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Reply to conventional discuss Griffiths et . (2017) posted by simply Gajewski (2020).
Plus-stranded RNA viruses have limited coding capacity and have to co-opt numerous pro-viral host factors to support their replication. Many of the co-opted host factors support the biogenesis of the viral replication compartments and the formation of viral replicase complexes on subverted subcellular membrane surfaces. Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) exploits peroxisomal membranes, whereas the closely-related carnation Italian ringspot virus (CIRV) hijacks the outer membranes of mitochondria. How these organellar membranes can be recruited into pro-viral roles is not completely understood. Here, we show that the highly conserved Fis1 mitochondrial fission protein is co-opted by both TBSV and CIRV via direct interactions with the p33/p36 replication proteins. Deletion of FIS1 in yeast or knockdown of the homologous Fis1 in plants inhibits tombusvirus replication. Instead of the canonical function in mitochondrial fission and peroxisome division, the tethering function of Fis1 is exploited by tombusviruses to facilitate the subversion of membrane contact site (MCS) proteins and peroxisomal/mitochondrial membranes for the biogenesis of the replication compartment. We propose that the dynamic interactions of Fis1 with MCS proteins, such as the ER resident VAP tethering proteins, Sac1 PI4P phosphatase and the cytosolic OSBP-like oxysterol-binding proteins, promote the formation and facilitate the stabilization of virus-induced vMCSs, which enrich sterols within the replication compartment. We show that this novel function of Fis1 is exploited by tombusviruses to build nuclease-insensitive viral replication compartment.
Orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) is a dosage form that overcomes the problem of swallowing which is prevalent in about 35% of the general population. Co-trimoxazole (CTX) is given for patients with HIV for the prophylaxis of opportunistic infection (OI), commonly for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. It was reported that CTX was associated with a 25-46% reduction in mortality among individuals infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. Esophageal candidiasis which usually comes along with HIV/AIDS is one of AIDS defining illness affecting up to 1 in 5 of people with AIDS. This opportunistic illness is manifested by painful or difficulty of swallowing. In this respect, CTX ODT offer the advantages of both liquid dosage forms in terms of easy swallowing thereby improve patient compliance and solid dosage forms in terms of dose uniformity, stability, lower production, and transportation costs. The objective of this study was to formulate, characterize and optimize CTX ODT which could overcome swallowing problem f conventional tablets for some group of patients which are unable to swallow solid oral dosage form.
Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems do not produce comprehensive data on maternal and child deaths in most low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with most births and deaths which occur outside the formal health system going unreported. Community-based death reporting, investigation and review processes are being used in these settings to augment official registration of maternal and child deaths and to identify death-specific factors and associated barriers to maternal and childcare. This study aims to review how community-based maternal and child death reporting, investigation and review processes are carried out in LMICs.

We conducted a scoping review of the literature published in English from January 2013 to November 2020, searching PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Joanna Briggs, The Cochrane Library, EBM reviews, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. We used descriptive analysis to outline the scope, design, and distribution of literature included in the study and to present the conternal and child death reporting was feasible, the accuracy and completeness of data reported by CHWs are sub-optimal but amenable to targeted support and supervision. Studies to further improve the process of engaging communities in the review, as well as collection and investigation of deaths in LMICs, could empower communities to respond more effectively and have a greater impact on reducing maternal and child mortality.
Community-based death reporting complements formal registration of maternal and child deaths in LMICs. While research shows that community-based maternal and child death reporting was feasible, the accuracy and completeness of data reported by CHWs are sub-optimal but amenable to targeted support and supervision. Studies to further improve the process of engaging communities in the review, as well as collection and investigation of deaths in LMICs, could empower communities to respond more effectively and have a greater impact on reducing maternal and child mortality.Iran is a center of origin and diversity for walnuts (Juglans regia L.) with very good potential for breeding purposes. The rich germplasm available, creates an opportunity for study and selection of the diverse walnut genotypes. In this study, the population structure of 104 Persian walnut accessions was assessed using AFLP markers in combination with phenotypic variability of 17 and 18 qualitative and quantitative traits respetively. The primers E-TG/M-CAG, with high values of number of polymorphic bands, polymorphic information content, marker index and Shannon's diversity index, were the most effective in detecting genetic variation within the walnut germplasm. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated 93.98% of the genetic variability was between individuals, while 6.32% of variation was among populations. A relatively new technique, an advanced maximization strategy with a heuristic approach, was deployed to develop the core collection. Initially, three independent core collections (CC1-CC3) were created using phenotypic data and molecular markers. The three core collections (CC1-CC3) were then merged to generate a composite core collection (CC4). The mean difference percentage, variance difference percentage, variable rate of coefficient of variance percentage, coincidence rate of range percentage, Shannon's diversity index, and Nei's gene diversity were employed for comparative analysis. The CC4 with 46 accessions represented the complete range of phenotypic and genetic variability. This study is the first report describing development of a core collection in walnut using molecular marker data in combination with phenotypic values. The construction of core collection could facilitate the work for identification of genetic determinants of trait variability and aid effective utilization of diversity caused by outcrossing, in walnut breeding programs.
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), one of the main public health concerns in mainland China, is a group of clinically similar diseases caused by hantaviruses. Statistical approaches have always been leveraged to forecast the future incidence rates of certain infectious diseases to effectively control their prevalence and outbreak potential. Compared to the use of one base model, model stacking can often produce better forecasting results. In this study, we fitted the monthly reported cases of HFRS in mainland China with a model stacking approach and compared its forecasting performance with those of five base models.

We fitted the monthly reported cases of HFRS ranging from January 2004 to June 2019 in mainland China with an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model; the Holt-Winter (HW) method, seasonal decomposition of the time series by LOESS (STL); a neural network autoregressive (NNAR) model; and an exponential smoothing state space model with a Box-Cox transformation; ARMA erodel stacking by using the optimal mean forecasting weight of the five abovementioned models achieved the best performance in terms of predicting HFRS one year into the future. This study has corroborated the conclusion that model stacking is an easy way to enhance prediction accuracy when modeling HFRS.
This study reviews the progress of leprosy elimination in Yunnan, China, over the past 30 years and identifies the challenges for the next stage of the program.

Data were collected from the Leprosy Management Information System in China (LEPMIS). The progress made in the elimination of leprosy between 1990 and 2019 was measured. We defined two time periods, time period 1 (1990-2003) and time period 2 (2004-2019), because multidrug therapy (MDT) was launched for the treatment of leprosy in 1990 and a special fund from the central government was established for leprosy in 2004. check details During the past 30 years, the number of newly detected leprosy patients in Yunnan has steadily declined. In total, 703 newly detected leprosy patients were reported in 1990, and 353 and 136 cases were reported at the end of 2003 and 2019, respectively. At the end of 1990, 90.7% (117/129) of counties in Yunnan Province were identified as leprosy-endemic counties (>1 case per 100,000 population). By the end of 2003 and 2019, 39.3% (ade in the elimination of leprosy in this area. The priorities for leprosy elimination in the next stage are securing sustainable support and investment from the government, establishing an effective surveillance system, ensuring prompt early detection, providing treatment with MDT, preventing transmission of M. leprae, preventing disability, providing health education, and preventing recurrence of the epidemic situation of leprosy.Research in a few U.S. states has shown that candidates listed first on ballots gain extra votes as a result. This study explored name order effects for the first time in New Hampshire, where such effects might be weak or entirely absent because of high political engagement and the use of party column ballots. In general elections (in 2012 and 2016) for federal offices and the governorship and in primaries (in 2000, 2002, and 2004), evidence of primacy effects appeared in 86% of the 84 tests, including the 2016 presidential race, when Donald Trump gained 1.7 percentage points from first listing, and Hillary Clinton gained 1.5 percentage points. Consistent with theoretical predictions, primacy effects were larger in primaries and for major-party candidates in general elections than for non-major-party candidates in general elections, more pronounced in less publicized contests, and stronger in contests without an incumbent running. All of this constitutes evidence of the reliability and generalizability of evidence on candidate name order effects and their moderators.
Compared indicators of potential access to oral health services sought in two cycles of the Program for Improvement of Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB), verifying whether the program generated changes in access to oral health services.

Transitional analysis of latent classes was used to analyze two cross-sections of the external evaluation of the PMAQ-AB (Cycle I 2011-2012 and Cycle II 2013-2014), identifying completeness classes for a structure and work process related to oral health. Consider three indicators of structure (presence of a dental surgeon, existence of a dental office and operating at minimum hours) and five of the work process (scheduling every day of the week, home visits, basic dental procedures, scheduling for spontaneous demand and continuation of treatment). Choropleth maps and hotspots were made.

The proportion of elements that had one or more dentist (CD), dental office and operated at minimum hours varied from 65.56% to 67.13 between the two cycles of the PMAQ-AB. The number of teams that made appointments every day of the week increased 8.
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