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Cigarette, e-cigarette, as well as twin employ during the 3 rd trimester of pregnancy within a country wide trial associated with heterosexual along with erotic minority girls.
The aim of this review article is to provide an overview of the knowledge on how bacterial pathogens in the brain damage neurons through direct and indirect interactions, and how the neuronal damage caused by bacterial pathogen can, in the long-term, influence the onset of neurodegenerative disorders.Altered structure, expression, and regulation of the presynaptic serotonin (5-HT) transporter (SERT) have been associated with multiple neurobehavioral disorders, including mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Opportunities to investigate mechanistic links supporting these associations were spurred with the identification of multiple, rare human SERT coding variants in a study that established a male-specific linkage of ASD to a linkage marker on chromosome 17 which encompassed the location of the SERT gene (SLC6A4). We have explored the most common of these variants, SERT Ala56, in vitro and in vivo. Results support a tonic elevation of 5-HT transport activity in transfected cells and human lymphoblasts by the variant in vitro that leads to an increased 5-HT clearance rate in vivo when studied in the SERT Ala56 mouse model, along with altered sensitivity to SERT regulatory signaling pathways. Importantly, hyperserotonemia, or an elevated whole blood 5-HT, les for continued insight into how chronically altered synaptic 5-HT homeostasis can drive reversible, functional perturbations in 5-HT sensitive pathways in the brain and periphery, and how targeting the SERT regulome, particularly through activating pathways such as those involving IL-1β/p38α MAPK, may be of benefit for neurobehavioral disorders, including ASD.The fine processes of single astrocytes can contact many thousands of synapses whose function they can modulate through bi-directional signaling. The spatial arrangement of astrocytic processes and neuronal structures is relevant for such interactions and for the support of neuronal signaling by astrocytes. At the same time, the geometry of perisynaptic astrocyte processes is variable and dynamically regulated. Studying these fine astrocyte processes represents a technical challenge, because many of them cannot be fully resolved by diffraction-limited microscopy. Therefore, we have established two indirect parameters of astrocyte morphology, which, while not fully resolving local geometry by design, provide statistical measures of astrocyte morphology the fraction of tissue volume that astrocytes occupy and the density of resolvable astrocytic processes. Both are straightforward to obtain using widely available microscopy techniques. We here present the approach and demonstrate its robustness across various experimental conditions using mainly two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy in acute slices and in vivo as well as modeling. Using these indirect measures allowed us to analyze the morphology of relatively large populations of astrocytes. Doing so we captured the heterogeneity of astrocytes within and between the layers of the hippocampal CA1 region and the developmental profile of astrocyte morphology. This demonstrates that volume fraction (VF) and segment density are useful parameters for describing the structure of astrocytes. They are also suitable for online monitoring of astrocyte morphology with widely available microscopy techniques.Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and malignant form of primary brain tumor with a median survival time of 14-16 months in GBM patients. Surgical treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy may help increase survival by removing GBM from the brain. However, complete surgical resection to eliminate GBM is almost impossible due to its high invasiveness. When GBM cells migrate to the brain, they interact with various cells, including astrocytes, neurons, endothelial cells, and the extracellular matrix (ECM). They can also make their cell body shrink to infiltrate into narrow spaces in the brain; thereby, they can invade regions of the brain and escape from surgery. Brain tumor cells create an appropriate microenvironment for migration and invasion by modifying and degrading the ECM. During those processes, the Ca2+ signaling pathway and other signaling cascades mediated by various ion channels contribute mainly to gene expression, motility, and invasion of GBM cells. Furthermore, GBM cells release glutamate, affecting migration via activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors in an autocrine manner. This review focuses on the cellular mechanisms of glioblastoma invasion and motility related to ECM, Ca2+ signaling, and glutamate. Finally, we discuss possible therapeutic interventions to inhibit invasion by GBM cells.Administration of 12-(3-adamantan-1-yl-ureido)-dodecanoic acid (AUDA) has been demonstrated to alleviate infarction following ischemic stroke. Reportedly, the main effect of AUDA is exerting anti-inflammation and neovascularization via the inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase. However, the major contribution of this anti-inflammation and neovascularization effect in the acute phase of stroke is not completely elucidated. To investigate the neuroprotective effects of AUDA in acute ischemic stroke, we combined laser speckle contrast imaging and optical intrinsic signal imaging techniques with the implantation of a lab-designed cranial window. Forepaw stimulation was applied to assess the functional changes via measuring cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) that accompany neural activity. The rats that received AUDA in the acute phase of photothrombotic ischemia stroke showed a 30.5 ± 8.1% reduction in the ischemic core, 42.3 ± 15.1% reduction in the ischemic penumbra (p less then 0.05), and 42.1 ± 4.6rons from apoptotic injury.Ferroptosis is a unique regulated cell death defined by the intracellular iron overload and distinct biological features compared with other well-known programmed cell death. Ferroptosis can be triggered by many causes including decreased expression of glutathione (GSH), inhibition of the function of glutathione-dependent peroxidase 4 (GPX4), and system xc -, all of which finally lead to the over-accumulation of lipid peroxides in the cell. Ferroptosis has been reported to play an important role in the pathophysiological process of various cancers. In recent years, much evidence also proved that ferroptosis is involved in the progress of cerebral stroke. In this review, we summarized the characteristics of ferroptosis and the potential relationship between ferroptosis and ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, to provide new targets and ideas for the therapy of stroke.[This corrects the article DOI 10.3389/fnmol.2020.00013.].Use of chemotherapy drug oxaliplatin is associated with painful peripheral neuropathy that is exacerbated by cold. Remodeling of ion channels including TRP channels in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons contribute to the sensory hypersensitivity following oxaliplatin treatment in animal models. However, it has not been studied if TRP channels and membrane depolarization of DRG neurons serve as the initial ionic/membrane drives (such as within an hour) that contribute to the development of oxaliplatin-induced neuropathic pain. In the current study, we studied in mice (1) in vitro acute effects of oxaliplatin on the membrane excitability of IB4+ and IB4- subpopulations of DRG neurons using a perforated patch clamping, (2) the preventative effects of a membrane-hyperpolarizing drug retigabine on oxaliplatin-induced sensory hypersensitivity, and (3) the preventative effects of TRP channel antagonists on the oxaliplatin-induced membrane hyperexcitability and sensory hypersensitivity. We found (1) IB4+ and IB4- subpopulations of small DRG neurons displayed previously undiscovered, substantially different membrane excitability, (2) oxaliplatin selectively depolarized IB4- DRG neurons, (3) pretreatment of retigabine largely prevented oxaliplatin-induced sensory hypersensitivity, (4) antagonists of TRPA1 and TRPM8 channels prevented oxaliplatin-induced membrane depolarization, and (5) the antagonist of TRPM8 largely prevented oxaliplatin-induced sensory hypersensitivity. These results suggest that oxaliplatin depolarizes IB4- neurons through TRPM8 channels to drive the development of neuropathic pain and targeting the initial drives of TRPM8 and/or membrane depolarization may prevent oxaliplatin-induce neuropathic pain.Neurodevelopment in humans is a long, elaborate, and highly coordinated process involving three trimesters of prenatal development followed by decades of postnatal development and maturation. Throughout this period, the brain is highly sensitive and responsive to the external environment, which may provide a range of inputs leading to positive or negative outcomes. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) result from prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). Although the molecular mechanisms of FASD are not fully characterized, they involve alterations to the regulation of gene expression via epigenetic marks. As in the prenatal stages, the postnatal period of neurodevelopment is also sensitive to environmental inputs. Often this sensitivity is reflected in children facing adverse conditions, such as maternal separation. This exposure to early life stress (ELS) is implicated in the manifestation of various behavioral abnormalities. Most FASD research has focused exclusively on the effect of prenatal ethanol exposure inerapeutic interventions.It is well established that CNS axons fail to regenerate, undergo retrograde dieback, and form dystrophic growth cones due to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. We sought to investigate the role of axonal mitochondria in the axonal response to injury. A viral vector (AAV) containing a mitochondrially targeted fluorescent protein (mitoDsRed) as well as fluorescently tagged LC3 (GFP-LC3), an autophagosomal marker, was injected into the primary motor cortex, to label the corticospinal tract (CST), of adult rats. The axons of the CST were then injured by dorsal column lesion at C4-C5. We found that mitochondria in injured CST axons near the injury site are fragmented and fragmentation of mitochondria persists for 2 weeks before returning to pre-injury lengths. Fragmented mitochondria have consistently been shown to be dysfunctional and detrimental to cellular health. Inhibition of Drp1, the GTPase responsible for mitochondrial fission, using a specific pharmacological inhibitor (mDivi-1) blocked fragmentation. Additionally, it was determined that there is increased mitophagy in CST axons following Spinal cord injury (SCI) based on increased colocalization of mitochondria and LC3. In vitro models revealed that mitochondrial divalent ion uptake is necessary for injury-induced mitochondrial fission, as inhibiting the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) using RU360 prevented injury-induced fission. click here This phenomenon was also observed in vivo. These studies indicate that following the injury, both in vivo and in vitro, axonal mitochondria undergo increased fission, which may contribute to the lack of regeneration seen in CNS neurons.Neurite atrophy with loss of neuronal polarity is a pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other neurological disorders. While there is substantial agreement that disruption of intracellular vesicle trafficking is associated with axonal pathology in AD, comparatively less is known regarding its role in dendritic atrophy. This is a significant gap of knowledge because, unlike axons, dendrites are endowed with the complete endomembrane system comprising endoplasmic reticulum (ER), ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC), Golgi apparatus, post-Golgi vesicles, and a recycling-degradative route. In this study, using live-imaging of pGOLT-expressing vesicles, indicative of Golgi outposts and satellites, we investigate how amyloid-β (Aβ) oligomers affect the trafficking of Golgi-like organelles in the different dendritic compartments of cultured rat hippocampal neurons. We found that short-term (4 h) treatment with Aβ led to a decrease in anterograde trafficking of Golgi vesicles in dendrites of both resting and stimulated (with 50 mM KCl) neurons.
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