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Transplantation within Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Observational Multivariate Evaluation associated with Emergency along with Repeat Factors throughout 414 Patients.
We describe Cedrimyia margareti gen. nov., sp. nov. from Ohio and Wisconsin, and Parakiefferiella mishigami sp. nov. (Orthocladiinae) from Michigan. Cedrimyia is likely related to Antillocladius Sther, 1981, Litocladius Mendes, Andersen and Sther, 2004, Lyrocladius Mendes and Andersen, 2008, and Compterosmittia Sther, 1981, genera with scalpellate acrostichals. The new species of Parakiefferiella has a well-separated bilobed inferior volsella differing in shape from known Parakiefferiella species.In this contribution to the subfamily Pseudophyllinae in the Neotropics, we focus on reviewing the status of the genus Dasyscelidius and its three species. After this revision, the genus remains monotypic, including only Dasyscelidius atrifrons (type species), adjusting the diagnosis, limiting it to the characteristics of the only known species for the genus. D. atrifrons, is recorded for the Bogot Savanna, previously in its original description its locality was only Colombia, without additional data on this species in other later contributions. Dasyscelidius brasiliensis is placed into the new genus Pepumiri n. gen., which is similar to Pleminia, including only Pepumiri brasiliensis n. comb., from the middle and highland plateaus of the Brazilian Cerrado. Dasyscelidius minimus is designated as nomen dubium, since the only type specimen is lost, and its original description or later data are very poor and do not allow a good identification. Finally, this contribution contributes to the differentiation between brachypterous taxa of the tribes Pleminiini and Platyphyllini, which in several cases may be similar and difficult to place in each tribe.A new species, Amplaria oedipus, is described from Oregon, USA. Males of the new species have greatly inflated pyriform tarsi on the 5th and 6th legpairs, which is a secondary sexual modification previously not known from any other millipede.A new species of the genus Coraebus Gory Laporte, 1839 from Guangxi, Guangdong and Hunan in China is described and illustrated Coraebus bimaculatus sp. nov. It is similar to C. violaceipennis Saunders, 1866, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the elytral surface with spots, posterior margin of ventrite V distinctly concaved, elytral apices with small serrations, and parameral membrane of male terminalia with very short setae. This new species has distinct sexual dimorphism in the numbers of elytral spots and the tibiae shape.The genus Xanthopygus Kraatz 1857 sensu Chatzimanolis 2021 is revised and the distributional records for all species are updated. Lampropygus giganteus Bernhauer is shown to be a junior synonym of Staphylinus luctuosus Blanchard. Neotypes are designated for Belonuchus pexus Motschulsky and Xanthopygus oliveirae Lynch. Lectotypes are designated for Lampropygus major Bernhauer, Staphylinus xanthopygus Nordmann and Xanthopygus cacti Horn. Lampropygus giganteus Bernhauer is designated as the type of the subgenus Heteropygus Bernhauer, since the type designation by Blackwelder was invalid. Illustrations and a key are provided for all species in Xanthopygus.Creophilus Leach and Platydracus Thomson are two genera whose members were formerly included in a poorly defined Staphylinus. Both include large-sized rove beetles that can be frequently found in carrion, faeces, and other such rotting materials worldwide. But there are not yet mitochondrial genomes in public databases, which deters scientists from further studies that involve species of these two genera. Here we present the first complete mitochondrial genomes of two typical Palaearctic species, Creophilus maxillosus and Platydracus impotens, which are also the first for the two genera. Additionally, we included the new mitogenomic data in a phylogenetic context using maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses. Our results confirm the results of previous studies but show that the position of Creophilus, and therefore the monophyly of Staphylinina, could be affected by dataset constitution and model selection.A new species of Diploderma is described from the upper Salween River Valley in eastern Tibet, China based on morphological and genetic data. The new species is morphologically most similar and phylogenetically closely related to D. laeviventre, but it can be easily diagnosed by having distinct conical scales on the post rictal region of the head, distinctively keeled ventral head and body scales, and different coloration of gular spots and dorsolateral stripes in both sexes. The taxonomic discovery further highlights the underestimated diversity of the genus and the importance of habitat conservation of the neglected hot-dry valley ecosystems in the Hengduan Mountain Region of China.Recent integrative taxonomic studies of the agamid genus Acanthocercus Fitzinger, 1843 have shown that Angola harbors three different taxa, all within the Acanthocercus atricollis (Smith, 1849) species complexA. cyanocephalus (Falk, 1925) in the northeastern parts of the country, A. margaritae Wagner et al. 2021 in the southern regions, and an unnamed species in the central and northwestern parts of Angola. Using the previously published molecular data as evidence of phylogenetic support and newly collected morphological, meristic and coloration data, we here describe this unnamed lineage as a new species. The new species is morphologically very similar to A. cyanocephalus, but it can easily be differentiated from the latter by the coloration pattern of displaying males, with a blue coloration restricted to the head region, and by its inferior scale counts compared to other species of the A. atricollis complex group. As reported in other studies in this group, male breeding coloration is an effective trait for diagnosing these morphologically conserved species. This description raises the number of Acanthocercus species recognized to 15 and is another contribution revealing the rich but still incompletely described herpetological diversity of Angola.Tracheliodes quinquenotatus (Jurine, 1807), as currently interpreted, is a widely distributed circummediterranean species. Three species are actually confused under this name. Two species are resurrected from synonymy Tracheliodes trochantericus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) stat. rev. and Tracheliodes herinaceus (Gribodo, 1894) stat. rev. One new synonymy is established Crossocerus festivus Marquet, 1881 = Tracheliodes trochantericus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) syn. nov. Neotypes are designated for Crossocerus luteicollis Lepeletier Brull, 1834 and Ceratocolus (?) trochantericus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841). Lectotypes are designated for Crossocerus festivus Marquet, 1881 and for Fertonius formicarius Ferton, 1896. New records for Tracheliodes curvitarsus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) and Tracheliodes varus (Panzer, 1799) are provided.A catalog of the Sciomyzidae of Chile is presented. Included are all valid names and synonyms for the 27 species and 11 genera known from Chile, including information about name, author, year of publication, page number, type species, type depository, type locality, and references. Tetanoceroides Malloch is the most species-rich genus in Chile, with seven species, followed by Pherbellia Robineau-Desvoidy, with five species; however, if undescribed species are included, Pherbellia is the most species-rich genus in Chile, with nine species. The geographic distribution of species was determined from examination of bibliographic data and label data on specimens in collections. A key is provided to the genera of Sciomyzidae in Chile.This paper describes one new species of Neocyrtopsis Liu Zhang, 2007 and provides the key to all the species. All type specimens are deposited in Guangxi Normal University.A new phrurolithid species, Scotinella elpotosi sp. nov., is described from San Luis Potos, Mexico. Males of this new species are characterized by the long and filiform embolus, and females by the W-shaped copulatory ducts. PF-07220060 purchase Additionally, based on delimitation of the genus Phrurolithus C. L. Koch, 1839 made by previous authors, we propose the transfer of all Mexican Phrurolithus to Scotinella Banks, 1911 S. adjacens (Gertsch Davis, 1940) comb. nov., S. approximatus (Gertsch Davis, 1940) comb. nov., S. coahuilanus (Gertsch Davis, 1940) comb. nov., S. debilis (Gertsch Davis, 1940) comb. nov., S. diversus (Gertsch Davis, 1940) comb. nov., S. tamaulipanus (Gertsch Davis, 1940) comb. nov., and S. tepejicanus (Gertsch Davis, 1940) comb. nov.The third species of Pseudonagoda Holloway, 1990, P. zhejiangensis sp. nov., is described from Zhejiang Province, China, and this little-known genus is reported for the first time from China. The new species is compared with its congeners P. siniaevi Solovyev, 2009 in morphological features. The male adult and genitalia are illustrated, as well as the COI sequences data are provided. The immature stages of the genus are also described firstly in this study.High mountains are known for their unique habitats and extreme climatic conditions. Many inhabitants of this area are specialists and are known as hypsobionts. Among Ensifera, only selected species from different genera are true hypsobionts. Species in the genus Hyphinomos are one of them. Hyphinomos occurs only between 3800 and 5500 m a.s.l., and is known from two species, fasciata Uvarov, 1921 and svenhedini Ramme, 1950. Until recently they were both known only from their type localities situated in mountain ranges of the Himalayas. In this paper, we amend the description of H. svenhedini by adding new data on its distribution, habitat, structure of the male genitalia, stridulatory structures, acoustic signals (long-distance and courtship), and mating behavior. In addition, we have revised the description of Hyphinomos.Mystus cyrusi, new species, is described from the Kol River drainage which flows to the Straits of Hormuz in southern Iran. It is distinguished from its closest relative, Mystus pelusius from the Tigris-Euphrates River system by a combination of characters The maxillary barbel short, not reaching to beyond pelvic fin (vs. extends as far as anal fin in some female M. pelusius), shorter adipose fin (30.837.4% SL) and with a steeper sloping at its origin vs. longer (37.645.6% SL) and with a more gently sloping in M. pelusius), greater head depth (16.6421.9% SL vs. 12.616.59% SL in M. pelusius), greater caudal-peduncle depth (10.312.5% SL vs. 8.710.5% SL in M. pelusius) and fewer total gill rakers (1214, mode 12) vs. (1417 in M. pelusius). Mystus cyrusi is also well distinguished by molecular characters. Genetically, M. cyrusi shows the lowest genetic distance with M. pelusius (4.6%), and then with M. singaringan (11.6%), M. wolffii (13.1%), and M. bleekeri (13.4%) among the 21 studied species in their mtDNA sequences. Mystus cyrusi shows the highest genetic distance with M. montanus (26.5%).A new antlion species of the genus Dendroleon Brauer, 1866 (Myrmeleontidae Dendroleontinae Dendroleontini), namely Dendroleon laiyanae sp. nov., from Southwest China and Northern Vietnam is described. Besides, D. regius (Navs, 1914), a rare species of Dendroleon is first recorded in China with a detailed re-description. A discussion on the diagnostic characters of Dendroleon is also provided.
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