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Hemostasis parts throughout cerebral amyloid angiopathy and also Alzheimer's disease.
The identified compound showed a set of drug-like properties and preferentially binds to the active site of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro. All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to evaluate the conformational dynamics, stability and interaction mechanism of Mpro with ZINC02123811. MD simulation results indicated that Mpro with ZINC02123811 forms a stable complex throughout the trajectory of 100 ns. These findings suggest that ZINC02123811 may be further exploited as a promising scaffold for the development of potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro to address COVID-19.
Anomalous origin of coronary artery from pulmonary artery (AOCAPA), as is evident from the name, is defined as abnormal origin of either coronary artery from the pulmonary artery. The consequences vary in most cases and these anomalies lead to severe coronary hypo-perfusion and ventricular dysfunction. The common variants of this cardiac malformation are an anomalous origin of a left coronary artery from a pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) and anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from a pulmonary artery (ARCAPA). Another rare variant is left main coronary artery atresia that resembles ALCAPA in its mode of presentation. This article presents a single surgeon experience of managing this complex subset of the coronary anomaly from April 2006 to July 2019.

The 105 patients, who underwent surgery for AOCAPA from April 2006 to July 2019, have been included in the study. The patients have been analysed by follow-up echocardiography and electrocardiography (ECG) at our hospital by paediatric cardiologists. Out as required, in both early and late phases.
AOCAPA is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly, which usually presents in infancy with left ventricular dysfunction and mitral valve regurgitation. Early diagnosis and surgical re-establishment of the dual coronary system has given gratifying results, with improvement in left ventricular function in survivors. Mitral valve intervention for MR was required, in both early and late phases.Selective production of input intensive crops in the present scenario have resulted in productivity stagnation or even decline due to excessive usage of chemicals, affecting the farmers economically. Sustainable agriculture is the way to increase agricultural productivity and economic prosperity by protecting all natural resources. It maintains a balance of soil fertility with crop productivity and nutritional quality. The mixed cropping systems followed earlier in different regions according to their tradition, climatic zone, soil and water conditions were climate-smart approaches to sustainable food production based on practical experiences over the years of old generations. The life style changes, imbalance in farming system in last 70 years and demand for more food as well as declining land resources resulted in intensive agriculture. Besides, least returns and less demand of ethnic crops gave more preference to major staple food crops. Barahnaja is a traditional orphan crops based mixed cropping system practiced in Himalayan region due to its sustainability and assured crop harvest during erratic weather conditions. This traditional farming method is an exemplary scientific approach to derive innovations with respect to productivity, quality, plant soil interactions and organic agriculture. The main focus of the review is to substantiate the characteristics of the traditional mixed cropping system by describing the advantages of the system and opportunities for scientific innovation towards new knowledge and sustainability.The Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has been declared a pandemic by World Health Organisation (WHO) and till date caused 585,727 numbers of deaths all over the world. The only way to minimize the number of death is to quarantine the patients tested Corona positive. The quick spread of this disease can be reduced by automatic screening to cover the lack of radiologists. Though the researchers already have done extremely well to design pioneering deep learning models for the screening of Covid-19, most of them results in low accuracy rate. In addition, over-fitting problem increases difficulties for those models to learn on existing Covid-19 datasets. In this paper, an automated Covid-19 screening model is designed to identify the patients suffering from this disease by using their chest X-ray images. The model classifies the images in three categories - Covid-19 positive, other pneumonia infection and no infection. Three learning schemes such as CNN, VGG-16 and ResNet-50 are separately used to learn the model. A standard Covid-19 radiography dataset from the repository of Kaggle is used to get the chest X-ray images. The performance of the model with all the three learning schemes has been evaluated and it shows VGG-16 performed better as compared to CNN and ResNet-50. The model with VGG-16 gives the accuracy of 97.67%, precision of 96.65%, recall of 96.54% and F1 score of 96.59%. The performance evaluation also shows that our model outperforms two existing models to screen the Covid-19.Bovine whey IgG enriched fraction contains antibodies against various human bacterial pathogens. It contains antibodies against some viral antigens, including human respiratory syncytial virus and influenza virus. We investigated whether the IgG enriched fraction has cross-reactivity with IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins. The full-length and partial-length SARS-CoV-2 S, N, a recombinant protein of the receptor binding domain (RBD) and nine peptides covering the receptor binding motif (RBM) of S were prepared. Direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were conducted using these recombinant proteins and peptides as coating antigens and revealed the IgG enriched fraction contained antibodies against partial-length S [amino acids (aa) 177-512, 288-512, 348-578, 387-516 and 408-664], full-length N (aa 1-419) and partial-length N (aa 1-120, 111-220, 1-220 and 210-419), two RBD peptides, covering aa 427-446 and 502-520 of S, and recombinant RBD of S. These results indicate IgG enriched fraction contains antibodies against SARS-CoV-2.Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is a very dangerous infectious disease for the entire world in the current scenario. Coronavirus spreads from one person to another person very rapidly. It spreads exponentially throughout the globe. Everyone should be cautious to avoid the spreading of this novel disease. In this paper, a fuzzy rule-based approach using priority-based method is proposed for the management of hospital beds for COVID-19 infected patients in the worst-case scenario where the number of hospital beds is very less as compared to the number of COVID-19 infected patients. This approach mainly attempts to minimize the number of hospital beds as well as emergency beds requirement for the treatment of COVID-19 infected patients to handle such a critical situation. In this work, higher priority has given to severe COVID-19 infected patients as compared to mild COVID-19 infected patients to handle this critical situation so that the survival probability of the COVID-19 infected patients can be increased. The proposed method is compared with first-come first-serve (FCFS)-based method to analyze the practical problems that arise during the assignment of hospital beds and emergency beds for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. The simulation of this work is carried out using MATLAB R2015b.
The COVID-19 pandemic poses aconsiderable challenge to the capacity and functionality of intensive care. This concerns not only resources but, above all, the physical and psychological boundaries of nursing professionals. The question of how care for others and self-care of nurses in intensive care units are related to each other in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been addressed in public and scientific discourse so far.

The present contribution reflects this relationship with reference to the Code of Ethics of the International Council of Nurses, particularly considering principlism and the Care Ethics according to Joan Tronto. As aresult, it shows acorridor of ethically justifiable care with several borders, above all (1)self-care must not be given up completely for the benefit of care for others, and (2)acategorical subordination of care for others to self-care is ethically not justifiable.

The article makes an important contribution to adifferentiated ethical consideration of the rights and responsibilities of intensive care nurses as moral actors within the pandemic in Germany. It, thus, provides afirst starting point for abroad social and political discourse which is urgently needed not only during but also after the pandemic in order to improve the situation of intensive care nurses and those who are cared for.
The article makes an important contribution to a differentiated ethical consideration of the rights and responsibilities of intensive care nurses as moral actors within the pandemic in Germany. It, thus, provides a first starting point for a broad social and political discourse which is urgently needed not only during but also after the pandemic in order to improve the situation of intensive care nurses and those who are cared for.Governments around the world have increasingly relied on technology to promote public health, such as using electronic health records and portable fitness devices. During the COVID-19 pandemic, "contact tracing apps" for smartphones have also been promoted in many countries as a way to allow public officials to facilitate contact tracing. But uptake in virtually all countries where such apps have been promoted is slow, one reason being privacy concerns. Conducting three experiments across France (n = 471), Australia (n = 202), and the United States (n = 1005), we explore if salient COVID-19 concerns, which intuitively should increase concerns about personal and public health, might in fact increase privacy concerns and thereby reduce uptake of contact tracing apps. Using an experimental design where we randomly assign participants to either a disease concerns or control condition, we find that salient COVID-19 concerns decrease intentions to download contact tracing apps. Mediation results reveal that greater valuations of privacy explain the lower willingness. We therefore explain why COVID-19 contact tracing apps that are promoted when the pandemic is at its peak see low levels of uptake. Our results provide policy makers with implications concerning how to promote uptake to help "flatten the curve" of not just the current pandemic but potentially also future ones.In secondary schools, English teachers are often made responsible for writing results in national testing. Yet there have been few studies that focussed on this key group, or on how pedagogical practices have been impacted in the teaching of writing in their classrooms. This study investigated practices of English teachers in four secondary schools across different states, systems and regions. It developed a novel method of case study at a distance that required no classroom presence or school visits for the researchers and allowed a multi-sited and geographically dispersed design. Teachers were invited to select classroom artefacts pertaining to the teaching of writing in their English classes, compile individualised e-portfolios and reflect on these items in writing and in digitally conducted interviews, as well as elaborating on their broader philosophies and feelings about the teaching of writing. Despite and sometimes because of NAPLAN, these teachers held strong views on explicit teaching of elements of writing, but approached these in different ways.
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