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Name: Motgrad
Capital: Motgrad, "The Motte-Town"
Race(s): Human
Religion(s): Reformed Church of the Way, The Elements, Ancestral Worship
Population: 500 000
Government: Republic/Anarchy
Enemies: Morne
Allies: Belisaria, Kharad Kharam


Name: Borning
Class: Bear-Fighter
When Morne rebelled from the Imperium, undead hordes stampeded across the Ward River and Imperial troops were unable to stop them. In that dire hour, the bold and hardy woodsmen took up arms in defence of their homeland, but it would still have been for naught hadn't it been for Borning.
He came from the woods in great fury as a mighty bear and it is said that even the twisted hearts of dead were then filled with dread. The woodsmen took heart and charged, pushing the undead back and setting the Ward River as a stable border for many years.
They then chose Borning as their leader, one to dictate their great Moot; and although Borning rarely takes interests in the politics there, the long-lived bear-man opens the Moots to this day.


Name: Grimor Darthlon
Class: Castellan
Someone has to take care of the castle of Motgrad when the Moot is not in session and that man is Grimor. A hardy soldier of many years who has served both Motgrad and Belisaria and won many knightly tournaments, he is the best man to deal with the splendour the woodsmen are so unused to.

Name: Harding One-Ear
Class: Iron Veteran
Tier: Heroic
That man has been through everything and seen everything. The most experienced commander of woodsmen, he has been to wars since he was a child: both against the undead and against the Northmen. His reputation of a grim and harsh man is bolstered by his missing ear and some fingers, lost to cold or the enemy. He may be old, but there is none that could claim such knowledge of war as he.

Name: Duldier the Minstrel
Class: Bard
Tier: Heroic
A young and carefree man, Duldier, born on the shores of Ward River, has seen to much already of the horrors that plague the silent woodland realm. Now, he travels the forest with his lyra, seeking to bring a bit of joy or reinforcement of heart into the dark everyday life of the woodsfolk.


Basic Melee Unit Examples: Woodsman Militia
Basic Ranged Unit Examples: Hunter
Basic Cavalry Unit Examples: Someone-who-has-a-horse
Elite Unit Examples: Thanes
Special Unit Examples: Animal Companions, Werebeasts
Spellcaster Unit Examples: Not much, a local witch perhaps


Economy: It survives
Technology: Sufficient for survival
Society: Self-contained
The Winter Solstice is about - and thus the Moot! What will be decided this time, with the apparent revitalisation - as much as the dead can be revitalised - on the other side of the Ward River?
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