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things: when we were new friends and she cried, i feel like she doesnt like to show that side of her to people although it feels very *human* and genuine when she does, like she likes to play things off and act like nothing happened all of a sudden
it felt like she was able to connect with me almost right away although to me we seemed extremely different and i would have never imagined id care about her and feel like ill miss her as much as i do
when she opens a convo even the most surface level convos (like fav colors)she somehow turns them into deeper convo (like explaining the meaning or feel of the color) and it feels as though she gives meaning to the simplest of things in life
if feels like she has the ability to make the person in front of her appreciate those simple things as much as she shows appreciation for them (like seeing a bird and talking about how cute it is, ive had a very faint interest in birds but she made me notice them much more and now i subconsiously tell myself "oh such a cute bird" because she always comments on them)
i feel like she usually puts on a character when she talks to people like being annoying or being overtalkative or being spoiled etc, but between those moments i sometimes see her true personality and its so human and beautiful in such a refreshing way, i really dont think i can write negatives but maybe a negative would be that you dont show ur true self to others often even those who seem close to you, while its not nessesarly something u have to fix because i understand that it might be just whats comfortable for you, i still think that humans in general have to show that part of them occasionally or else they'll never form a truly deep and trusting relationship with others, and also just that its cruel not to show that beautiful side of you, that might sound like im just throwing complements but im really not a person that gives out empty complements to a friend, and im also not big on emotions so i truly and genineuly mean every single thing i said, and this is the reason i wanted the notebook for a longer time, because id rather not write anything than write a bunch of empty words such as "ill miss youu" or " you're amazinggg" i really hope my true feelings gets through to you and you understand what i meant by everything the way i intended you to understand it, because im not really good with words usually. you're a truely great friend and i feel like you will be one of the people i wont forget, which arent a lot. <3

here are things that caught my attention about you: you like poetry which is so cute and it suits you so well, also turkish coffee which means uve great taste, and u like astronomyyyy which i didnt expect but i love thatt and these things are some of the things that make me wish we had more time together to talk about them because i didnt expect to have similar interests and i feel like we might have been closer if we had more time together, is it just me?

i'd also like to add something that might be obvious but its worth saying: i obviously dont think everything i said is true as i feel like completely understanding another person is nearly impossible, and i feel like we didnt get to know each other for long enough for me to truly get to know you, but from this little time, i feel like this is what i gathered.
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