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The Electric Fire Suite UK Success Story You'll Never Remember
Electric Fire Suite

Electric fire suites are a great option for anyone looking to add a touch luxury and style to their house. They are easy to install and are safe, as well as providing lots of heat.

The Brockenhurst suite is a blend of timeless marble design and cutting-edge LED flame-effect technology. It also comes with a contrast marble hearth and back panel.

The type of fire

An electric fire suite is the ideal option if you have no chimney or flue, but would like to add the look and feel of a fireplace to your home. Electric fire suites come in a variety of styles, from traditional to contemporary. They come with a surround which frames the fire and creates a focal point in your living space. Some surrounds have media units, log storage and decor areas to enhance the design.

The majority of electric fire sets feature a realistic flame effect and use low energy LED lighting. Some are EcoDesign compliant and include various energy-saving features, like a daily timer or seven day timer. Thermostats and open window detection. These features can help you save energy, which is vital for the environment and your wallet!

Electric fires don't release harmful gases like gas fires or log burners. They also don't release smoke, fumes, or soot and are therefore safer for homes with children and pets. It is crucial to keep in mind that they can be dangerous when you don't use the proper precautions or they are misused.

Modern electric fire sets are highly efficient and consume less energy than traditional heating systems. The amount of power they use will depend on the wattage, the cost of electricity and the amount of time you intend to use them daily. Celsi UltiflameVR Elara is a fireplace with 1600 watts, will use approximately 1.6kWh of electricity per hour.

While electric fire suites don't require chimneys however, they do come with some restrictions on where you may install them. For example, you must ensure that your electric fire unit doesn't interfere with the wiring in your home. Also, you must ensure that it doesn't come into contact with any moisture, which could cause corrosion or damage. Also, ensure that the electric fire place is at least 3 feet from any combustible material, such as curtains or furniture.

victorian electric fire suites fireplacesandstove of surround

The kind of surround you select is a big decision as it can affect the overall appearance of your fireplace. Choose a lighter, stone-coloured surround for a neat and minimal finish or a darker one to make the fireplace stand out in the room. If you're seeking to create a classic look, go for a wood surround for an electric wood-burning stove. There are also contemporary electric fire suites that have surrounds made of materials like black glass or brushed steel.

Some fire suites with electric features include the hearth, which is situated beneath the surround. This helps protect the floor and walls from the effects of smoke. This is an excellent option for those who do not have fireplaces since it gives the impression that the surround and the fire are one piece. There are surrounds that are designed to work with a variety of hearth types. This means you don't have to be concerned about finding one that works.

A stylish and easy-to-install electric fireplace suite can transform your home and create a striking focal point for your room. Electric fireplace suites are available in a range of styles, including some featuring LED mood lighting and heat settings that can be adjusted. Electric fire suites are easy to install, and don't require chimneys or complicated installation.

Katell Varese is a great option for living rooms with its sleek style and a versatile style that can be easily adapted to various themes of decor. It comes with an effect of moulded coal with realistic flame options and LED lighting that can be controlled remotely, allowing you to easily alter the appearance of your home.

Elgin and Hall Pryzm Vardo is a traditional electric fire suite. This electric fireplace suite features a high-quality solid oak surround with a selection of marble heartshs as well as back panels. It also includes a contemporary Elgin and Hall Chollerton inset electric fire.

For a less complicated and economical option, you could consider a floorstanding electric fireplace suite. These suites are easy to install and can be placed in a flat position against the wall. These suites will provide a warm, cozy atmosphere to your home and complement your central heating system. The Flamerite Aubade and Tennyson LED fireplace suites are both ideal alternatives for smaller spaces. They are easy to clean and have integrated downlights that are built into the surrounds.

The type of mantelpiece

Whether you're looking for a chic marble surround or a sleek contemporary design, the mantelpiece is an essential part of any fireplace set. Apart from framing the fireplace it also serves as the perfect platform to display items like pictures and other ornaments. It comes in a wide variety of finishes and materials making it possible to find the perfect fit for your decor.

Mantelpieces are the decorative framework that surrounds a fireplace, and can extend to the ceiling or into the room. It can be intricately carved and be the central point of any room. It was originally a cover to keep smoke out of grates. It's now a sought-after feature in the home that adds an aesthetic element to the space.

There are a variety of mantels, and each one is unique. Some mantels are constructed of stone or wood and have an archway over the an opening for the fireplace. Some are more elaborate and extend over the wall until they reach the ceiling. Modern mantels can be constructed out of metal or concrete.

Some people prefer to hang mirrors or paintings above the mantel, whereas others prefer to display collectibles and other ornaments. Some individuals decorate their mantelpieces around Christmas. The most common customs is to hang up stockings on the mantel and to drink eggnog.

An electric fire suite is a fantastic option for those looking to create a dramatic centerpiece in their home. Electric suites are simpler to set up than traditional gas fires as they do not require a chimney or flue. The built-in fan heater can also warm up the entire room, creating a cozy ambience.

Additionally, electric fire suites are an economical alternative to expensive gas or wood burning fireplaces. They are easy to install and provide high levels of efficiency when it comes to heating. This can reduce heating bills. Besides they can also be used to substitute for an open fire, and can be easily moved from room to room.


If you're looking to add an impressive feature fireplace suite to your home without the cost of constructing an open or gas fireplace you should consider an electric fire suite. These fires are simple to install, and they can be plugged in to any regular power outlet. They're an excellent choice for those who want to upgrade their home without the need to do any building work. However, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines when installing an electric fire in a way that isn't done correctly could lead to dangerous and disastrous results.

A majority of electric fireplaces come with the option of a surround and an electric fire. This means that you have everything you require in one package. If you're concerned about the installation process you can always employ an expert to install it for you, but be sure to check whether they've had experience working with this kind of product. They can also assist you to select the right size surround and ensure that it fits safely and correctly.

Inset electric fireplaces are generally designed to be placed in the traditional fireplace. However, some models can be positioned on a wall that is flat. These kinds of electric fireplaces are becoming more popular, as they provide instant focal points for your room. It is crucial that you follow the instructions of the manufacturer when fitting a wall-mounted electric fire, as doing it incorrectly can result in damage or even fire hazards.

Elgin & Hall Pryzm Varido, for example it can be positioned on a flat surface and has a flame effect as well as an electric heater that is easy to install. It also has an LCD remote control and remote display that allows you to adjust the flame effect brightness or the level of heat depending on the requirements. The Flamerite Aubade and Tennyson LED electric fireplace suites can also be hung on an unfinished wall. They also have built-in low-energy LED mood lighting that can be adjusted to brightness or shifted through 13 different colours.

Another option is the Suncrest Detroit, which is a free-standing electric fireplace suite that does not require a chimney or a flue. It features a modern chunky frame with a white, textured finish that frames the widescreen electric fireplace perfectly and is low enough to mount televisions above. This is a great option for living rooms that are main extension, dining rooms, and dining rooms, as well as bedrooms and conservatories.

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