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To evaluate the impact of family medicine residence on the PHC referral rate.

This is a cross-sectional descriptive study on 375.645 visits and 34.776 referrals by 123 PHC physicians in 2016, linking the referral rate to the characteristics of doctors (gender, age, family medicine training), patients (gender and age) and service (general population and working population).

Family and community medicine residency training had a significant reduction in PHC referral rate (2.86%), CI(1.55;4.17), p < 0,0001. This reduction persisted in the multivariate analysis, after adjusting for all the possible confounding variables. No difference was found between the referral rates of doctors with and without family and community medicine (FCM) degree. Concerning referral to specialties, doctors with FCM residence training had lower rates of referral to gynecology, psychiatry and pediatrics and higher rates of referral to ophthalmology.

The study showed that FCM residency significantly reduced PHC referral rates.
The study showed that FCM residency significantly reduced PHC referral rates.Various studies reveal that male mortality is higher than female mortality among children in Brazil. Recent studies have also revealed a reduction in excess male infant mortality in the last few years. However, little is known about which factors are associated with this phenomenon. Since male infants are generally more susceptible, a potential hypothesis is that an improvement in income levels and pre- and post-natal healthcare have a greater impact on reducing male infant mortality. Thus, the scope of this article was to analyze how these factors affect infant mortality in Brazil. For the creation of the model, data for the period from 1996 to 2014 from Brazilian states were utilized. The results indicate that average income, low birth weight, the number of prenatal visits and the fertility rate, are important factors associated with infant mortality in the country. In general, the impact of these variables is greater in the mortality of male children, which would indicate that the higher susceptibility of male children requires greater care from the parents and the health authorities. Furthermore, future studies could analyze the importance of breastfeeding on infant mortality and gender in Brazil, in order to verify the impact of breastfeeding on the reduction of infant deaths.The scope of this study was to assess the forms used to report suspected adverse drug reactions (ADR) to the pharmacovigilance system in Brazil and twelve other Latin-American countries. The study comprised three stages. In the first stage, the forms were attributed a score relating to the presence of critical items to generate ADR notification. In the second stage, the variables of the forms were quantified and classified regarding feasibility to contribute to an appropriate assessment of causality. In the last stage, hierarchical clustering was used to identify similar forms. The Venezuelan form achieved the highest score (18 points). The median number of variables in the forms of each country was 41 [26 (Guatemala) to 95 (Brazil)]. Most of the variables of the form were classified as life-critical and the majority contribute as an alternative explanation to causality assessment. Four clusters were identified (1, 2, 3 and 4). The forms of Brazil and Bolivia formed two distinct groups, 1 and 3 respectively. The results of this study indicate the need to change the forms of the different countries studied or even delete some variables, making them more appropriate for the process of assessment of ADR causality.The scope of this study was to describe the consumption of fruit in Brazil and its association with the intake of ultra-processed (UP) foods in a representative sample of 32,900 individuals from the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey. The association between calory contribution of fruit to the diet and quintiles of UP food intake was analyzed using linear regression. Fruit accounted for just over 5% of the calories, about half of which (2.4%) was in the form of juice. Men revealed lower consumption than women, and consumption increased with increasing age, income, and schooling. An inverse association between consumption of whole fruits and UP food was observed. Among the individuals who reported consuming fruit (68%), there was little diversity (mean 1.16 types/day). The fruit most consumed included orange, banana, and apple. Whole fruit was consumed mainly at lunchtime and as snacks. The consumption was inversely associated with UP food intake at lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Juices were consumed mainly at lunchtime and did not vary with UP food intake. Higher fruit consumption outside the home occurred in all quintiles of UP food intake. Low fruit intake in Brazil and the association with UP consumption highlight the need for initiatives to promote healthy eating.This study compares the proportion of the Brazilian adult population classified as being at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) based on six different CVD risk calculators in order to assess the agreement across different tools. A cross-sectional study was conducted using laboratory data from the National Health Survey (NHS). The prevalence rates of high 10-year risk of CVD among individuals aged between 45 and 64 years were as follows Brazilian Society of Cardiology (BSC) global risk score (GRS) - 38.1%; American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) score - 44.1%; Framingham Heart Study/GRS - 19.4%; European Society of Cardiology SCORE - 14.6%; World Health Organization/International Society of Hypertension (WHO/ISH) score - 3.1%; and Lim et al. - 2.5%. The CVD calculators showed poor agreement for the identification of high-risk individuals and a high level of agreement for the identification of low/moderate risk individuals, except for the ACC/AHA risk score. The findings show that the proportion of individuals classified as eligible for preventive drug therapy varies from tool to tool, which could lead to the misinterpretation of risk, poor cost-effectiveness of therapy and difficulty implementing public policies.This paper aims to compare the self-reported prevalence measured by laboratory tests and the false positive and negative values for diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and hypercholesterolemia. We used information from the interview and laboratory tests of the National Health Survey (2013, 2014-2015). Sensitivity and specificity were calculated by gender, age, schooling, having health insurance, and time since the last medical visit. We used logistic regression to analyze associated factors with false positives and negatives. Sensitivity was higher for diabetes and among older adults and those who had a medical visit more recently. Specificity was high for all diseases, with better performance among younger people, those with high schooling, and a visit more than one year ago. The likelihood of false positives and negatives decreased with schooling and increased with age. Low sensitivity suggests that prevalence might be higher than indicated by self-reported measures.This study aimed to monitor the trends and projections of targets of risk and protection factors for coping with noncommunicable diseases in Brazilian capitals and verify whether the economic crisis and austerity policies have interfered with these targets' behavior. This is a time-series study with data from the Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey. We analyzed the trends in the prevalence of tobacco use, obesity, physical activity, consumption of fruits and vegetables, and alcohol abuse, and their projections until 2025. The Prais-Winsten regression was employed. We adopted the Interrupted Time-Series, considering the 2006-2014 and 2015-2019 periods. A reduction in tobacco use, increase in obesity, consumption of fruits and vegetables, physical activity, and alcohol use was observed between 2006 and 2014. Most indicators have shown worse performance since 2015. Projections foresee that targets for curbing obesity and alcohol abuse will not be achieved. this website Some changes were identified in the indicators profiles, reinforcing the importance of the continuous monitoring and sustainability of actions, policies, and programs to promote health and control these diseases and their risk factors.
To verify the prevalence of vocal complaints and their association with sociodemographic, economic, occupational, and behavioral factors among the population of Community Health Agents (CHA).

This is a cross-sectional and analytical study conducted in the city of Montes Claros, MG, in which 674 CHA participated. Data were collected via a self-administered questionnaire that includes sociodemographic, economic, behavioral, occupational, and voice-use aspects based on the Screening Index for Voice Disorder (SIVD). Bivariate analysis was performed by Pearson's chi-square test and Poisson multiple regression with robust variance to verify the association between the variables.

There was a high prevalence of vocal complaints, the most cited being dry throat, throat clearing, tiredness when talking, and hoarseness. We observed a significant association between female gender, lack of restful sleep, alcohol use, regular to very poor self-rated health, and anxiety.

There was a significant percentage of vocal complaints, and the associated factors found will guide actions to promote vocal and general health.
There was a significant percentage of vocal complaints, and the associated factors found will guide actions to promote vocal and general health.
To present a brief report of the first steps that involved the process of the cultural translation and adaptation of the Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, fourth edition to Brazilian Portuguese (BP).

The process of translation and adaptation of this instrument was performed in the following steps (1) translation of the original text (English) to Brazilian Portuguese (target culture) by two different sworn translators oriented towards our research goal; (2) parity analysis between both translations and design, by a group of experts, of a synthesis version; (3) back translation of the synthesis version by two other sworn translators who did not participate in step 1; and (4) Comparison between back-translation and the original version made by a group of specialists, thus shaping the pre-final adapted version of the EOWPVT-4.

In the Brazilian version, the number of items from the original version was maintained and the cultural adaptation of the EOWPVT-4 to BP followed the steps recommended in the literature besides considering the differences in the socio-cultural context, showing no significant discrepancies regarding semantic equivalence. Relevant adaptations (e.g., items not representative within the Brazilian culture) were required during this process so that the instrument could be used with the same methodological rigor as the original instrument.

The process of cultural adaptation of this instrument indicated that there was theoretical, semantic, idiomatic and cultural equivalence with the original version in English.
The process of cultural adaptation of this instrument indicated that there was theoretical, semantic, idiomatic and cultural equivalence with the original version in English.
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