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Controlling the dechlorination and methanogenesis synchronously to realize the win-win remediation answer with regard to γ-hexachlorocyclohexane polluted anaerobic surroundings.
The ventilation rate seemed to be a more reliable indicator of the bacterial growth. Above all, we can conclude that footwear microclimate varies in footwear types, which makes contributions to the bacterial growth on the foot plantar skin.Sensitivity arising from enhanced processing of external and internal stimuli or sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is known to be present in a sizable portion of the population. Yet a clear localization of SPS and its subdomains with respect to other relevant traits is currently lacking. Here, we used a data-driven approach including hierarchical clustering, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) and graph learning to portrait SPS as measured by Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS) in relation to the Big-Five Inventory (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) as well as to shyness, alexithymia, autism quotient, anxiety, and depression (11 total traits) using data from more than 800 participants. Analysis revealed SPS subdomains to be divided between two trait clusters with questions related to aesthetic sensitivity (AES) falling within a cluster of mainly positive traits and neighbored by openness while questions addressing ease of excitation (EOE) and low sensory threshold (LST) to be mostly contained within a cluster of negative traits and neighbored by neuroticism. A similar spread across clusters was seen for questions addressing autism consistent with it being a spectrum disorder, in contrast, alexithymia subdomains were closely fit within the negative cluster. Together, our results support the view of SPS as a distinct yet non-unitary trait and provide insights for further refinements of the current SPS concept and scales.Outcomes of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding have not been compared according to hospital capacity. We aimed to perform a propensity score-matched cohort study with path and mediation analyses for acute hematochezia patients. Hospitals were divided into high- versus low-volume hospitals for emergency medical services. Rebleeding and death within 30 days were compared. Computed tomography, early colonoscopy (colonoscopy performed within 24 h), and endoscopic therapies were included as mediators. A total of 2644 matched pairs were yielded. The rebleeding rate within 30 days was not significant between high- and low-volume hospitals (16% vs. 17%, P = 0.44). The mortality rate within 30 days was significantly higher in the high-volume cohort than in the low-volume cohort (1.7% vs. 0.8%, P = 0.003). Treatment at high-volume hospitals was not a significant factor for rebleeding (odds ratio [OR] = 0.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.79-1.06; P = 0.23), but was significant for death within 30 days (OR = 2.03; 95% CI, 1.17-3.52; P = 0.012) on multivariate logistic regression after adjusting for patients' characteristics. Mediation effects were not observed, except for rebleeding within 30 days in high-volume hospitals through early colonoscopy. However, the direct effect of high-volume hospitals on rebleeding was not significant. High-volume hospitals did not improve the outcomes of acute hematochezia patients.Most strategies to treat obesity-related disorders have involved prevention of diet-induced weight gain in lean mice. Treatment of obese individuals will require therapies that reverse the detrimental effects of excess body weight. Cyclin-dependent kinases have been shown to contribute to obesity and its adverse complications. Here, we show that roscovitine; a an orally available cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor; given to male mice during the last six weeks of a 19-week high fat diet, reduced weight gain and prevented accompanying insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, visceral adipose tissue (eWAT) inflammation/fibrosis as well as restored insulin secretion and enhanced whole body energy expenditure. Proteomics and phosphoproteomics analysis of eWAT demonstrated that roscovitine suppressed expression of peptides and phosphopeptides linked to inflammation and extracellular matrix proteins. It also identified 17 putative protein kinases perturbed by roscovitine, including CMGC kinases, AGC kinases and CAMK kinases. Pathway enrichment analysis showed that lipid metabolism, TCA cycle, fatty acid beta oxidation and creatine biosynthesis are enriched following roscovitine treatment. For brown adipose tissue (BAT), analysis of upstream kinases controlling the phosphoproteome revealed two major kinase groups, AGC and CMGC kinases. AZD9291 solubility dmso Among the top enriched pathways were insulin signaling, regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes, thyroid hormone signaling, thermogenesis and cAMP-PKG signaling. We conclude that roscovitine is effective at preventing prolonged diet-induced metabolic disruption and restoring mitochondrial activity in BAT and eWAT.To explore markers for synaptic function and Alzheimer disease (AD) pathology in late life depression (LLD), predementia AD and normal controls (NC). A cross-sectional study to compare cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of neurogranin (Ng), Beta-site amyloid-precursor-protein cleaving enzyme1 (BACE1), Ng/BACE1 ratio and Amyloid-β 42/40 ratio, phosphorylated-tau and total-tau in LLD with (LLD AD) or without (LLD NoAD) AD pathology, predementia AD and normal controls (NC). We included 145 participants (NC = 41; predementia AD = 66 and LLD = 38). LLD comprised LLD AD (n = 16), LLD NoAD (n = 19), LLD with non-AD typical changes (n = 3, excluded). LLD AD (pADJ  less then  0.05) and predementia AD (pADJ  less then  0.0001) showed significantly higher Ng than NC. BACE1 and Ng/BACE1 ratio were altered similarly. Compared to LLD NoAD, LLD AD showed significantly higher Ng (pADJ  less then  0.001), BACE1 (pADJ  less then  0.05) and Ng/BACE1 ratio (pADJ  less then  0.01). All groups had significantly lower Aβ 42/40 ratio than NC (predementia AD and LLD AD, p  less then  0.0001; LLD NoAD, p  less then  0.05). Both LLD groups performed similarly on tests of memory and executive function, but significantly poorer than NC. Synaptic function in LLD depended on AD pathology. LLD showed an association to Amyloid dysmetabolism. The LLD groups performed poorer cognitively than NC. LLD AD may be conceptualized as "predementia AD with depression".In this study, we examined the rate of contamination of multi-dose ophthalmic solutions in the operating theatre and the underlying risk for infection by examining the microbiological load on the tips of the dispenser bottles. A total of 245 samples of eye drop bottles were collected and analysed between June 2018 and January 2019. All were collected in the operating theatre of the University Eye Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf. Contamination of the dropper tip occurred in 2% of the samples. Although the prevalence of contamination was low, the results of this study reveal the possibility of contamination of multi-dose eyedrops even when used by health care professionals in the controlled environment of an operating theatre. Following these results, we recommend the use of single-dose eyedrops in the pre- and intraoperative context.Crinoids were among the most abundant marine benthic animals throughout the Palaeozoic, but their body size evolution has received little attention. Here, we compiled a comprehensive database on crinoid calyx biovolumes throughout the Palaeozoic. A model comparison approach revealed contrasting and complex patterns in body size dynamics between the two major crinoid clades (Camerata and Pentacrinoidea). Interestingly, two major drops in mean body size at around two mass extinction events (during the late Ordovician and the late Devonian respectively) are observed, which is reminiscent of current patterns of shrinking body size of a wide range of organisms as a result of climate change. The context of some trends (marked declines during extinctions) suggests the cardinal role of abiotic factors (dramatic climate change associated with extinctions) on crinoid body size evolution; however, other patterns (two intervals with either relative stability or steady size increase in periods between mass extinctions) are more consistent with biotic drivers.Microfluidics methods offer possibilities for visual observations of oil recovery processes. Good control over test parameters also provides the opportunity to conduct tests that simulate representative reservoir conditions. This paper presents a setup and procedure development for microfluidic oil recovery tests at elevated temperature and pressure. Oil recovery factors and displacement patterns were determined in single- or two-step recovery tests using two crude oils, high salinity salt solutions and low salinity surfactant solutions. Neither the displacement pattern nor the recovery factor was significantly affected by the pressure range tested here. Increasing temperature affected the recovery factor significantly, but with opposite trends for the two tested crude oils. The difference was justified by changes in wettability alteration, due to variations in the amounts and structure of the acidic and basic oil fractions. Low salinity surfactant solutions enhanced the oil recovery for both oils.The concept of climate change has grown in recent decades, influencing the scientific community to conduct research on meteorological parameters and their variabilities. Research on global warming, as well as on its possible economic and environmental consequences, has spread over the last 20 years. Diffused changes in trends have been stated by several authors throughout the world, with different developments observed depending on the continent. Following a period of approximately 40 days of almost continuous rain that occurred from October to November 2019 across the Italian territory and caused several hazards (e.g., floods and landslides), a relevant question for decision-makers and civil protection actors emerged regarding the relative frequencies of given rainfall events in the Warning Hazard Zones (WHZs) of Italy. The derived products of this work could answer this question for both weather and hydrogeological operators thanks to the frequency and spatio-temporal distribution analyses conducted on 10-year daily rainfall data over the entire Italian territory. This work aspires to be an additional tool used to analyse events that have occurred, providing further information for a better understanding of the probability of occurrence and distribution of future events.A wide range of diseases have been shown to be influenced by the accumulation of senescent cells, from fibrosis to diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's and other age-related pathologies. Consistent with this, clearance of senescent cells can prolong healthspan and lifespan in in vivo models. This provided a rationale for developing a new class of drugs, called senolytics, designed to selectively eliminate senescent cells in human tissues. The senolytics tested so far lack specificity and have significant off-target effects, suggesting that a targeted approach could be more clinically relevant. Here, we propose to use an extracellular epitope of B2M, a recently identified membrane marker of senescence, as a target for the specific delivery of toxic drugs into senescent cells. We show that an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) against B2M clears senescent cells by releasing duocarmycin into them, while an isotype control ADC was not toxic for these cells. This effect was dependent on p53 expression and therefore more evident in stress-induced senescence.
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