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Kinetics as well as device involving synergistic adsorption along with persulfate initial by simply N-doped permeable carbon dioxide with regard to antibiotics removals throughout single along with binary options.
The confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good agreement of the 6-factor model with an empirical data (CMIN/DF - 2.98, CFI - 0.956, SRMR - 0.05, RMSEA - 0.057, PNFI - 0.497). Regardless of gender and age, the total scores of bRFL and its subscales were significantly lower in patients with suicide ideation (

The Russian version of bRFL is a reliable and valid tool for the assessment of the adaptive beliefs and expectations that form an anti-suicidal barrier.
The Russian version of bRFL is a reliable and valid tool for the assessment of the adaptive beliefs and expectations that form an anti-suicidal barrier.
To study the features of hemodynamics and vascular tone of the brain in patients with depressive disorders.

Fifty-four patients with depressive disorders and 54 conditionally healthy individuals were examined. The study of hemodynamics and vascular tone of the brain was carried out using rheoelectroencephalography.

Patients with depression in conditions of physiological rest have a statistically significantly higher tone of resistive vessels and medium-caliber arteries, as well as a lower level of elastic properties of the main arteries compared to healthy individuals.

The shape of the rheoelectroencephalogram of patients with depressive disorders was characterized by smoothing of the dicrotic wave and its displacement to the top, as well as a slight severity of incisure and an increase in the speed of propagation of the rheographic wave.
The shape of the rheoelectroencephalogram of patients with depressive disorders was characterized by smoothing of the dicrotic wave and its displacement to the top, as well as a slight severity of incisure and an increase in the speed of propagation of the rheographic wave.
To investigate the effect of therapy with various classes of antidepressants on the quality of remission and adherence to therapy in patients with schizoaffective disorder (SAD) in remission.

We examined 87 outpatients, including 29 men (33.33%), 58 women (66.67%) diagnosed with SAD according to ICD-10 criteria (item F25), in whom 341 cases of remission were studied. The average age of the patients was 41.40±12.56 years. Cases of remission in patients receiving therapy with nonselective monoamine reuptake inhibitors (NSMRIs) were included in group 1 (
=228), cases of remission formed on therapy with selective neuronal reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) were included in group 2 (
=113). Clinical follow-up and statistical methods were used.

In both groups, mood disorders in remission were represented by subdepression. Delusional disorders at the stage of remission were almost 7 times more common in group 1 (12.28%), compared with group 2 (1.77%). The duration of the interictal period in patients treated with NSMRIs was higher (504.0±60.67 days) compared with patients receiving SNRI (176.46±17.88 days). In group 2, residual affective-delusional symptoms in remission were significantly less common. Cases of refusal from therapy in group 2 were 12 times less frequent, which indicates a greater adherence to therapy in patients receiving SNRI.

It is possible to recommend treatment with NSMRIs for patients with depressive affect in the structure of SAD to increase the duration of the interictal period. At the same time, for patients with SAD in the presence of delusional and affective-delusional symptoms, it is preferable to prescribe SNRI.
It is possible to recommend treatment with NSMRIs for patients with depressive affect in the structure of SAD to increase the duration of the interictal period. At the same time, for patients with SAD in the presence of delusional and affective-delusional symptoms, it is preferable to prescribe SNRI.
Evaluation of the effect of local therapy with Kapsikam on the dynamics of clinical symptoms and indices of the disability scale, as well as on reducing the doses of systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used in patients with acute back pain (LOCUS study).

An observational study included 120 patients with nonspecific pain in the lower back and a verified diagnosis of Lumbodynia M54.5; «Lumbodynia with sciatica» M54.4, of which 78 received in addition to the basic treatment with systemic NSAIDs topical drug Kapsikam and 42 - only basic treatment.
An observational study included 120 patients with nonspecific pain in the lower back and a verified diagnosis of Lumbodynia M54.5; «Lumbodynia with sciatica» M54.4, of which 78 received in addition to the basic treatment with systemic NSAIDs topical drug Kapsikam and 42 - only basic treatment.Results and conclusion. The addition of Kapsikam ointment to systemic NSAIDs accelerated the onset of the analgesic effect, which made it possible to discontinue NSAIDs in 50% of patients after 5 days of use. Local therapy was accompanied by easily tolerated adverse events that did not affect the use of the drug. 97.4% of patients used the study drug as prescribed until the end of the study.
The purpose of the study. Comparison of efficacy and safety of treatment with Texared/Neurobion and Amelotex/Milgama in patients with acute dorsalgia.

An open, observational, retrospective - prospective study involved 70 patients with acute lumbar dorsalgia. Two groups of 35 patients were formed, who were prescribed step therapy with Texared and Neurobion (group 1) and Amelotex and Milgamma (group 2). The groups of patients are comparable by gender (in group 1 - 25 (71%) women, in group 2 - 24 (69%), the average age is 50.1±10.5 and 52.8±12.0 years, respectively. The groups are comparable in the nature and severity of clinical symptoms, but not homogeneous in the nature of concomitant diseases.

In two groups, there was a comparable improvement in the condition after treatment according to the Oswestry and Roland-Morris questionnaires, an increase in the quality of sleep by the 10th day of observation. In the 1st group, the decrease in pain syndrome by VAS is more pronounced by the 3rd visit, the decreaseatment regimen. find more No significant adverse events were detected in the two groups.Noise in the ears or tinnitus is one of the earliest and most frequent non-cognitive manifestations of chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI) and is the most difficult clinical phenomenon for therapeutic intervention.
Of an open observational noncomparative clinical study was to study in patients with CCI and tinnitus and/or head the efficacy and tolerability of Sermion in a daily dose of 30 mg for 6 months.

56 patients (51.1±8.7 years) were clinically and neurologically examined using standard questionnaires to analyze the severity of tinnitus and its impact on daily life and the level of patient distress associated with noise, and to study the quality of life using the SF-36 questionnaire. All patients independently assessed the therapy satisfaction index.

The safety, good tolerance and obvious clinical effect were shown when using the drug Sermion. The best results were obtained with the use of Sermion for 6 months in relation to the severity of tinnitus, the degree of its influence on daily activity, the leunctions in almost all subjects. It has been shown that after an adequate course of therapy and after 3 months, the therapeutic efficacy of Sermion is preserved, and the patients themselves were more satisfied with this remedy after 6 months of treatment. The data obtained suggest a wider use of Sermion in patients with cerebrovascular diseases and tinnitus and/or head, the use of which allows a safe, effective and pathogenetically reasonable effect on the existing disorders in these patients.
To study the efficacy and safety of using a new original synthetic antioxidant - phenosanic acid as an adjunct therapy in patients with focal epilepsy.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study evaluated the efficacy and safety of phenosanic acid as an adjunct therapy to basic antiepileptic drugs in 120 patients with focal epilepsy. Primary purpose to study the dynamic of seizure frequency. Secondary purposes to study the dynamic of seizure-free days, the dynamics of bilateral tonic-clonic seizures, the results of questionnaires and scales (General Dynamics Assessment, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Quality of Life in Epilepsy (QOLIE-31-P), European Quality of Life Questionnaire (EQ-5D), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Frontal Asstssment Battery (FAB), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)).

Phenosanic acid (Dibufelon) showed statistically significant benefit over placebo in the primary indicator of efficacy (reduction in the frequency of epileptic seizures by at least 50%) and in the secondary indicators. The drug was safe and well tolerated by the patients.

The addition of phenosanic acid (Dibufelon) to base antiepileptic drugs seems to be perspective because of its positive effect on reducing the number of epileptic seizures, as well as on comorbid disorders in the emotional and cognitive spheres.
The addition of phenosanic acid (Dibufelon) to base antiepileptic drugs seems to be perspective because of its positive effect on reducing the number of epileptic seizures, as well as on comorbid disorders in the emotional and cognitive spheres.
To investigate the structure of postcovid syndrome, age and gender characteristics of its course, and to assess the effect of Cytoflavin on the clinical course of neurological disorders in patients who have undergone COVID-19.

The study included 100 patients, the average age was 40.4±11.7 years, there were statistically more men than women. The duration of the transferred SARS-CoV-2 days is from 30 to 90 days from the date of recovery). By random sampling, the patients were divided into two groups, the main group, received Cytoflavin tablets, a course of 25 days, 2 tablets 2 times a day. Comparison group - other drugs (vitamins, nootropic drugs). All patients were examined on the day of treatment and 25-30 days after the end of therapy. The status was assessed using Asthenia Assessment Scale (MFI-20), Brief Mental Status Assessment Scale (MMSE), Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (EQ-5D), General Health Assessment Scale, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The analysis of laboratory parameters was carria pronounced anti-asthenic effect with the correction of cognitive impairments, which was reflected in a significantly more significant positive dynamics of indicators of all scales. An additional effect of Cytoflavin was revealed - a decrease in the severity of thrombocytopenia. During the observation period, no patient had any serious adverse events or side effects associated with taking the drug. Prescription of the drug does not require age-related dose adjustment and is well combined with basic therapy for concomitant pathology.
Evaluation of Alfultop impact on nociceptive afferentation central mechanisms in patients with chronic lower back pain.

The study involved 40 patients with CLBP. The therapy included Alflutop, 2 ml once a day for 10 days. Mean VAS-pain, LANSS, Roland-Morris questionnaire, Global Rating of Change Scale (GRC), pressure pain thresholds data were analyzed. Follow-up duration was 3 months.

Most of the patients were females (fm=1.31); average age - 60.5 [54.2; 67.3] years with a mean disease duration of 14.3±4.2 mo. At visit 1, the VAS score was 63.2±9.4, LANSS 14.2±2.1 points, and the Roland-Morris questionnaire 9.9±3.5 points. There was a significant decrease in the pain threshold both in the zone of maximum pain, located in the lower back (3.97±0.9 kg/sm
), and in suprasegmental area (5.22±1.7 kg/sm
), and a pathological change in the temporal summation of pain (789.2±45.6 mm). After Alflutop therapy, significant changes in the parameters of the VAS, LANSS and Roland-Morris scores were recorded after 30 days of observation and maximum changes in 3 months.
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