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Antioxidative and also immunological effects of Cyclocarya paliurus polysaccharides around the spleen damage of diabetic rat.
Phase-specific trends were mostly different and unimaginable, with LDH and red blood cells producing the most complex CD4+ count behaviour. The approximate optimal set points for dietary-related covariates were total protein 60-100 g/L (acute phase), 42 g/L, total protein less then 75 g/L, and sodium less then 137 mEq/L. We conclude that the optimal set points of the strongest CD4+ count clinical covariates tended to drift and adapt to either new ranges or overlapped with the known reference ranges to positively influence the CD4+ cell counts. Recommendation for phase-specific CD4+ cell count influence in adaptation to HIV invasion includes monitoring of the strongest covariates related to dietary conditions (sodium, albumin, and total protein), tissue oxygenation (red blood cells and its haematocrit), and hormonal control (LDH and ALP). Copyright © 2020 Partson Tinarwo et al.Background and Aim. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia/MC) contains charantin that has antidiabetic properties as an α-glucosidase inhibitor and antioxidative properties. Lactic acid fermentation using Lactobacillus fermentum LLB3 increased its antioxidative properties. The study was aimed to analyse the difference of the treatment that influences blood glucose and SOD level before and after treatment compared to acarbose. Experimental procedure. A total of 24 male Sprague-Dawley rats were used. Diabetes type 2 was induced by a single dose (60 mg/kg) of streptozotocin (STZ) and 120 mg/kg of nicotinamide, intraperitoneally. Following three days of STZ induction, the animals were randomly divided into four groups. Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 were given acarbose 40 mg/100 g feed, MC 10 ml/kg body weight, fermented MC 10 ml/kg body weight, and distilled water, respectively, for 28 days. Glucose and SOD values were measured by spectrophotometer and ELISA, respectively. The difference between pretest and posttest data was analysed using the pair t-test. Data were analysed using ANOVA and Tukey HSD for post hoc analysis. Level of significance was set at 0.05. Results Fasting glucose and postprandial blood glucose were significantly decreased in groups given MC and fermented MC but not as low as those in the acarbose group (p less then 0.001). The value of SOD significantly increased in groups given MC and fermented MC but not as high as those in the acarbose groups (p less then 0.001). The value of SOD significantly increased in groups given MC and fermented MC but not as high as those in the acarbose groups (. Conclusion Although MC gave significant results in increasing SOD and lowering fasting as well as postprandial blood glucose, fermented MC was better than MC, and acarbose still gave the best results. Copyright © 2020 Laksmi Hartajanie et al.Inflammatory bowel diseases is a group of inflammatory diseases. The pathogenesis of diseases is multifactorial, which may include a Western-type diet. Diseases occur with periods of recurrence and remission. Many factors can have a beneficial effect on reducing the frequency of recurrence and prolonging the remission period. Such ingredients include dietary fibre, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, certain vitamins (D, C, and E), flavonoids, and minerals such as zinc and selenium. Properly selected nutrition might be an integral part of the treatment of patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Copyright © 2020 Sara Jarmakiewicz-Czaja et al.Background Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and end diastolic volume (EDV) are measured using Simpson's biplane (SB), 3-dimensional method (3DE), and speckle tracking (STE). Comparisons between methods in routine practice are limited. Our purpose was to compare and to determine the correlations between these three methods in clinical setting. Methods LVEF and EDV were measured by three methods in 474 consecutive patients and compared using multiple Bland-Altman (BA) plots. The correlations (R) between methods were calculated. Results Median (IQR) LVEF_SB, LVEF_STE, and LVEF_3DE were 63.0% (60-69)%, 61% (57-65)%, and 62% (57-68)%. Median (IQR) EDV_SB, EDV_STE, and EDV_3DE were 85 ml (71-106) ml, 82 ml (69-100) ml, and 73 ml (59-89) ml. R between LVEF_SB and LVEF_3DE was 0.65 when echogenicity was good and 0.43 when poor. R for EDV_SB and EDV_3DE was 0.75 when echogenicity was good and 0.45 when poor. On BA analysis, biases were acceptable ( less then 3.5% for LVEF) but limits of agreement (LOA) were large 95% of the differences were between -15.4% and +18.8% for LVEF as evaluated by SB in comparison with 3DE, with a bias of 1.7%. In the comparison EDV_SB and EDV_3DE, the bias was 14 ml and the LOA were between -24 ml and +53 ml. On linear regressions, LVEF_3DE = 17.92 + 0.69 LVEF_SB and EDV_3DE = 18.94 + 0.63 EDV_SB. Conclusions The three methods were feasible and led to acceptable bias but large LOA. Although these methods are not interchangeable, our results allow 3DE value prediction from SB, the most commonly used method. Copyright © 2020 Nadia Benyounes et al.Objective Hypercholesterolemia- (HC-) induced endothelial dysfunction is the first step of atherogenesis, and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ (PPARγ (PPARγ) has been reported to attenuate atherosclerosis formation; however, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. The present study was designed to determine whether myeloperoxidase (MPO) mediates HC-induced endothelial dysfunction and the role of the PPARγ agonist pioglitazone (PIO) in attenuating endothelial dysfunction. Methods Male Wistar rats were fed with normal or high cholesterol diets for 8 weeks. HC rats were randomized to receive dapsone (DDS, the MPO inhibitor) during the last 6 days or PIO for the remaining 4 weeks. Vascular endothelial function was determined by comparing vasorelaxation to ACh, an endothelium-dependent vasodilator, and SNP, an endothelium-independent vasodilator in vascular rings in vitro. The vascular MPO activity, NO x content, and cGMP level were measured by the MPO activity assay kit, NO assation. Copyright © 2020 Dapeng Zhang et al.Purpose Keratoconus (KC) has been defined as a "noninflammatory" corneal disease, but recent studies have noted a potential inflammatory origin. We analysed the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) and ocular surface temperature (OST) in KC patients compared to controls. Patients and Methods. A total of 179 eyes in 90 patients with KC (topographic keratoconus classification 0-1 to 4, age 36.1 ± 12.5 years, 65.9% males) and 82 eyes in 41 controls (age 36.4 ± 12.8 years, 47.6% males) were examined. The participants completed the OSDI questionnaire and underwent corneal topography, tomography, and thermography. Additional outcome measures were vision- and discomfort-related OSDI subscores and mean OST  at the corneal centre during 10 seconds of sustained eye opening after blinking. AM 095 Results The OSDI score (31.4 ± 22.4 vs. 17.5 ± 17.9) and vision- (17.7 ± 14.6 vs. 10.5 ± 13.2) and discomfort-related (14.3 ± 10.7 vs. 9.4 ± 10.5) OSDI subscores were significantly higher in KC patients than in controls (p  0.174. Conclusion KC patients had increased OSDI scores and vision- and discomfort-related OSDI subscores without an increase in the OST compared to a normal population. OSDI score/subscores weakly correlate with SAI and SRI but do not correlate with OST in KC patients or controls. Vision- and discomfort-related symptoms of KC have to be managed in parallel in ophthalmological practice, but the necessity of anti-inflammatory treatment cannot be verified through ocular thermography. Copyright © 2020 Orsolya Németh et al.Caffey disease is a rare and self-limiting condition characterised by cortical hyperostosis with inflammation of adjacent fascia and muscles. It usually presents in infancy and clinical features include hyperirritability, acute inflammation with swelling of overlying soft tissues and subperiosteal new bone formation. Awareness of the existence of this rare condition and its typical clinical and radiological profile will avoid unnecessary investigations and treatment and help the physician to explain its good prognosis to parents of affected children. We report a three-month-old male infant who presented to the Outpatient Paediatrics Department at Moti Lal Nehru Medical College, Allahabad, India, in 2018 with a right shoulder mass, decreased upper limb movements and irritability. The patient was treated with ibuprofen and paracetamol. Irritability and limitation of movement improved over a treatment period of two weeks. © Copyright 2020, Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, All Rights Reserved.Proximal muscle weakness is a common presentation in paediatric-orthopaedic clinics and is frequently paired with a vitamin D deficiency diagnosis. Recently, side effects of the extensive use of antiepileptic and antipsychotic drugs such as sodium valproate in childhood disorders are being documented. Sodium valproate causes a time-dependent, drug-induced proximal myopathy. We report a 13-year-old female patient who presented at the Orthopaedic Outpatient Department at Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India, in 2019 with an abnormal gait. The patient was taking a combination therapy of sodium valproate, risperidone and trihexyphenidyl for absence seizures and a mood disorder. Following clinical investigations, the patient was diagnosed with proximal myopathy. As a result of elevated serum alkaline phosphatase and creatine kinase myocardial band levels, sodium valproate was replaced with ethosuximide and a carnitine supplementation was prescribed. The patient fully recovered and regained full mobility. Proximal myopathy had been incorrectly managed and assumed to be caused by a vitamin D deficiency. © Copyright 2020, Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, All Rights Reserved.Granulomatous periorificial dermatitis (GPD) is a benign, self-limiting eruption that is considered a clinical variant of periorificial dermatitis, also known as perioral dermatitis. It presents primarily in prepubertal children as monomorphic scaly papules over perioral, paranasal and periorbital areas of the face with rare occurrence in adults. We report a 36-year-old Omani male patient who presented to the Dermatology Clinic at Bahla Polyclinic, Bahla, Oman, in 2018 with a papular eruption over his face for the previous six months. Based on clinical and histopathological findings the patient was diagnosed with GPD with sarcoid-like histology. He was treated effectively with oral doxycycline and topical metronidazole. This report provides a review of the literature on GPD and summarises all reported cases in adults to date. © Copyright 2020, Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, All Rights Reserved.Objectives Smoking is one of the most adaptable risk behaviours associated with increased mortality rates, yet over one billion individuals worldwide are smokers. This study aimed to examine self-reported reasons for starting and quitting smoking among women attending smoking cessation clinics in Saudi Arabia. Methods This cross-sectional study took place between January 2014 and January 2017 in Saudi Arabia using previously collected data. A survey was distributed to 3,000 female smokers attending smoking cessation programmes in 18 clinics from different regions in Saudi Arabia to determine self-reported reasons for smoking initiation and willingness/unwillingness to quit. Results A total of 2,190 women participated in the study (response rate = 73%). Overall, the most common reason for starting to smoke was friends (31.1%), while the predominant reason for willingness to quit was health concerns (45.5%). The most frequent reason for being unwilling to quit smoking was a fear of mood changes (28%). Conclusion Most Saudi women are socially-driven to start smoking, while the most common reason for quitting is health concerns.
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