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Can an Online Doctor Prescribe Adderall?

Most online doctors are unable to prescribe Adderall.

Adderall is classified as a controlled substance like to the Food and Drug Administration, and not all online physicians are able to give prescriptions for controlled substances. This is why it is recommended that you consult with a doctor in person for the Adderall prescription.

If you aren't able to obtain Adderall from any of our doctors who are board-certified online, you might be able to obtain other ADHD medicines through video or telephone appointment.

Here's everything you need to know about Adderall ADHD and how to get prescriptions on the internet.

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Can You Get an Adderall Prescription Online?

As stated above It isn't always possible to obtain an Adderall prescription on the internet.

Why? Because it's a controlled drug because of its addictive nature and the higher risk of misuse. The controlled substances like Adderall are typically recommended by a physician following an in-person consultation.

There are alternatives to ADHD medications that you can get from our certified online doctors like Strattera as well as its generic form that is atomoxetine Guanfacine and bupropion.

These medications that are not stimulants need a few weeks before they begin working, but they can be able to treat ADHD effectively. They can treat ADHD as efficaciously as Adderall without the danger of dependence.

Contact one of our reliable board-certified doctors for these non-stimulant ADHD medication available online.

Although our board-certified physicians can't prescribe Adderall however, we wish to inform you of its effects, uses and its role in the treatment of ADHD.


Book on our free mobile app or website.

Our doctors operate in all 50 states and same day appointments are available every 15 minutes.


See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.


Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.

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What Does Adderall Treat?

Adderall is a mix of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, is used primarily for help treat the condition of attention deficit (ADHD). It is also used to treat the symptoms of narcolepsy.

Adderall Side Effects

Apart from the possibility of dependence, Adderall has many potential negative side effects, which include:

Dry mouth






Weight loss

Menstrual cramps that hurt

Changes in the sex drive of a woman or the ability



Teeth grinding


Mania (frenzied or abnormally exuberant mood)




The tongue is swelling or throat, eyes or on the face

Vision blurred


Heart attack


Sudden death

Adderall Precautions and Interactions

Adderall isn't for everyone. Always discuss with your doctor your health history in detail and any medications you're taking such as supplements or over-the-counter medicines.

Make sure you not forget to mention any of these medical conditions:



Heartbeat irregularity

Heart attack


Heart disease

Bipolar disorder, depression or any other mental disease


Liver or kidney disease

Breastfeeding, pregnant or could become pregnant

Inform your doctor that you are taking any of the following medications:

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors


Antacids and other medicines for ulcers or heartburn



Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)








Treatments for migraine headaches

Medications for seizures




Selective serotonin inhibits reuptake

Serotonin and norepinephrine inhibits reuptake

Sodium bicarbonate

The sodium phosphate

Thiazide diuretics (water pills)


St. John's wort


glutamic acid (L-glutamine)

ADHD Diagnosis

A ADHD diagnosis is usually established after taking a detailed list of symptoms together symptoms checklists, as well as eliminating physical causes of the symptoms.

why buying amphetamine is treated by therapy, medication or both.

Talk therapy involves discussing the ways in which ADHD can affect you or your child's life, and developing strategies to control it.

The focus of behavior therapy is the monitoring of behavior and changing it to control ADHD.

Stimulant medicines such as Adderall or Ritalin improve the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. They are quick to work, but they are prone to dependence and adverse negative effects. The stimulant drugs are controlled substances, and should only be prescribed at in-person appointment with a doctor.

Non-stimulant medicines, such as antidepressants are also used in treating ADHD. While the drugs take some time to accumulate within the system before they begin decreasing the symptoms of ADHD, they're thought to be safer than stimulants and you are able to buy antidepressants on the internet in the event of a prescription.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Buy Adderall with no Health Insurance?

You can buy Adderall with no health coverage. However, the brand name is quite expensive, over $300 per 30 capsule.

Can You Get Generic Adderall?

It is possible to buy generic Adderall at a reasonable cost and under $30 in a few instances.

Can Adderall Be Prescribed Electronically?

Because Adderall is considered to be a controlled drug It is suggested to visit an individual doctor for prescription.

Can I Get Treated for ADHD Online?

Yes there are non-stimulant ADHD medications are available following an online appointment with a doctor.

In the event that you'd like to speak with us about non-stimulant medications to treat ADHD Our licensed physicians will impart more details. They'll want to know questions about the symptoms you're experiencing, your your medical background, and any medication you're currently taking.

If they think that you might benefit from an unstimulant ADHD medicine, then they could electronically transfer the medication to your doctor.

Book an appointment online with your doctor below you can download PlushCare mobile application.


Book on our free mobile app or website.

Our doctors operate in all 50 states and same day appointments are available every 15 minutes.


See a doctor, get treatment and a prescription at your local pharmacy.


Use your health insurance just like you normally would to see your doctor.

Schedule an appointment

Therapy can also benefit to treat signs of ADHD. You can now get online therapy through PlushCare. To book an appointment to receive online therapy, please click here.


Browse our network of top therapist to find one that matches your needs.


Get private and secure emotional support weekly from your dedicated therapist.


Experience comprehensive care with unlimited access to your care team and primary care physician.

Talk to an Online Therapist

Read More About ADHD Treatment

ADHD's Effect On Learning


PlushCare is committed to providing accurate and reliable health information.

Medline Plus. Dextroamphetamine and Amphetamine. Accessed on December 10, 2020 at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What Is ADHD? Accessed on December 10, 2020 at

National Institute of Mental Health. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Accessed on December 10, 2020 at

The majority of PlushCare articles are examined with M.D.s, Ph.Ds, N.P.s as well as nutritionists and other health professionals. You can click this link to read more about us and meet the experts who write for our blog. The PlushCare blog, and any associated information is not intended to or intended to be used as medical advice neither is it is a replacement for competent medical advice or treatment. For more information, click this link.
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