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Great results regarding COVID-19 lockdown about pond drinking water quality: data through Water Damodar, India.
Performance evaluations demonstrate that the proposed filter significantly improves the existing MCKFs in non-stationary noises.In this paper, based on the results of rough set theory, test theory, and exact learning, we investigate decision trees over infinite sets of binary attributes represented as infinite binary information systems. We define the notion of a problem over an information system and study three functions of the Shannon type, which characterize the dependence in the worst case of the minimum depth of a decision tree solving a problem on the number of attributes in the problem description. The considered three functions correspond to (i) decision trees using attributes, (ii) decision trees using hypotheses (an analog of equivalence queries from exact learning), and (iii) decision trees using both attributes and hypotheses. The first function has two possible types of behavior logarithmic and linear (this result follows from more general results published by the author earlier). The second and the third functions have three possible types of behavior constant, logarithmic, and linear (these results were published by the author earlier without proofs that are given in the present paper). Based on the obtained results, we divided the set of all infinite binary information systems into four complexity classes. In each class, the type of behavior for each of the considered three functions does not change.Extracting latent nonlinear dynamics from observed time-series data is important for understanding a dynamic system against the background of the observed data. A state space model is a probabilistic graphical model for time-series data, which describes the probabilistic dependence between latent variables at subsequent times and between latent variables and observations. Since, in many situations, the values of the parameters in the state space model are unknown, estimating the parameters from observations is an important task. The particle marginal Metropolis-Hastings (PMMH) method is a method for estimating the marginal posterior distribution of parameters obtained by marginalization over the distribution of latent variables in the state space model. Although, in principle, we can estimate the marginal posterior distribution of parameters by iterating this method infinitely, the estimated result depends on the initial values for a finite number of times in practice. In this paper, we propose a replica exchange particle marginal Metropolis-Hastings (REPMMH) method as a method to improve this problem by combining the PMMH method with the replica exchange method. By using the proposed method, we simultaneously realize a global search at a high temperature and a local fine search at a low temperature. We evaluate the proposed method using simulated data obtained from the Izhikevich neuron model and Lévy-driven stochastic volatility model, and we show that the proposed REPMMH method improves the problem of the initial value dependence in the PMMH method, and realizes efficient sampling of parameters in the state space models compared with existing methods.Singing voice detection or vocal detection is a classification task that determines whether there is a singing voice in a given audio segment. This process is a crucial preprocessing step that can be used to improve the performance of other tasks such as automatic lyrics alignment, singing melody transcription, singing voice separation, vocal melody extraction, and many more. This paper presents a survey on the techniques of singing voice detection with a deep focus on state-of-the-art algorithms such as convolutional LSTM and GRU-RNN. It illustrates a comparison between existing methods for singing voice detection, mainly based on the Jamendo and RWC datasets. Long-term recurrent convolutional networks have reached impressive results on public datasets. The main goal of the present paper is to investigate both classical and state-of-the-art approaches to singing voice detection.A quantum phase transition (QPT) in a simple model that describes the coexistence of atoms and diatomic molecules is studied. The model, which is briefly discussed, presents a second-order ground state phase transition in the thermodynamic (or large particle number) limit, changing from a molecular condensate in one phase to an equilibrium of diatomic molecules-atoms in coexistence in the other one. S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine The usual markers for this phase transition are the ground state energy and the expected value of the number of atoms (alternatively, the number of molecules) in the ground state. In this work, other markers for the QPT, such as the inverse participation ratio (IPR), and particularly, the Rényi entropy, are analyzed and proposed as QPT markers. Both magnitudes present abrupt changes at the critical point of the QPT.Aiming at recognizing small proportion, blurred and complex traffic sign in natural scenes, a traffic sign detection method based on RetinaNet-NeXt is proposed. First, to ensure the quality of dataset, the data were cleaned and enhanced to denoise. Secondly, a novel backbone network ResNeXt was employed to improve the detection accuracy and effection of RetinaNet. Finally, transfer learning and group normalization were adopted to accelerate our network training. Experimental results show that the precision, recall and mAP of our method, compared with the original RetinaNet, are improved by 9.08%, 9.09% and 7.32%, respectively. Our method can be effectively applied to traffic sign detection.In this paper, we present a verifiable arbitrated quantum signature scheme based on controlled quantum teleportation. The five-qubit entangled state functions as a quantum channel. The proposed scheme uses mutually unbiased bases particles as decoy particles and performs unitary operations on these decoy particles, applying the functional values of symmetric bivariate polynomial. As such, eavesdropping detection and identity authentication can both be executed. The security analysis shows that our scheme can neither be disavowed by the signatory nor denied by the verifier, and it cannot be forged by any malicious attacker.The problem of reliable function computation is extended by imposing privacy, secrecy, and storage constraints on a remote source whose noisy measurements are observed by multiple parties. The main additions to the classic function computation problem include (1) privacy leakage to an eavesdropper is measured with respect to the remote source rather than the transmitting terminals’ observed sequences; (2) the information leakage to a fusion center with respect to the remote source is considered a new privacy leakage metric; (3) the function computed is allowed to be a distorted version of the target function, which allows the storage rate to be reduced compared to a reliable function computation scenario, in addition to reducing secrecy and privacy leakages; (4) two transmitting node observations are used to compute a function. Inner and outer bounds on the rate regions are derived for lossless and lossy single-function computation with two transmitting nodes, which recover previous results in the literature. For special cases, including invertible and partially invertible functions, and degraded measurement channels, simplified lossless and lossy rate regions are characterized, and one achievable region is evaluated as an example scenario.This paper studies how to attain fairness in communication for omniscience that models the multi-terminal compress sensing problem and the coded cooperative data exchange problem where a set of users exchange their observations of a discrete multiple random source to attain omniscience-the state that all users recover the entire source. The optimal rate region containing all source coding rate vectors that achieve omniscience with the minimum sum rate is shown to coincide with the core (the solution set) of a coalitional game. Two game-theoretic fairness solutions are studied the Shapley value and the egalitarian solution. It is shown that the Shapley value assigns each user the source coding rate measured by their remaining information of the multiple source given the common randomness that is shared by all users, while the egalitarian solution simply distributes the rates as evenly as possible in the core. To avoid the exponentially growing complexity of obtaining the Shapley value, a polynomial-time approximation method is proposed which utilizes the fact that the Shapley value is the mean value over all extreme points in the core. In addition, a steepest descent algorithm is proposed that converges in polynomial time on the fractional egalitarian solution in the core, which can be implemented by network coding schemes. Finally, it is shown that the game can be decomposed into subgames so that both the Shapley value and the egalitarian solution can be obtained within each subgame in a distributed manner with reduced complexity.This Special Issue aimed to gather high-quality advancements in theoretical and practical aspects of computer recognition, pattern recognition, image processing and machine learning (shallow and deep), including, in particular, novel implementations of these techniques in the areas of modern telecommunications and cybersecurity [...].What information-processing strategies and general principles are sufficient to enable self-organized morphogenesis in embryogenesis and regeneration? We designed and analyzed a minimal model of self-scaling axial patterning consisting of a cellular network that develops activity patterns within implicitly set bounds. The properties of the cells are determined by internal 'genetic' networks with an architecture shared across all cells. We used machine-learning to identify models that enable this virtual mini-embryo to pattern a typical axial gradient while simultaneously sensing the set boundaries within which to develop it from homogeneous conditions-a setting that captures the essence of early embryogenesis. Interestingly, the model revealed several features (such as planar polarity and regenerative re-scaling capacity) for which it was not directly selected, showing how these common biological design principles can emerge as a consequence of simple patterning modes. A novel "causal network" analysis of the best model furthermore revealed that the originally symmetric model dynamically integrates into intercellular causal networks characterized by broken-symmetry, long-range influence and modularity, offering an interpretable macroscale-circuit-based explanation for phenotypic patterning. This work shows how computation could occur in biological development and how machine learning approaches can generate hypotheses and deepen our understanding of how featureless tissues might develop sophisticated patterns-an essential step towards predictive control of morphogenesis in regenerative medicine or synthetic bioengineering contexts. The tools developed here also have the potential to benefit machine learning via new forms of backpropagation and by leveraging the novel distributed self-representation mechanisms to improve robustness and generalization.The consensus regarding quantum measurements rests on two statements (i) von Neumann's standard quantum measurement theory leaves undetermined the basis in which observables are measured, and (ii) the environmental decoherence of the measuring device (the "meter") unambiguously determines the measuring ("pointer") basis. The latter statement means that the environment monitors (measures) selected observables of the meter and (indirectly) of the system. Equivalently, a measured quantum state must end up in one of the "pointer states" that persist in the presence of the environment. We find that, unless we restrict ourselves to projective measurements, decoherence does not necessarily determine the pointer basis of the meter. Namely, generalized measurements commonly allow the observer to choose from a multitude of alternative pointer bases that provide the same information on the observables, regardless of decoherence. By contrast, the measured observable does not depend on the pointer basis, whether in the presence or in the absence of decoherence.
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