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Dear Sir,
I’m John Wyndham, the writer of WEB. As you know, I have got a book which is best seller named WEB. I wanted to contact about making this story into a movie. I have some books which was adapted to movie before. I took part in every stage actively while we were adapting stories into movie. In my belief, this one will be the best because this story deserves it. This story has got what audiences need to watch. Nowadays, the movies about struggling to survive are really famous. On the other hand my story has got one point more. It is the drama perspective. There is a man who lost his family and the life purpose. As I see for years, people love to watch someone who is devastated. That’s why, I think we have a project which will be box-office hit.
First of all, visual effects have vital impact on audience. This story takes place in a virgin island which is dangerous. There will be a lot of visual effects to show the action. I also have experience about visual effects. If the wonderfulness of our visual effects spread abroad, everyone will want to see this movie. For instance, who doesn’t want to see a spider while it’s eating a man? It’s marvellous idea. Additionally, I have got some suggestion for the people who will star in this movie. We can make an offer to Tom Cruise. He is one of my best friends. If you accept, I am going to offer him the role of Arnold Delgrange, the starring character. Provided that you accept my offer, I have got huge number of social contacts including movie stars, talk show producers. I have made all plans for advertising. I am going to take part in talk shows and radio programs to advertise about my new movie. Furthermore, Angelina Jolie can be a good option for Camillia Cogent. This woman is full of energy and too adventurous. When someone says action and adventure, Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft comes to my mind. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like her movies. She is also my acquaintance. Additionally, the biggest factor which will get you to adapt this movie into movie is the English movie sector. This story mostly takes place in England. English movies is famous for spreading to the world. As long as, we start broadcasting it in English cinemas, it will be famous very soon on the world.
To my mind, the most significant thing that we should avoid sharing stereotype. If you look my story one more time, you won’t see any stereotype because stereotypes get people bored. I am sure WEB will be one of the most watched and most rated movies of all time.
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