis-localized observation layer for this task. The behavior of the swarm is characterized by order parameters and measures of consistency and related to the performance of the swarm as a reservoir. The relationship between RC performance and swarm behavior demonstrates that optimal computational properties are obtained near a phase transition regime.In this paper, we propose and study a two-layer network composed of a Petri net in the first layer and a ring of coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons in the second layer. Petri nets are appropriate platforms not only for describing sequential processes but also for modeling information circulation in complex systems. Networks of neurons, on the other hand, are commonly used to study synchronization and other forms of collective behavior. Thus, merging both frameworks into a single model promises fascinating new insights into neuronal collective behavior that is subject to changes in network connectivity. In our case, the Petri net in the first layer manages the existence of excitatory and inhibitory links among the neurons in the second layer, thereby making the chemical connections time-varying. We focus on the emergence of different types of collective behavior in the model, such as synchronization, chimeras, and solitary states, by considering different inhibitory and excitatory tokens in the Petri net. We find that the existence of only inhibitory or excitatory tokens disturbs the synchronization of electrically coupled neurons and leads toward chimera and solitary states.The ubiquitous coupled relationship between network systems has become an essential paradigm to depict complex systems. A remarkable property in the coupled complex systems is that a functional node should have multiple external support associations in addition to maintaining the connectivity of the local network. In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework to study the structural robustness of the coupled network with multiple useful dependency links. It is defined that a functional node has the broadest connectivity within the internal network and requires at least M support link of the other network to function. In this model, we present exact analytical expressions for the process of cascading failures, the fraction of functional nodes in the stable state, and provide a calculation method of the critical threshold. The results indicate that the system undergoes an abrupt phase transition behavior after initial failure. Moreover, the minimum inner and inter-connectivity density to maintain system survival is graphically presented at different multiple effective dependency links. Furthermore, we find that the system needs more internal connection densities to avoid collapse when it requires more effective support links. These findings allow us to reveal the details of a more realistic coupled complex system and develop efficient approaches for designing resilient infrastructure.Population distribution of interacting species in a large scale natural system is heterogeneous and subject to change for various reasons. Here, we explore how behavioral modification in prey species due to fear of predator and mutual interference between predators can create different spatiotemporal patterns in population distribution. We show that the fear factor and diffusion in a ratio-dependent predator-prey model may show more complex dynamics than observed earlier. It is shown that when prey diffusivity is low, prey remains concentrated at different patches throughout the domain. However, prey density becomes low at the patches as they disperse at a higher rate. Mixed and stripe patterns are observed during the transition from a hot spot pattern at the lower prey diffusivity to a cold spot pattern at its higher value. Pattern transition is, however, completely opposite if the antipredator behavior is gradually increased. Our simulation results reveal that the spatiotemporal chaotic pattern may also be observed in the Hopf-Turing region of instability provided prey shows a higher level of antipredator behavior.
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