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'Missingness' within healthcare: Links among healthcare facility use and overlooked meetings generally speaking training. Any retrospective cohort review.
Specifically, compared to those who scored low on ESJ, people who scored high on ESJ judged China as more justified in downplaying the spread of virus to protect its interest in the global free-market economy, supported in-person over online learning, viewed shelter in place as less desirable, and perceived the opening of the Texas economy as more legitimate. We also find that multiple psychological mechanisms might be at work-resistance to market interventions, perceived legitimacy of opening the economy, perceived seriousness of the health crisis, and violation of human rights.
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10551-022-05091-4.
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10551-022-05091-4.The World Health Organization proclaimed the global epidemic of obesity more than twenty years ago. However, there has never been a coordinated action to address the problem on the global level. Covid-19 virus pandemic is world's largest public health problem currently. Many comorbidities associated with Covid-19 and obesity mortality are common. We determine that obesity is single largest and most common cause of mortality in Covid-19 patients globally based on a sample of 171 countries, while economic variables have no impact. This creates an opportunity to finally address the obesity global epidemic through an effort coordinated on the global level.On 3 June 2020, the German government announced a EUR 130 billion fiscal stimulus package to stimulate market demand and jumpstart the economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in the spring of 2020. The most prominent measure of this package is an unconventional fiscal policy in the form of a temporary VAT rates cut for six months, from 1 July to 31 December 2020. Employing a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework, we study the efficiency of the VAT tax rates cut for ameliorating the consequences of the pandemic recession. The simulation of the calibrated DSGE model yields a tax policy-induced real GDP increase of about 0.3% points for 2020.The paper explores how the experiences of the present pandemic are shaped by the memories of popular religious piety during past pandemics and epidemics. Taking insights from the works of Astrid Erll and Reinhart Koselleck, the process 'remembering-imagining system' within the context of the pandemic is discussed by tracing the reemergence of pandemic deities and narratives of piety in India. Using digitally documented and disseminated narratives on piety emerging during COVID-19, an attempt is made to understand how these narratives shape the experiences, responses, and collective memory of the pandemic. Through a discussion of the shift in the imagination of political leadership and the moral responsibilities of the community, an attempt is made to highlight the mode in which the narratives on piety shape the contours of a time that is otherwise unimaginable. The mediated memories of popular religious piety make it possible to remember similar crisis times and to imagine and reinstate the social order that is threatened by this sudden unimaginable crisis. The paper thus argues that within the context of India, popular religious piety, though often overlooked, becomes a significant part of making sense and shaping the experiences of the pandemic time.QAnon, a group of conspiracy theorists dedicated to the overthrow of the deep state and the facilitation of the rapture, has been growing in strength and prominence since its inception in 2017. Originally started as an anonymous post on a message board, the collective has increased in membership, geographic footprint, and ideological reach. QAnon initiates have also expanded their repertoire of tactics, evolving from online chatter to rallies and, finally, to violent attacks, leading law enforcement to opine that the group may incite incidents of domestic terrorism. Although this outcome is possible, predictions of this kind have less merit unless supported by systematic analysis of the evidence. This essay attempts to address this need by providing an empirically grounded prediction of the future of QAnon. Specifically, it summarizes the results of comparative case analyses, which consists of examining groups and collectives that are comparable to QAnon on key factors and applying their trajectories to QAnon. Case comparisons indicate that QAnon may continue to grow in membership size and regional presence. In addition, QAnon members may persist in their use of violence, leading to an increase in the number and severity of their attacks.This study aimed to analyze the content of data availability statements (DAS) and the actual sharing of raw data in preprint articles about COVID-19. The study combined a bibliometric analysis and a cross-sectional survey. We analyzed preprint articles on COVID-19 published on medRxiv and bioRxiv from January 1, 2020 to March 30, 2020. We extracted data sharing statements, tried to locate raw data when authors indicated they were available, and surveyed authors. The authors were surveyed in 2020-2021. We surveyed authors whose articles did not include DAS, who indicated that data are available on request, or their manuscript reported that raw data are available in the manuscript, but raw data were not found. Raw data collected in this study are published on Open Science Framework (https// We analyzed 897 preprint articles. There were 699 (78%) articles with Data/Code field present on the website of a preprint server. In 234 (26%) preprints, data/code sharing statement was reported within the manuscript. For 283 preprints that reported that data were accessible, we found raw data/code for 133 (47%) of those 283 preprints (15% of all analyzed preprint articles). Most commonly, authors indicated that data were available on GitHub or another clearly specified web location, on (reasonable) request, in the manuscript or its supplementary files. In conclusion, preprint servers should require authors to provide data sharing statements that will be included both on the website and in the manuscript. Education of researchers about the meaning of data sharing is needed.
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11192-022-04346-1.
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11192-022-04346-1.From a network perspective, this study analyzes 659 users mentioning sampled COVID-19 articles 10 or more times on Twitter with a focus on their roles in facilitating the process of scholarly communication. Different from existing studies, we consider both the user types and the automation of accounts to profile influential users in the network of research dissemination. Our study found that similar to academic users, non-academic users can also be active players in communicating scientific publications. The results highlight the intensive interactions between human users and automated accounts, including bots and cyborgs, which accounted for 45% of connections among the top users. This study also demonstrates the important role of automated accounts in initiating and facilitating research dissemination. Specifically, (1) bot-assisted academic publishers showed the highest amplifier scores, which measures a user's tendency of being the first to share information and reach out to others within their trusted networks, (2) 5.28% of the selected articles was first tweeted by automated research feeds, ranking the fourth among the 22 classified user groups, and (3) bot-assisted publishers and automated feeds of generic topics and news alerts were highly ranked in authority, a network measure to quantify the degree to which a user consumes important resources of relevant topics. In the conclusion section, we discuss future directions to improve the validity of Twitter metrics in assessing research impacts.This study examines the impact of the 1994 IMF-supported CFA franc devaluation on GDP per capita in the CFA-franc zone using the augmented synthetic control methodology. With the exception of Mali, there is no statistical evidence that GDP per capita levels rose relative to what they would have been in the absence of the IMF-supported devaluation. Three countries record statistically significant GDP per capita levels below the counterfactual following the devaluation, though these countries experienced a deterioration of their national institutional environment or were affected by external factors that offset any potential gains from the devaluation.Vildagliptin is an oral agent which is a member of a new class of hypoglycemic drugs, dipeptidylpeptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors. This review presents the physicochemical properties of vildagliptin and assesses analysis methods for its estimation in substances, medicinal formulations, and biological media. These are chromatographic, spectrophotometric, electrochemical and other analysis methods. The material presented may be useful for developing new methods for analysis of medicinal formulations containing vildagliptin. The most widely used method for assay of vildagliptin is HPLC.Economic complexity offers a potentially powerful paradigm to understand key societal issues and challenges of our time. Selleck EN460 The underlying idea is that growth, development, technological change, income inequality, spatial disparities, and resilience are the visible outcomes of hidden systemic interactions. The study of economic complexity seeks to understand the structure of these interactions and how they shape various socioeconomic processes. This emerging field relies heavily on big data and machine learning techniques. This brief introduction to economic complexity has three aims. The first is to summarize key theoretical foundations and principles of economic complexity. The second is to briefly review the tools and metrics developed in the economic complexity literature that exploit information encoded in the structure of the economy to find new empirical patterns. The final aim is to highlight the insights from economic complexity to improve prediction and political decision-making. Institutions including the World Bank, the European Commission, the World Economic Forum, the OECD, and a range of national and regional organizations have begun to embrace the principles of economic complexity and its analytical framework. We discuss policy implications of this field, in particular the usefulness of building recommendation systems for major public investment decisions in a complex world.In this paper, we study statistical inference in functional quantile regression for scalar response and a functional covariate. Specifically, we consider a functional linear quantile regression model where the effect of the covariate on the quantile of the response is modeled through the inner product between the functional covariate and an unknown smooth regression parameter function that varies with the level of quantile. The objective is to test that the regression parameter is constant across several quantile levels of interest. The parameter function is estimated by combining ideas from functional principal component analysis and quantile regression. An adjusted Wald testing procedure is proposed for this hypothesis of interest, and its chi-square asymptotic null distribution is derived. The testing procedure is investigated numerically in simulations involving sparse and noisy functional covariates and in a capital bike share data application. The proposed approach is easy to implement and the R code is published online at https//github.
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